This is a respond to a previously asked question about the A' Design Award and Competition. The full list of frequently asked questions can be accessed here.
#230: If I exit out of the entry after saving changes, will I loose all the sections I have filled out if I do not pay before logging out.
Each design submission you start is saved in your hidden-cabinet (uploaded designs section) in the control panel. Your submissions and the details your provided, information you filled, does not get lost. You can provide some details today, and update it later by modifying the design details. If you go to your control panel and check the hidden-cabinet page, you will see that for each design you have you can: nominate, modify text and details, update images, update thumbnails, upload documents, provide additional client or brand information, update a video link, and check approval status. So to sum-up, your designs are saved; information is not lost if you abandon in the middle of nomination process.
Keywords: saving details, design details, nomination process, upload process
The following questions could be related: - #109: Some of the text I enter for the description of my project during uploading such as details, function, inspiration, unique properties, interaction, project duration, production technology, package dimension, tags, research abstract or challenge are not visible when I view design?
- #111: How can I modify or change my design description and details?
- #150: Does it matter to enter description of my design? What is its weight on the scoring?
- #258: Do I nominate myself and my own work, or do I need to get another member to do it?
- #326: Can we know the final fee before nominating each work?
If you did not find your answer, please feel free to check the faq pages for more questions and answers. You will also want to check our webpage for details; thanks to our transparency policy, we document and publish everything. |