Sherine Mahgoub The Dsgnry Retail Project for Product Designers
The Dsgnry Retail Project for Product Designers is Bronze Design Award winner in 2021 - 2022 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
The Dsgnry Retail Project for Product Designers

The Space designed is a retail project dedicated to unique product designers, surrounded by all the services that designers pursue, like designers' offices, meeting room, sample room, and a designers gather up and reflection area with a coffee bar. The concept was derived from the branding with soft and curvy details, warm and inviting color scheme, and fine design details.

The Dsgnry Retail Project for Product Designers
Sherine Mahgoub The Dsgnry
Sherine Mahgoub Retail Project for Product Designers
Sherine Mahgoub design
Sherine Mahgoub design
The Dsgnry

Client is a Design Project Called 20 west in Sheikh Zayed Cairo, They wanted to Design a Retail Project for small to medium Product Designers surrounded by all the facilities they might need. The Dsgnry Came to life