Mengniu Fresh Dairy Products Co., Ltd Shiny Meadow Milk Fit Package
Shiny Meadow Milk Fit Package is Silver Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Packaging Design Award Category.
Shiny Meadow Milk Fit Package

Upholding the healthy diet concept of lighter heart in emotion and a lighter burden in diet, the brand features high nutrition, light burden, low fat and calorie, making it tastier. With the little green cat as the main visual element, the product establishes emotional connections with young people in a more friendly manner. And the brand uses the visual image of the little green cat to tell the story of stray animal rescue campaign of the brand and the implementation of sustainable development.

Shiny Meadow Milk Fit Package
Mengniu Fresh Dairy Products Co., Ltd Shiny Meadow Milk Fit
Mengniu Fresh Dairy Products Co., Ltd Package
Mengniu Fresh Dairy Products Co., Ltd design
Mengniu Fresh Dairy Products Co., Ltd design
Mengniu Fresh Dairy Products Co., Ltd

Huang Li, creative director of 10+ INTERNATIONAL 4A advertising agency and Party A, has served Coca-Cola, Wuliangye, Tencent, Sephora, Danone, Mengniu and other companies, and has rich experience in food and beverage product design. Founded in 2018, SHINY MEADOW brand is positioned as a new benchmark for high-end fresh milk, and is committed to creating its Chinese own high-end fresh milk brand to provide higher quality choices for elite consumers. With its high quality and fresh taste, SHINY MEADOW won the 2018 "China Dairy Excellent New Product Award". In 2020, it won the TBI Annual Popular Brand Award, the most growing brand, in 2021, it won the "World Quality Evaluation Conference Quality Gold Award" in 2022, won the "Social Innovation Contribution Award" of CBN, and won the "2022 Best ESG Brand" of TBI, etc., in the five years of listing, SHINY MEADOW has maintained a three-digit high growth year after year, and has continuously become the representative word of "new benchmark for high-end fresh milk" in the minds of consumers.

Shiny Meadow

Founded in 2018, SHINY MEADOW brand is positioned as a new benchmark for high-end fresh milk, and is committed to creating its Chinese own high-end fresh milk brand to provide higher quality choices for elite consumers. With its high quality and fresh taste, SHINY MEADOW won the 2018 "China Dairy Excellent New Product Award". In 2020, it won the TBI Annual Popular Brand Award, the most growing brand, in 2021, it won the "World Quality Evaluation Conference Quality Gold Award" in 2022, won the "Social Innovation Contribution Award" of CBN, and won the "2022 Best ESG Brand" of TBI, etc., in the five years of listing, SHINY MEADOW has maintained a three-digit high growth year after year, and has continuously become the representative word of "new benchmark for high-end fresh milk" in the minds of consumers.