Bloom is a bio-inspired, pneumatically actuated, shape morphing soft robotic gripper that is capable of on-site rapid workspace reconfigurability. It features passive retractable nails, bi-directional foldable petals, and a flexible palm to adapt to various grasping and manipulation tasks. The ability to rapidly reconfigure grasping workspace on-the-fly allows Bloom to perform assembly tasks consisting of highly varying subtasks, a feat previously not possible using conventional rigid or existing soft grippers.
Our group studies new approaches to design and fabricate actuation, locomotion, and sensing mechanisms for novel robots. Our work is multidisciplinary and focused in three main areas: bio-inspired design, modeling, and advanced fabrication processes. We combine theoretical modeling with laboratory experiments to obtain insights into different dynamic phenomena found in nature. These studies guide our designs of simple and elegant robot mechanisms and their interactions with different environments.
Our group studies new approaches to design and fabricate actuation, locomotion, and sensing mechanisms for novel robots. Our work is multidisciplinary and focused in three main areas: bio-inspired design, modeling, and advanced fabrication processes. We combine theoretical modeling with laboratory experiments to obtain insights into different dynamic phenomena found in nature. These studies guide our designs of simple and elegant robot mechanisms and their interactions with different environments.