The integration of Zen and Martial arts is the concept of this project, and the combination of local culture and brand culture is the biggest feature. When mentioning Foshan, the famous Wing Chun of Yip Man (Bruce lee's master) will come to mind. The unique cultural geographical characteristics combining with brand culture advocating new tea-drinking methods have formed the concept of Zen tea and Martial arts. How to express traditional cultural symbols modernly is also the theme of the exploration.
In 2012,HEYTEA originated from a named the alleys in the river.From product development to store terminals, like tea consumers pay more attention to the overall experience. Every store design,The process of interpretation is an inspiration. Combined with the traditional tea culture, "zen", "minimalist", "aesthetics", etcElements into store design, and create rich layers of texture space, bring tea drinkers indulge multidimensional sensory experience,Correct aesthetic way of modern tea consumption, make it more cool tea, more is not the same.