Flo is a compact and minimal desktop fan that can use regardless of the seasons. The delicate temperature setting is easy and intuitive with a stick controller on Flo's back. By adjusting the controller between heating and cooling, users will find the desired temperature. Flo also thinks about the earth and its users. Flo's built-in filter can be washable several times and semipermanent. And the filter purifies the air removing dust and viruses. Dust on a fan is the cause of respiratory disease and fire. But Flo promises clean and dust-free air for users' healthy lifestyles.
This is my very first time applying for the design award. Before, I thought that applying for a design award was a challenge and something very difficult. However, after I have uploaded this FLO project on Behance, many people appreciated my work. And finally, the project has been featured on the website. This result encouraged me to continue design work and gave me chance to step forward to this field.