Amin Naimi Sepanta Multifunctional Hall
Sepanta Multifunctional Hall is Iron Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Sepanta Multifunctional Hall

in consider of turtles which are the special species in Kish island. Sepanta is going to attract people's attention firstly and mostly to the importance of turtles and secondly to the multifunctional hall, designed for music, theater and opera which is ley down under smooth wavy surface that is completely associate with ocean wave, The capacity of almost 1350 person and the survey is nearly 6000 square meters. In addition, there is a restaurant and food court in lower floor which is covered by triple glazed curtain wall that gave costumers the view of the Persian gulf.

Sepanta Multifunctional Hall
Amin Naimi Sepanta
Amin Naimi Multifunctional Hall
Amin Naimi design
Amin Naimi design
Amin Naimi

• Top rank in the national entrance exam of the University of Tehran in 1998 • CEO of "ICI" Designers group for 10 years (1999-2009) • Director of Decoration and Furniture department of wood industries factory "Ideht Pardazan Ishtar"(2010-2011) • Senior designer and project manager of Padideh company from 2014-2015 and design and main architecture of projects such as Padideh Kish restaurant, Padideh tourism tower, Padideh Kish hypermarket and interior design of Kish hotel

Excelsior grand resort hotel in Kish Island(Sepanta Gasht Kish Co.)

Sepanta Gasht Kish Company is active in the field of tourism. It is also the builder and owner of Excelsior hotels in Iran and is currently in the final stages of building a hotel on Kish Island with an infrastructure of over 50,000 square meters, including special suites, entertainment and sports complexes, as well as a concert hall. It should be mentioned that at the end of 2021, two new projects on Kish Island, including residential towers and an international sports complex, are on the agenda for holding competitions.