Incorporating exhibitions, catering, cultural and creative stores, and market spaces into a socially-engaged approach to public openness, they made Yeh Shyr-Tau's literary memorial museum an attractive and open form of contact with the public. They provide a context for understanding Yeh's life and work in a permanent exhibition and make the museum a literary open space by recreating the interior of Yeh's novel and constructing the landscape of Yeh's scenes from his books.
The Taipei-based media platform has devoted itself to curating design and art exhibitions, artistic creativity development, and cross-cultural exchange since 2012. Conceptual development, exhibition planning, exhibition, event production, event management, artistic marketing, and media resources integration are some of their services.
The Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan City Government, was formed on Dec. 25, 2010; this was the day that Tainan county and city merged, making Tainan a municipality, and the Bureau was therefore reconstituted and renamed by merging the former Cultural Affairs Bureau, Tainan County Government, and Department of Culture and Tourism, Tainan City Government. The first director-general was Yeh, Tse-shan. In May 2011, he was officially promoted as the director-general of the Bureau. Since the Bureau was established, and the Tourism Bureau was set up under the Tainan City Government, the affairs in regard to tourism originally under the governance of the Tainan County Government Cultural Affairs Bureau have been put under the charge of the Tourism Bureau. For further development of the cultural administration in the greater Tainan area and in response to the reconstitution of the Council for Cultural Affairs into the Ministry of Culture in 2012, the following units will be set up in 2013: Arts Development Division, Cultural Resources Division, Cultural Facilities Division, Cultural Research Division, Historic Sites Operation Divison, Cultural and Creative Development Division, Cultural Parks Management Division, Yonghua Cultural Center Management Division, and Minjhih Cultural Center Management Division, in addition to the original Secretariat, Personnel Office, Accounting Office, and Civil Service Ethics Office, etc. In addition, affiliated institutions, including the Tainan Municipal Library and Cultural Heritage Administration Center, were founded for various affairs related to Tainan’s cultural policies, as well as exhibitions and performances.