The designer created a hypothetical film festival project to celebrate the films of Alfred Hitchcock which inherently have a prevailing obsession with voyeurism. The design follows a thread in which unfulfilled characters stalk victims, giving them a sense of ownership, in the end, dark empowerment motivates the voyeur to murder. The visual elements, user interface, and user experience are all designed from a voyeur perspective. As voyeurs, audiences somehow feel complicit in the events onscreen.
Hi I’m Min Huei. A multidisciplinary designer with a deep background in graphic design building delightful user-centric experiences and meaningful identities. Most recently, I was a Lead Designer at Gong cha where I designed digital experiences that created emotional connections and social value.
The Academy of Art University, formerly Academy of Art College and Richard Stephens Academy of Art, is a private for-profit art school in San Francisco, California, in the United States. It was founded as the Academy of Advertising Art by Richard S. Stephens in 1929.