Azam Nabatian Rose Flower Earrings
Rose Flower Earrings is Silver Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Jewelry Design Award Category.
Rose Flower Earrings

Designer selected the flowers as part of nature and they considered the diamonds around the flowers as dew in nature surrounding the flowers. The brilliance of the dew on the flower adds to the beauty of the flower as a gem that has taken the color of the flowers and it falls. By using enamel colors and a combination of it with jewellery makes this recognizable piece. Metal casting, fire enamel and hand made stone setting is used in the creation of this work.

Rose Flower Earrings
Azam Nabatian Rose Flower
Azam Nabatian Earrings
Azam Nabatian design
Azam Nabatian

I am Anita, I've worked in the field of design since I graduated from university. I have designed Jewerly for years and established my Jewerly brand in 2021 under the name "ANIRIS" which focuses on the concept of spectacular color with enamel work. My Jewerly designs are inspired by nature and I attempt to expresshe beauties of nature in my works