Profile: Maja Kirovska

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This is the public profile of Maja Kirovska, Additional information and high-resolution images are available for accredited press members, to access additional information about Maja Kirovska please login as a press member.
About Maja Kirovska : Very often I find my inspiration in non visual art forms like poetry or music. I like to use their way of expression, so I translate their language to visual. I try not to be limited by the form or the medium, so I express the ideas in many different media like drawing, painting, spatial installation, video, sound, performance in a wide range of forms, from free spirited to strict and precise. My artwork aims to accentuate our potentials instead of our disadvantages and reminds us of using them in full force.

In 2015, amidst the height of the refugee crisis, my artistic practice took on a deeply socially engaged dimension. Moved by the plight of displaced individuals and families fleeing conflict and seeking refuge, I sought to use my art as a means of raising awareness and fostering empathy. Through various projects and initiatives, I endeavored to shine a light on the experiences of refugees, amplifying their voices and advocating for their rights. Whether through immersive installations, or interactive performances, my work aimed to create spaces for dialogue, understanding, and solidarity.
As an individual passionate about both art and design, I view these disciplines as intertwined expressions of human creativity and innovation. For me, art represents a deeply personal journey of self-expression and exploration, where emotions, ideas, and perspectives find their voice through various mediums. Conversely, design embodies the fusion of functionality and aesthetics, harnessing creative problem-solving to enhance the world around us.

My journey in art and design has been driven by a desire to bridge the gap between imagination and practicality, seeking to evoke emotion while addressing real-world needs. Through my artistic endeavors, I strive to convey messages, provoke thought, and ignite inspiration, while in design, I am committed to crafting solutions that are both visually captivating and purposeful.

They should be dedicated to pushing boundaries, challenging conventions, and making a positive impact on the world around me. I believe in the transformative power of art and design to shape our perceptions, evoke emotion, and inspire change.


2011, Painting, Master of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, SKOPJE, MACEDONIA
2007, Graphic Design, Graduated Graphic Artist, Faculty of Fine Arts, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, SKOPJE, MACEDONIA

2017 (ongoing), Founder, Hybrideas Design Studio, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2018-2019, Associate Professor, Faculty of Art and Design, European University of Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2013, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Design, European University of Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013 (ongoing), Owner and Director, Artist-Painter MAJA KIROVSKA TP, Skopje, MACEDONIA

2023, "Regeneration", (exhibition by Maja Kirovska, Ana Ivanovska, and Hristina Zafirovska), Youth Cultural Center - MKC, Skopje, REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, "Shelf Jungle", gallery of the café-bookstore "Bukva", Skopje, REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA
2018, "Linear Art and Sculpture", Café Che, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2017, "Universal Rhythm", Wumin Art Centre, Cheongju, SOUTH KOREA
2017, "Spectrum", Edificio do Castelo, Art MAP, Braga, PORTUGAL
2016, "Cleanroom", Gallery "Casa da Garrida", University Fernando Pessoa, Art MAP, Ponte de Lima, PORTUGAL
2016, "Pink Pajama Revolution", Gallery Flux, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "Spectrum", Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2014, "Cleanroom", Gallery KO-RA, House of Culture "Koco Racin", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2014, "Organisms II", MC Gallery, New York, USA
2014, "Temperature, Circulation, Gravitation…", Gallery Incubator, Zagreb, CROATIA
2013, "Organisms", National Gallery of Macedonia - object Chifte Hammam, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "Red Like…", DrimON Festival, Cultural Centre "Brakja Miladinovci", Struga, MACEDONIA
2013, "Temperature, Circulation, Gravitation…", Multimedia Art Festival "Bosh", City Theatre, Gevgelija, MACEDONIA
2013, "Temperature, Circulation, Gravitation…", Robevci Gallery, Ohrid, MACEDONIA
2013, "Temperature, Circulation, Gravitation…", Open Graphic Studio of the Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2011, "Reflections and Refractions; 8m² Ground, 16m³ Air, Whole Sky and Whole Universe", Cultura Centre "Kreaktiv", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2010, "3D Graphics Surround", Cultural Centre "CK", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2010, "Sunny Dome - Crystal Floor", Cultural Centre Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T., Skopje, MACEDONIA
2009, "Universal Order", Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, MACEDONIA

2012, "Observatory of the Awakened Dreaming", Sarajevo Winter, Ceka Charlama, Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
2012, "Observatory of the Awakened Dreaming", "NUS" international festival of contemporary art, Aquarium Bacvice, Split, CROATIA
2011, "Observatory of the Awakened Dreaming", Art Laguna Prize 2011 exhibition, Arsenale, Venice, ITALY
2010, "Anima", Youth Cultural Centre (MKC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2010, "Observatory of the Awakened Dreaming", Multimedia Art Festival "Bosh", Gevgelija, MACEDONIA
2010, "Observatory of the Awakened Dreaming", Young Visual Artist Annual Award DENES exhibition, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2010, "Dreamers' Observatory", Cultural Centre Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T., Skopje, MACEDONIA
2010, "Black-White-Globalization", part of the project "Climate Change = Cultural Change", Gallery of the Embassy of Switzerland, Skopje, MACEDONIA

2023, "Motherhood", Cultural Information Center (KIC), Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2018, "NEsT", Open Graphic Studio at the Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "Like a Snowball...", Gallery of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "Resist! What?", Gallery Karas, Zagreb, CROATIA
2014, "To Persist in the Circle", Cultural Informative Centre Skopje (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2014, "SMALL THINGS", exhibition of the art group MOMI, Autonomous Cultural Social Centre (AKSC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "Multitude, Deity, Birth", exhibition of the art group MOMI organized by Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Cultural and Information Centre of the R. Macedonia in Sofia, Sofia, BULGARIA
2013, "Multitude, Deity, Birth", exhibition of the art group MOMI organized by Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Cultural Centre of Belgrade, Belgrade, SERBIA
2013, "Semicircling", exhibition of the art group MOMI, House of Culture "Gligor Prlicev", Ohrid, MACEDONIA
2013, "MOMI II", exhibition of the art group MOMI, House of Culture "Kocho Racin", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "NUS", international festival of contemporary art, Multimedia Cultural Centre Split (MKC), Split, CROATIA
2012, "Kiss on the Mouth", exhibition of the art group MOMI, House of Culture "Ivan Mazov-Klime", Kavadarci, MACEDONIA
2012, "Good Vibes", exhibition of the art group MOMI, Multimedia Art Festival "Bosh", Gevgelija, MACEDONIA
2012, "MOMI", exhibition of the art group MOMI, Cinemateque of Macedonia, Skopje, MACEDONIA

2011, "Young Artists from Macedonia in Israel, Collective Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T", "Tveria 15", Hadar Community Centers, Haifa, ISRAEL
2011, "Parasites", public art project of Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T. art group, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2010, "Art Indeed", Cultural Centre Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T., Skopje, MACEDONIA
2010, "Artistic Inserts Articulated by the Artists Who Art to Art", Cultural Centre Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T. Skopje, MACEDONIA
2009, "Cabbage Party", exhibition of artworks created on/of paper, Cultural Centre Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T., Skopje, MACEDONIA
2009, "Attempt 0", Cultural Centre Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T., Skopje, MACEDONIA
2009, "Let's Fuck Them With Purple", Cultural Centre Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T., Skopje, MACEDONIA

2023, "Skopje Urban Stories - In 17 past 5", Pelister Restaurant, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2023, "Videokunst: Irena Paskali + Friends", werkraumkontinuum | Benjaminstr 21-23, Cologne, GERMANY
2022, "DLUM Annual Exhibition", National Gallery of North Macedonia - object "Mala Stanica", Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, "Small Format", Cultural Information Center (KIC), Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, "Mirror - Face to Face 2022", Cultural and Information Center - Bitola, Bitola, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, "Pink Tigers and Golden Lizards and What Else", Europe House, Kriva Palanka, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, "Pink Tigers and Golden Lizards and What Else", Europe House, Strumica, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, "Hybrid Forms – Hybrid Practices in Performance Art", Museum Tinguely, Basel, SWITZERLAND
2022, "Mirror - Face to Face 2022", Villa Caldogno, Caldogno, ITALY
2022, "Pink Tigers and Golden Lizards and What Else", EU Residence, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2021, "Reflections, Reflexes, Illuminations, Reminiscences", House of Culture "Kocho Racin", Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2021, "75th Anniversary Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia", National Gallery - object Chifte Hamam, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2021, "Beyond Borders", 2nd International Art Exhibition, Fantafia M, Chang Kil-Hwan Art Museum, Gangneung, SOUTH KOREA
2021, "Awakening", International Art Exhibition, Evenings of Women's Rights, Cultural Information Center (KIC), Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2020, "Small Format" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Cultural Information Center (KIC), Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2020, "Infinite Thoughts", Classic Art Gallery, online (due to COVID-19)
2020, "Infinite Thoughts", Classic Art Gallery, Lalitpur, NEPAL
2020, "Infinite Thoughts", Nepal Art Council, Babarmahal, NEPAL
2019, "DLUM Annual Exhibition" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, National Gallery of North Macedonia - object "Mala Stanica", Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2019, "Multicultural Exhibition of 60 Artists from the Republic of North Macedonia", Embassy of the Republic of North Macedonia, Ottawa, CANADA
2018, "DLUM Annual Exhibition" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, National Gallery of North Macedonia - object "Mala Stanica", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "Small Format" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Cultural Information Center (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "Dinka with the Students" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of the Cultural Information Center (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "MiniARTure", Gallery of NLB Bank, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "Fine Art Creation, Small Format", Gallery "Plovdiv", Plovdiv, BULGARIA
2018, "Fine Art Creation, Small Format", Cultural and Information Centre of the R. Macedonia in Sofia, SOFIA, BULGARIA
2018, "Cultural Detox", Zanaetchiski Dom, Kumanovo, MACEDONIA
2018, "Life", Studieförbundet, Malmö, SWEDEN
2018, "17th Winter Salon", National Gallery of Macedonia - object Chifte Hammam, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "Wonderwomen from the Collection of the National Gallery of Macedonia", National Gallery of Macedonia - object Chifte Hammam, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "MiniARTure", Gallery Singidum, Belgrade, SERBIA
2018, "Drawing-experimental-drawing", House of Culture "Kocho Racin", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "Croquis in the Garden", Gallery Akantus, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "Pushed Boundaries", Youth Cultural Centre (MKC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "Fine Art Creation, Small Format", NICC "Marko Cepenkov", Prilep, MACEDONIA
2018, "Toys and Robots", Gallery of NLB Bank, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, "In Established", "InSitu" Art Fair, Youth Cultural Centre (MKC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2017, "The artist as a Nomad", Public room, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2017, "Eiland Hoppen", Stadskantine, Alkmaar, NETHERLANDS
2017, "Fine Art Creation, Small Format", Cultural Informative Centre Skopje (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2017, "Fazer Sentido", "Fábrica das Ideias", Gafanha da Nazaré, PORTUGAL
2017, "A Montage of Identities", Gallery MC, New York, USA
2017, "UO-US", House of ARM, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2017, "Thousands Bombs and Granates", Kunsthal 45, Den Helder, THE NETHERLANDS
2017, "The Untold Stories of the Superheroines 4", "Woman’s Rights Nights", Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2017, "Our Fukushima", "Gogyoshi Art Project International – Macedonia", House of Culture "Ivan Mazov-Klime", Kavadarci, MACEDONIA
2016, "Roots, Porticos, Portals, Side Doors, Roads, and Road Signs", Gallery of the castle Trakošćan, Trakošćan, CROATIA
2016, "Colours of the Mediterranean", Art Camp Malta 2015, The Education, Science & Culture Centre, Gozo, MALTA
2016, "Femina 8", Galerija Centar, Contemporary Art Centre of Montenegro, Podgorica, MONTENEGRO
2016, "Past – Present – Future", Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, National Gallery of Macedonia – object Mala Stanica, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "Our Fukushima", Gogyoshi Art Project International – Macedonia, House of Culture "Koco Racin", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "Global Village", Kulturhuset Brønden, Brøndby Strand, DENMARK
2016, "Humanitarian Exhibition for the Skopje flooded Area", Concept, 37, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "Our Fukushima", Gogyoshi Art Project International – Macedonia, NI Museum, Kumanovo, MACEDONIA
2016, "Journey", National Gallery of Macedonia - object Mala Stanica, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "1st International Graphic Biennial", Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "Global Village", City-center of Landshut, GERMANY
2016, "Paratissima-Skopje", Contemporary Art Fair, Youth Cultural Centre (MKC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "100 Artists for Fukushima, 5 Years After", Gogyoshi Art Project International, D’ Oude Winkel, Oostburg, NETHERLANDS
2016, "Roots, Porticos, Sublime Ports, Portals, Side Doors, Roads, and Road Signs", Gallery KO-RA, House of Culture "Koco Racin", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "Global Village", Honig-factory, Koog a/d Zaan, NETHERLANDS
2016, "Diversity", Youth Cultural Centre (MKC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "Collective 20.04.2016", Cultural Informative Centre Skopje (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "Young Visual Artist Annual Award DENES 2010", Finalists’ Exhibition, National Gallery of Macedonia - object Chifte Hammam, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "Femina 8", Cultural Centre of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, SERBIA
2016, "Levels in Our Minds", Winter Salon of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, National Gallery of Macedonia - object Chifte Hammam, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "In Search of a Common Ground", Youth Cultural Centre (MKC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "Femina 8", Gallery of RTS, Belgrade, SERBIA
2015, "Femina 8", Galerie Merikon Art Room, Wien, AUSTRIA
2015, "In Search of a Common Ground", Center of Contemporary Art, Baku, AZERBAIJAN
2015, "Soyoyu", Chunbuk National Cultural Centre, Cheongju, S. KOREA
2015, "Soyoyu", MC Gallery, New York, USA
2015, "Femina 8", Cultural Informative Centre (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "Poetry in Visual", Art-Map, Museum of Aveiro, Aveiro, PORTUGAL
2015, "Paratissima – Skopje", Youth Cultural Centre (MKC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "XI Biennial of Young Artists", organized by Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, National Gallery of Macedonia – object Mala Stanica, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "ARTHERY < > АNTHERY", Fashion Weekend Skopje, parking garage "Thessaloniki Congress", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "Exhibition of works accepted at the first contest by the Ministry of Culture of R.M. for the purchase of artworks from the visual arts field for 2014", National Gallery of Macedonia - object Chifte Hammam, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "In Honour of Ss. Cyril and Methodius - exhibition and poetry reading", cafe-gallery "Lee", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "The Untold Stories of Superheroines 2", Women’s Rights Nights, Cultural Informative Centre Skopje (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, "Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia – 2014", National Gallery of Macedonia – object Mala Stanica, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2014, "Without Concept 2.0 – One Year AKSC", Autonomous Cultural Social Centre (AKSC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2014, "Bozar de l’Abattoir", rue de l’Abattoir 34, Tamines, BELGIUM
2014, "Experimental Drawing", Palace Lucerne, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
2014, "Paratissima", Torino Esposizioni, Turin, ITALY
2014, "Threshold of Tolerance", festival Slobodna zona, Gallery Venecia, Vinica, MACEDONIA
2014, "Global Village", Kulturhuset Brønden, Brøndby Strand, DENMARK
2014, "Global Village", various locations in Landshut, Landshut, GERMANY
2014, "Paratissima-Skopje", Youth Cultural Centre (MKC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2014, "Project Mail Art Books", Kunstenaarsinititatief, Breskens, NETHERLANDS
2014, "Global Village", Fort Abcoude, Abcoude, NETHERLANDS
2014, "Accidence, Communication, Glitch", Fundraising for AKSC in MKC, Youth Cultural Centre (MKC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2014, "Project Mail Art Books", CC Het Spoor, Harelbeke, BELGIUM
2014, "Parallel Universe – 5 Contemporary Artists from Macedonia", manifestation Sarajevo Winter, Gallery Duplex 100m2, Sarajevo, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
2014, "Body That Remembers", National Gallery of Macedonia - object Mala Stanica, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2014, "Opened Consciousness/Opened World", Triennial Mixed Media, Gallery NBKM-Blok, Novi Beograd, SERBIA
2014, "Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, 60 years DLUM", Cultural Informative Centre Skopje (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "Without Concept", Autonomous Cultural Social Centre (AKSC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "Demoralized Idealism", Centre for Contemporary Art Varg e vi, Gnjilane, KOSOVO
2013, "VII EX-YU Graphic Art Contest", Gallery SKC, Novi Beograd, SERBIA
2013, "Sixth International Biennial of Small Graphics Tetovo 2013", Museum of Tetovo Area, Tetovo, MACEDONIA
2013, "Experimental Drawing", House of ARM, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "Opened Consciousness/Opened World", Triennial Mixed Media, Art Salon, Trstenik, SERBIA
2013, "Contact", Cinemateque of Macedonia, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "Opened Consciousness/Opened World", Pavilion “Cvijeta Zuzoric”, Belgrade, SERBIA
2013, "Ex Libris", House of Culture “Grigor Prlicev”, Ohrid, MACEDONIA
2013, "Skopje Urban Stories", Street Macedonia, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "X Biennial of Young Artists", Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "Global Village", Кapellhaus, Baku, AZERBAIJAN
2013, "Ex Libris", City Theatre, Gevgelija, MACEDONIA
2013, "Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia - 2012", Museum of City of Skopje and House of ARM, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2012, "Fine Art Creation, Small Format", Cultural Informative Centre Skopje (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2012, "Experimental Drawing", House of ARM Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2012, "Ex Libris", Open Graphic Studio of the Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2012, "Bird Art Installation Day", City Wall, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2012, "Global Village", Kulturhuset Brønden, Brøndby Strand, DENMARK
2012, "Global Village", Château De Sully, Burgundy, FRANCE
2012, "6x6x2012", Rochester Contemporary Art Centre, Rochester, USA
2012, "Talk Art", Galerie E.G.P., Paris, FRANCE
2012, "Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia DLUM", Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2012, "Sexpression", Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2012, "Global Village", Project 072, Alkmaar, NETHERLANDS
2012, "NUS", Aquarium Bacvice, Split, CROATIA
2011, "Fine Art Creation, Small Format", Cultural Informative Centre Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2011, "Miniature", Gallery 8, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2011, "222Lodge Extern: The Inevitable", SBK Dordrecht, Dordrecht, NETHERLANDS
2011, "Minimum Maximum 3", Muzej Republike Srpske, Banja Luka, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
2011, "International Mail Art Exhibition & Swap", Richmond Art Gallery, Richmond, CANADA
2011, "Deadpan Exchange VI", Vilnius Graphic Art Centre, Vilnius, LITHUANIA
2011, "Drawing Connections", Siena Art Institute, Siena, ITALY
2011, "V Splitgraphic", Old City Hall, Split, CROATIA
2011, "Trans - Siberian Arts Centre", International Travelling Exhibition, RUSSIA, MONGOLIA, CHINA
2011, "Art Laguna Prize", Arsenale, Venice, ITALY
2010, "Fine Art Creation, Small Format", Cultural Informative Centre Skopje (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2010, "Young Visual Artist Annual Award DENES 2010", Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2009, "Postgraduate Students - Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Art, Faculty of Fine Arts Skopje", National Gallery of Macedonia – object Mala Stanica, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2009, "7 Gates Skopje Biennial", XIV Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean (BJCEM), National Gallery of Macedonia - object Chifte Hammam, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2007, "Girls Know", Cultural Centre "Tocka", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2007, "Eclecticism", House of Culture "Toso Arsov", Vinica, MACEDONIA
2006, "Eclecticism", Art Gallery "Bezisten", Shtip Summer, Shtip, MACEDONIA
2005, "International Art Colony – Struga", Struga, MACEDONIA
2005, "Art Colony – Berovo", House of Culture "Dimitar Berovski", BERVO, MACEDONIA
2005, Group Exhibition, House of Culture "Toso Arsov", Vinica, MACEDONIA
2004, Group Exhibition, Art Gallery "Bezisten", Shtip Summer, Shtip, MACEDONIA
2004, Exhibition of the awarded alumni of the Faculty of Fine Arts Skopje, Faculty of Fine Arts Skopje, MACEDONIA
2003, "Dragutin Avramovski- Gute", Faculty of Fine Arts Skopje, MACEDONIA

2018, "Crocuses in the Garden", Gallery Akantus, Skopje, MACEDONIA.

2013, "Project CONTACT", "Days of Swiss Music Skopje 2013", "Damar", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "De:sonanz", festival of electronic music, visual arts, and new media, Cinematheque of Macedonia, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2012, "ARTplacc", contemporary art festival, Tihany, HUNGARY
2012, "Crosstalk", video art festival, Gozsdu 'C', Budapest, HUNGARY
2011, "Tirana International Film Festival - TIFF 2011", Imperial Cinemas ‒ Kristal Centre, Tirana, ALBANIA
2011, "Crossing identities", festival for video art and photography, Terraza Bugambilias, Morelia, MEXICO
2011, "5 PSSST! Festival of Silent Film", Kino Europa, Zagreb, CROATIA
2011, "Green Screen Fest", international festival for environmental film, Sava Centre, Belgrade, SERBIA
2011, "FRIK festival", Festival of Independent Contemporary Arts, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2010, "Bitola Open City", Youth Art Festival, Bitola, MACEDONIA

2016, 3rd prize at the “1st International Graphic Biennial”, organized by the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Museum of the City of Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, Award “Gallery Flux”, from Gallery Flux and Paratissima - Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, Award “Vangel Kodzoman”, award for best exhibition in 2014, via Society of Fine Artists of Macedonia, MACEDONIA
2014, Award of the contemporary art fair “Paratissima – Skopje”, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2004, Prize for achieving the highest grades and excellent results at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the study program of Graphic Arts, granted by the Faculty of Fine Arts Skopje, Skopje, MACEDONIA

2016, "Pink Pajama Revolution", Vest, page 16, May, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2016, "Pink Pajama Revolution", Nova Makedonija, page 16, May, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2016, "Pink Pajama Revolution", Dnevnik, page 20, May, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2015, "Spectrum", Nova Makedonija, page 17, December, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2014, "Clean Room", Dnevnik, page 21, December, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2014, "Clean Room", Nova Makedonija, page 15, December, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2014, "Clean Room", Vecer, page 18, December, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2014, "Blood is thicher than water, the water is red, red is a color", Nova Makedonija, page 20, February, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2013, "Multitude Deity Birth", Dnevnik, page 23, June, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2013, "Blood is thicher than water, the water is red, red is a color", Utrinski vesnik, page 15, May, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2013, "MOMI II", Focus, page 25, February, Skopje/NORTH MACEDONIA.
2013, "Temperature, Circulation, Gravitation...", Focus, page 35, February, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2012, "Temperature, Circulation, Gravitation...", Den, page 30, December, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2012, "Temperature, Circulation, Gravitation...", Focus, page 31, December, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2012, "Young artists on multimedia journey", Dnevnik, page 20, August, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2012, "MOMI", Dnevnik, pages 10-11, June, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2012, "MOMI", Vecer, page 19, May, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2012, "MOMI", Focus, page 16, May, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2012, "MOMI", Utrinski vesnik, page 20, May, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2011, "Observatory of the Awakened", Utrinski vesnik, page 15, March, Skopje/NORTH MACEDONIA.
2010, "Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T.", Nova Makedonija, pages 15-16, December, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2010, "Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T.", Vikend, page 8, January, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2009, "Universal Order", Globus, page 81, October, Skopje, MACEDONIA.
2009, "Universal Order ", Nova Makedonija, page 28, October, Skopje, MACEDONIA.

Macedonian (Native)
English (Advanced)
Serbian (Advanced)

Adobe Photoshop (Expert)
Adobe Illustrator (Expert)
Adobe Premiere (Expert)
Adobe InDesign (Expert)
Canva (Expert)

2019, "Facebook and Instagram Advertising Course", Brainster, SKOPJE, NORTH MACEDONIA
2015, "Art Camp Malta", Permanent Delegation of Malta to UNESCO, MALTA
2013, "Contact", festival "De:sonanc", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2013, "72 hours intense workshop for projection mapping", festival "Republika", Rijeka, CROATIA
2012, "Photography as a system of communication" with Miladin Colakovic, Manaki Brothers Film Festival, Bitola, MACEDONIA
2012, "All about sound in films" with Thomas Gauder, Manaki Brothers Film Festival, Bitola, MACEDONIA
2012, "We have performance and we need a video…", Performing Arts Festival "Zoom", Rijeka, CROATIA
1.2.2010 – 28.2.2010, "TV Production Course Diploma", AXIS - Authorized Training Center, SKOPJE, MACEDONIA
1.8.2009 – 31.6.2015, "Contemporary Dance, Modern Ballet, and Hip-hop Training", SKOPJE, MACEDONIA
15.1.2009 – 15.6.2009, "Certificate for Filigree Jewelry Making Training", Crafts Chamber, SKOPJE, MACEDONIA
2005, "International Art Colony - Struga", Struga, MACEDONIA
2005, "Art Colony - Berovo", Berovo, MACEDONIA

2016 (ongoin) – GAPI International, NETHERLANDS/INTERNATIONAL
2015 (ongoing) – member of the Art Council of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, MACEDONIA
2012 (ongoing) – Art group MOMI, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2009 (ongoing) – Art group Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2007 (ongoing) – Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Skopje, MACEDONIA

2014, National Gallery of Macedonia, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA

2023, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Experimental Drawing 2023" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, NORTH MACEDONIA
2023, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Contemporary Sculpture" exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery ART HUB, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Small Format" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, Jury member for the awarding of prizes at the Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, National Gallery of Macedonia - Small Station object, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Large Format" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery at the Army House, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the 4th International Graphic Biennial 2022, exhibition organized by the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, online
2022, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Contemporary Sculpture" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, ART HUB Gallery, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2022, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Experimental Drawing" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, KO-RA Gallery, Cultural Center "Kocho Racin", Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2021, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Experimental Drawing" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, ART HUB Gallery, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2020, Jury member for the awarding of prizes at the Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, National Gallery of Macedonia - Small Station object, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2020, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Small Format" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Cultural Information Center (KIC), Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2020, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the 3rd International Graphic Biennial 2022, exhibition organized by the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, online
2019, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Small Format" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Cultural Information Center (KIC), Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2019, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "MiniARTura" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery at NLB Bank, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2019, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Experimental Drawing" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery at NLB Bank, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2019, Jury member for the selection and awarding of works at the "Contemporary Sculpture" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery at the Youth Cultural Center (MKC), Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2018, Jury member for awarding prizes at the Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, National Gallery of Macedonia - Small Station object, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, Jury member for selection and awarding of prizes at the "Small Format" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Cultural Informative Center (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2018, Jury member for selection and awarding of prizes at the "MiniARTura" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery at NLB Bank, Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
2018, Jury member for selection and awarding of prizes at the "Experimental Drawing" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery "KO-RA", Cultural Center "Kocho Racin", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2017, Jury member for awarding prizes at the Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, National Gallery of Macedonia - Small Station object, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2017, Jury member for selection and awarding of prizes at the "MiniARTura" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery at NLB Bank, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2017, Member of the jury commission for the selection of the logo of the State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia, MACEDONIA
2017, Member of the jury commission for the selection and awarding of works at the "Experimental Drawing" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery "KO-RA", House of Culture "Kocho Racin", Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, "Artistic Creation, Small Format" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Cultural Informative Center (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, Member of the jury commission for the selection and awarding of works at the "MiniArtTour" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery of NLB Tutunska Bank, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2016, Member of the jury commission for the selection and awarding of works at the "Experimental Drawing" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, House of Culture "Ivan Mazov-Klime", Kavadarci, MACEDONIA
2016, Member of the jury commission for the selection and awarding of works at the "Past - Present - Future" Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, National Gallery of Macedonia - Small Station object, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, Member of the jury commission for the selection and awarding of works at the "Annual Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia", National Gallery of Macedonia - Small Station object, Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, Member of the jury commission for the selection and awarding of works at the "Artistic Creation, Small Format" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Cultural Informative Center (KIC), Skopje, MACEDONIA
2015, Member of the jury commission for the selection and awarding of works at the "DLUM Miniature" Exhibition of the Association of Fine Artists of Macedonia, Gallery of NLB Tutunska Bank, Skopje, MACEDONIA

Plant Nourishing, Dancing


2024-02-06 17:16:02



Awards received by Maja Kirovska

Skin Art Installation

A' Design Award Winner for Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Category in 2023
Maja Kirovska for Maja Kirovska

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