Filippo Caprioglio Home FT3 Single Family House
Home FT3 Single Family House is Silver Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Home FT3 Single Family House

This single family house, Home FT3, was conceived by following the highest sustainable principles and to offer the inhabitants the maximum comfort in a quiet urban environment. The natural light shapes the spaces of this contemporary architecture piece in the city of Mogliano Veneto, Italy. The garden and the swimming pool are integral part of the design concept and a fun part to the architecture design. Home FT3 is designed for a family of five persons.

Home FT3 Single Family House
Filippo Caprioglio Home FT3
Filippo Caprioglio Single Family House
Filippo Caprioglio design
Filippo Caprioglio design
Filippo Caprioglio

Filippo Caprioglio is a polyhedric and talented designer that works on multiple scale level, from tiny industrial objects, to large public buildings. His research is focused on the building spaces related to the human scale.From the great publics complexes to the private building, the work of Filippo and his firm Caprioglio Architects has fixed, in its temporal distance, episodes that have characterized the territory of belongings and enriched the research, technical and formal, of which the contemporary architecture it has made the own flag.

Caprioglio Architects

The Client, a family of five persons, brief and desires were fully accomplished. During the entire length of the project development and during the construction phases the relations with the Client were tight and productive to obtain the aimed result.