Aw Siao Ping Folding Seasons Coffee Table
Folding Seasons Coffee Table is Iron Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Furniture Design Award Category.
Folding Seasons Coffee Table

The concept is conceived from the Fibonacci spiral occurring in nature. This 3-dimensional spiral design is crafted using 4 concentric circles to form the top spiral while the bottom part is a flip mirror. These circles would form an endless loop resembling that of a spiraling star held in suspension. The spiral blades form undulated peaks and valleys while these points are meticulously calculated to form supports for the tabletop and base. 4 highest peaks to support the top while the subsequent 4 valleys form the bases. This gave the sculpture a sense of transparency, fluidity and cantilever

Folding Seasons Coffee Table
Aw Siao Ping Folding Seasons
Aw Siao Ping Coffee Table
Aw Siao Ping design
Aw Siao Ping design
Folding Seasons

XSparks is a Product Design nursery center created to expounds the vision to germinate, propagate and market leapfrog Xtra-Special design ideas to its greatest potential. The Folding Seasons table is an in-house design project identified to best demonstrate the process of transporting an ‘idea to reality’ fully supported by ample resources made available by our collaborators.