nour zeino saccal Urban Garden Residential Villa
Urban Garden Residential Villa is Bronze Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Urban Garden Residential Villa

Inspired from a longing to sit in nature and a client's love of Japanese gardens, the project seeks to create a house that is a garden in its essence instead of a house that includes one; Due to the narrow plot it is designed as a vertical garden with rooms acting like pavilions within with a special emphasis on bringing light in and creating spatial relationships across the floors. The ground floor for instance is designed as an open plan where one can look down to see the garden and pool below or look across to see the house façade from within or look up to see the sky.

Urban Garden  Residential Villa
nour zeino saccal Urban Garden
nour zeino saccal Residential Villa
nour zeino saccal design
nour zeino saccal design
Saccal Design House

Saccal Design House, located in Beirut Lebanon, was founded in 2014 by two sisters Nour and Maysa Saccal. The company provides interior design and architecture services as well as product design. In 2018, they opened a branch in Kuwait city. Saccal Design House aims to evoke EMOTION and instil a sense of WONDER and AMBIGUITY that is explored at different scales. Through architecture and interior design their focus is on creating novel experiences that invite curiosity and generate conversation and questioning of existing norms. They seek bespoke solutions that respond uniquely to urban, site and ecological specificities as well as enhancing existing or lost socio-cultural practices. A sustainable agenda is at their foremost concern in the aim of creating buildings that become part of an energy efficient cycle as well as through the use of sustainable materials. Through product design, Saccal Design House aims to explore design in different mediums/materials to invite emotion and even a sense of confusion in the positive sense. Designed elements are not solely thought of as static objects; instead as tools for engendering actions, reactions and sensibilities. Nour is an architect who completed her graduate studies at the Barcelona Institute of Architecture with an undergraduate degree in Architecture from the American University of Beirut. Whereas, Maysa is an Interior architect who graduated from the Lebanese American University in Beirut.