A grid of slender steel pipes laid out in a staggered manner minimise the building footprint while providing the rigidity and stability to hoist the living space above this. In keeping with the minimalist icon approach, this farmhouse has been designed within the framework of the existing trees to reduce the internal heat gain. This has been further aided by the intentional staggering of the Fly ash blocks on the facade with the resultant void and shadow naturally cooling the building. Elevating the house also ensured that the Landscape was uninterrupted and the views were unrestricted.
Parallax strongly believes in marrying art and architecture to create artscapes that generate stories, memories and emotion. The firm is driven by its ethics of creating sensible design and on the whole has a large vision of seeing each of the design as setting an example for urban refinement. Responsible design has been inherent to the firm's approach and is at the heart of very project. Right from sourcing materials, engaging local artisans, craftsman and designing passive right, the direction has been to minimise the impact on the ecology
Parallax strongly believes in its ethics of creating sensible architecture and as well educating their clients and on the whole to have a large vision of seeing each of the building sets an example for an urban refinement. Parallax is a partnership venture started about nine years ago, with its partners being Ar. Nagendra Ramachandra & Ar. Raghunandan Gururaj. The firm works towards achieving a high degree of success in maintaining quality levels and ensuring that, through a better understanding of design, time and management, projects get completed on time. The firm have developed a reliable and quality conscious work force, which includes an entire range of agencies necessary for the successful understanding and designing of Projects, which include Structural Engineers, Electrical Consultants, Color Coordinators, Animators, Sanitary and Water supply Consultants, Artists, and are also backed by a team of reliable and quality conscious contractors, whom the firm will be happy to recommend if their services are required.