This is the public profile of Myrthe Koppelaar, Additional information and high-resolution images are available for accredited press members, to access additional information about Myrthe Koppelaar please login as a press member. |
STATEMENT OF ART: It is in our nature to judge. We subconsciously judge everything we see around us. Not because we want to, but because we need to biologically. Lucky I live in a city where I don't need to judge to survive, but to make my life even better than it already was. In this era we have become the ultimate creators. We judge and review everything we see that is created by ourselves or others. Is it sufficient, functional, efficient, is it pretty? And most of all, do we want it? As my passion and professional specialization I believe the true value of design is not seen by many, but luckily there are enough people listening. Design is the silent ambassador of your brand. EDUCATION: 2005, Communication and Design, Bachelor, Sint Lucas, Boxtel the Netherlands 2006, Fine arts academy minor illustration, Sint Joost, Breda the Netherlands 2014, Art Direction Fase 1, Graphic Design Academy Utrecht EXPERIENCE: 2008 - 2015, Graphic designer and art director, Boboti Global Services, Oosterhout, The Netherlands 2011 - present day, Graphic designer and brand manager, BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS 2015 - present day, Brand manager, the foundation 'Samen voor NAC'. BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS 2016 - present day, Brand manager, LINK Fotografie, BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS 2020 - present day, Brand manager, Itchy Boots, BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS PRESS APPEARANCES: 2020, De Toren Cafetaria, Local newspaper, https://indebuurt.nl/breda/eten-drinken/video-cafe taria-de-toren-is-verbouwd-en-zo-ziet-het-er-nu-ui t~79675/, Januari, BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS 2020, De Toren Cafetaria, Local newspaper, https://www.stappen-shoppen.nl/nieuws/cafetaria-de -toren-als-nieuw-herrezen-na-verbouwing-5e3aab726a 73045a166ad2b4, Februari, BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS 2020, De Toren Cafetaria, Local newspaper, https://www.stadsbladbreda.nl/nieuws/algemeen/9208 63/torenhoog-nieuws-van-cafetaria-de-toren, Januari, BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS 2020, De Toren Cafetaria, National Industry Newspaper, https://www.snackkoerier.nl/interieur/nieuws/2020/ 01/cafetaria-de-toren-presenteert-nieuwe-huisstijl -101305252?_ga=2.12254452.1733955557.1593415679-21 7025642.1593415679, Januari, BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS 2020, NAC Facemask, Local Newspaper, https://www.bndestem.nl/breda/vooral-nac-mondkapje s-met-noad-een-hit-veel-meer-verkocht-dan-we-verwa cht-hadden~a7dd6b8f/, may, BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS 2020, NAC Facemask, Local Newspaper, https://www.bredavandaag.nl/nieuws/algemeen/314470 /speciaal-voor-bredanaars-geel-zwarte-mondkapjes-m et-vier-unieke-o, may, BREDA/THE NETHERLANDS LANGUAGE SKILLS: Dutch and English | Advanced COMPUTER LITERACY: Adobe Indesign, Illustrator and Photoshop | Advanced MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: BNO, Member of the association for professional Dutch Designers. Since 2018 WEB SITE: www.myrthekoppelaar.nl PORTFOLIO URL: www.myrthekoppelaar.nl REGISTRATION DATE: 2020-06-22 10:14:20 ACCOUNT TYPE: Professional |
Awards received by Myrthe Koppelaar
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