Hsiao-Wen Hu Support Local Music Poster
Support Local Music Poster is Silver Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Support Local Music Poster

This poster is a self-initiated project to support the creative industry as well as the designer's fellow musician friends. The poster is inspired by various classical instruments, integrating the instruments and the type into a playful musical scene. This poster is planned to be printed in Lino Print and distributed around New York City. This poster was inspired by the letter form of the typeface Bio Rhyme Expanded.

Support Local Music Poster
Hsiao-Wen Hu Support Local Music
Hsiao-Wen Hu Poster
Hsiao-Wen Hu design
Hsiao-Wen Hu

This poster is a self-initiated project that came out from Hsiao-Wen's personal life. As a designer who survived through the pandemic, she felt obligated to support her fellow creative professionals. This poster is planned to be printed in Lino Print and distributed in bookstores and cafes in New York City.