The Airy worktable was made as an experimental prototype in response to studio space becoming increasingly spatially interchangeable, in which the identification anchor of design’s arena is one’s own worktable. Straddling the paradox between the intricate complexity of a bespoke piece of furniture and an extremely fast assembly and disassembly process, Airy adapts to individual habits from one place to another. This carefully crafted prototype is mobile, functional, adaptable and a bespoke friend in our workspaces. It offers: light mobility, formal functionality and oblique adaptability.
Ivana Wingham is an architect and academic, studied Architecture at Belgrade University (B.Sc.), at Architectural Association London (AA Grad Dipl., M.Phil.) Bartlett, UCL (Ph.D.). She worked at University of Manchester, University of Greenwich, University of Brighton and The Bartlett School of Architecture. Her work is concerned with making and drawing of uncertain productions in architecture and design.
Ivana Wingham is an architect and academic. She studied architecture at Belgrade University (B.Sc.), at the Architectural Association London (AA Grad. Dipl.; M.Phil.); and Bartlett, University College London (Ph.D.). Her work is concerned with the making and drawing of architecture that embed uncertain conditions in the design process. In her practical work the focus is on unpredictability of occupation and inhabitation of spaces, and how things could be made and designed with authenticity, intrinsic comfort, satisfaction of need while combining unusual swatch of color and materiality with meticulous approach to details. Such work has a ‘conversational’ relationship with her academic work that theorizes about different modes of architectural production and inherent instabilities and ambiguities present in ‘before architecture’ drawings and experimentation.