Daybreak Li Legendary Beast Illustration
Legendary Beast Illustration is Iron Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award Category.
Legendary Beast Illustration

The legendary beast uses traditional elements in the design of the screen to form a unique illustration style, full of colors and composition. In illustration, the holy beast represents two sides of the world. The illustration shows the contradiction and coexistence of contradictory bodies through two kinds of animal eyes, and shows the different vision, and draws the waves and flowers and stones by traditional techniques to make illustrations decorative.

Legendary Beast Illustration
Daybreak Li Legendary Beast
Daybreak Li Illustration
Daybreak Li design
Daybreak Li design
Daybreak Li

Daybreak Li, graduated from Guangzhou Academy of fine arts, one of the four art colleges in China, with more than ten years of experience in design industry, he is good at commercial illustration, and his main design style is the combination of ancient and modern.


TagDesign is a design brand based on the exploration of Chinese traditional culture. Its business scope includes product design and mobile app application. They are good at using traditional culture and modern technology to design contemporary aesthetic products. Their app design is highly praised in the industry.