Loe Interior Design Golden Spikes Reception Center Show House
Golden Spikes Reception Center Show House is Iron Design Award winner in 2021 - 2022 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Golden Spikes Reception Center Show House

The design team compared the reception center to a theater, using the opening of the theater to present the project. This project is like attending a play, there is a variety of props in the venue. Uses circular curtains and retractable metal curtains to bring a sense of vividness to the space while the oval stainless steel corrugated panels set off the starry night sky. Following the spiral staircase is like being in the center of the stage, the curtain of the circle evokes the curiosity of the visitors, who then walk into the show house to view the different themes of the space.

Golden Spikes Reception Center Show House
Loe Interior Design Golden Spikes
Loe Interior Design Reception Center Show House
Loe Interior Design design
Loe Interior Design design
Loe Interior Design

Loe Interior Design spirit is in line with people's hearts and minds, suitable for people's lives, so that the design can maintain its own attitude and temperature. Don't give the so-called classics like a model, break the limitations to practice expectations, find a balance between ideals and reality, and use design to make space a stable force that supports people's hearts.

Loe Interior Design

Loe Interior Design spirit is in line with people's hearts and minds, suitable for people's lives so that the design can maintain its own attitude and temperature. Don't give the so-called classics like a model, break the limitations to practice expectations, find a balance between ideals and reality, and use design to make space a stable force that supports people's hearts.