Virginia Ellyn Melnyk Glow Globs Lighting Installation
Glow Globs Lighting Installation is Bronze Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Category.
Glow Globs Lighting Installation

Glow Globs is an inflatable lighting installation, made from white nylon fabric a blower fan and lED lights. The inflatables design is to be abstract and spark curiosity in the minds of the viewers. The forms were generated by exploring shapes of smoke and air flow. Like a cloud people engage by guessing and imaging the shapes they see. At night the LED lights change color becoming very playful and joyous. The inflatables are meant to critique and respond to the inflatable holiday lawn ornaments so commonly displayed in suburban yards and turn the cartoonish style into something artistic.

Glow Globs Lighting Installation
Virginia Ellyn Melnyk Glow Globs
Virginia Ellyn Melnyk Lighting Installation
Virginia Ellyn Melnyk design
Virginia Ellyn Melnyk design
Virginia Ellyn Melnyk

Virginia Melnyk received her Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University at Buffalo School of Architecture and Urban Planning in 2007, and her Masters in Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania School of Design 2010. She has worked at leading architecture firms in LA, London, New York City, and Beijing. Currently she is a lecturer at Clemson University, and a PhD student in the DigtialFutures international PhD program at Tongji University. Her research is focused around architectural space and textiles. Exploring soft architecture and transformable place. She bridged the highly feminine field of textiles with the mostly male dominated architectural field. Engaging textile crafts from dressmaking and sewing, knitting, weaving and more with the architecture methods of making.

Virginia Melnyk Designs

Virginia Melnyk Designs is a design frim specializing in installation and temporary pop up art. The focus of the work is to explore playfulness, whimsy and colorfulness. Utilizing digital design and computation methodologies combined with techniques of hand craft and making. Often working with textiles, the works is meant to be tactile and engaged with.