Kelly Lin Merchants Yonglan Bay Sales Center
Merchants Yonglan Bay Sales Center is Silver Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Merchants Yonglan Bay Sales Center

This project is located in Qinhan New City of Xixian New Area, Xi An, China. Inspired from the tiny creatures of the natural word, the designer likens the interior to a forest space under the ecological vision. The ever-changing beauty of nature surges in space through golden crystals, rough rocks, lush forests, active creatures, etc., giving people an experience of strolling in the forest, which is full of vitality.

Merchants Yonglan Bay Sales Center
Kelly Lin Merchants Yonglan Bay
Kelly Lin Sales Center
Kelly Lin design
Kelly Lin design
Kelly Lin

Kelly Lin is the Founder and Creative Director of Shenzhen BlueMoon Design, China. BlueMoon implies it has a strong belief in beauty and can create something unique. Founded in 2002, Bluemoon has been specialized in the areas of interior and exterior space design as well as soft furnishing design. Its scope of services covers hotels, clubhouses, sales centers and show flats, etc.

Xi'an Branch Company of China Merchants Shekou Holdings

China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co., Ltd. is the flagship enterprise of the urban integrated development and operation segment of China Merchants Group, and is an important core asset integration and business synergy platform of China Merchants Group in China.