Bo Gou Bin Xin Zodiac Pattered Tea Box Packaging
Zodiac Pattered Tea Box Packaging is Bronze Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Packaging Design Award Category.
Zodiac Pattered Tea Box Packaging

Zodiac is an important part of the Chinese culture. Zodiac has many positive meanings and is closely related to everybody. Mouse means wisdom, ox diligence. When wisdom is combined with diligence, tiger represents braveness, rabbit caution, dragon vigor, sneak suppleness, horse courage, sheep meekness, monkey flexibility, chicken stableness, dog loyalty, and pig mildness. And drinking tea is a mental cultivation. It represents a life process and the inside stableness. Therefore, Zodiac and tea, combined, will bring more positive perspectives in better and happier lives.

Zodiac Pattered  Tea Box Packaging
Bo Gou  Bin Xin Zodiac Pattered
Bo Gou  Bin Xin Tea Box Packaging
Bo Gou  Bin Xin design
Bo Gou  Bin Xin design