Flowing Incense is based on the Chinese ritual of incense burning. The collection combines elements of prehistoric and contemporary artefacts with the innovative technology Flowing Lithography Ceramic to balance the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese complexity and abstraction. Yao Xiong combines high-tech ceramic with special handcrafted techniques to create jewellery pieces inviting the viewer to follow the decorative movement visually and spiritually contemplate the abstract white space. This ring also has the function of burning incense.
Yao Xiong is a London-based jeweller who specialises in ceramics and metal materials, as she has had an 8-year career in mixed ceramics and jewellery practice. With her unique understanding of oriental culture, she has collaborated with the Ceramic Technology Laboratory in China to innovate flow lithography ceramics and apply it to jewellery collections, offering a new range of jewellery to explore. In the future, she will continue to develop high-tech ceramics, a material with potential and unknowns, with innovative design thinking.