Vicky Chan K Farm Urban Design
K Farm Urban Design is Golden Design Award winner in 2021 - 2022 Sustainable Products, Projects and Green Design Award Category.
K Farm Urban Design

K Farm challenges urban farming under extreme conditions and turns farming into natural education that people can enjoy. Because of this coastal condition along Victoria Harbour, It has innovated three types of farming to suit this specific climate. One is Hydroponics to provide weatherproof farming for in all conditions, two is aquaponics to study how fish and plants can coexist, and three is organic with various height and species to serve as inclusive farming.

K Farm Urban Design
Vicky Chan K Farm
Vicky Chan Urban Design
Vicky Chan design
Vicky Chan design
Vicky Chan

Vicky is an architect, entrepreneur, environmentalist, educator, futurist, and world citizen. His professional works promote sustainable cities and buildings. He volunteers to teach sustainable concepts to children. His work has won 25 awards related to sustainability. His projects are in 37 cities and 22 countries. He now owns 4 company in 2 countries. He believes design excellence can improve the way we live, work and play. Holistic architecture that combines art and science will make good design for the people and the environment.

K Farm

Our vision is to build sustainable and caring communities by promoting physical and mental wellbeing and social inclusion through a series of farming activities in different districts and to provide an open space for leisure and relaxation. The project is founded in 2018 by Rough C Limited, Avoid Obvious Architects and Farmacy.