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![]() ![]() About Adina Banea : Charismatic, sensible, and creative, you will always find Adina painting the sky through love because she does believe in love, a feeling she extroverts by not counting her footprints.
"Convicted to life," she thinks this is the most beautiful way to draw her portrait and to define her art.
She embraces and adapts to every challenge life gives her. She converts it into real feelings, starting from melancholy to euphoria, from sexuality to innocence, and she'd like to describe it by "pure art."
Even if Adina always felt the need to express her creativity in writing and drawing, the fear of falling short and disappointing herself and the others limited her, so she put her visions in a box, and she started working as a lawyer in a bank.
She continued the pattern, and her second job was in the Interior Ministry at the International Relationships Department.
Her strong beliefs in femininity and feminism and her family values determined her to create a new TV Show format and present it on national television. The show was named Bebe.Ro and was about the unique quality of a woman- being a mother.
This way, Adina realized she was being heard, so it made her build her online community, through her blog, which became one of the most read in Romania, being in Top Ten Influencers Relationships Category, for four years already.
As she was trying to define herself, she always put together the three words she likes the most: energetic, passion, and love. With these attributes, it was born Reprobable Clothing Brand, maybe her most playful project.
About clothes and how important is what we wear, Adina Banea uses to say that:
"If you want people to listen to you, there's an important lesson here:
Dress the message. Always. The clothes we wear and the way we groom ourselves will change the way other people hear what you say. It will subconsciously tell them if you're like them or if you're different. It will determine whether they listen or ignore. Trust or distrust.This is my stronger belief."
“Life beats down and crushes the soul, and art reminds you that you have one," Stella Adler. Where the line of normalcy is shaped differently in the eyes of artists, as everything is relative, there exists the freedom that only artists can create - the space, color, and texture on which that line of normalcy lies, to make it one at all. Design is something that is a part of our everyday life. In our homes, in our towns, and even in our wardrobes, every aspect has come from a design. I believe that you have to be creative, self-motivated, and hard-working when studying the different areas of art and design. Otherwise, as a Psychology student, I learned that the perception of stress is relative - maybe because of that where I find my stressful reality, it is much of the escape that I share with many others to spend time doing fashion, style or, my latest guilty pleasure as a professional hobby, interior design: I love to create homes, starting with the smell, finishing with the smart technology. Art remains as a strong contender of how we share our thoughts and ideas. I have no grand illusions that art will create a revolution in the traditional sense, but have witnessed the powerful changes it can make in an individual. Just one new idea can change a person’s perception. The world may not change in an instant by art, but it’s slow and insipid spread into the active part of our brains lives to tell the tale. It may leave the studio and make it’s way around the world, and yet come back to the studio where anything can happen.Process, progress and self-improvement: these are my fundamental principles of art and design.To be able to fully dedicate to what I love, to what makes me feel complete, with perseverance and hard-work, and of course, with a daily improvement. This is, and will always be my place. ORGANIZATION: Reprobable NON-DESIGN OCCUPATION: Journalist Media, graphic, printing, culture, design EDUCATION: 2001, Law School, Bucharest, Romania 2018, Psychology School, Bucharest, Romania 2015, Fashion Design Illustration 2017, Master of Arts Psychology, OnlinePepperdine University, Los Angeles, US - EXPERIENCE: 2002-2005, International Relations Officer, Ministry of Interior, Bucharest, Romania 2005-2009, Director and Producer Bebe.ro Show, B1TV, Bucharest, Romania 2015-2017, Editor, Tango Magazin, Bucharest, Romania 2015-2016, Junior Editor Catchy Magazine 2015-2019, Top Ten Romanian Blogger Influencer Couple Relationships, Bucharest Romania 2016-present, Founder and Creative Director at Reprobable 2016-present, Founder and Publisher Pitch Me Now Online Magazine, Bucharest, Romania 2017- present, Founder and Director, Concept Shop Designers Platform, CLOSET13, Bucharest, Romania 2022-prezent - Journalist, Editor PRIVATE EXHIBITIONS: 2017, ArtFashion Berlin Patricia Field, Berlin, Germany 2018, Feeric Fashion Week, Sibiu, Romania 2019, Feeric Fashion week, Sibiu, Romania MIXED EXHIBITIONS: 2017 / Galateca / Ioana Ciolacu/ Madalina Dorobantu etc / Bucharest / Romania 2017 / Band of Creators / Bucharest / Romania 2018/ Band of Creators / Bucharest EVENTS: 2018, “Fear” Collection Reprobable, Contributor, Art Gallery Night, Bucharest, Romania AWARDS: 2016-present - Black Sheep, Not Just A Label, Los Angeles, US 2016, Top Ten Romanian Blogger Influencer for Couple Relationships, Biz Magazine/Zelist Monitor, Bucharest Romania 2017, Top Ten Romanian Blogger Influencer for Couple Relationships, Biz Magazine/ Zelist Monitor, Bucharest, Romania 2018, Top Ten Romanian Blogger Influencer for Couple Relationships, Biz Magazine, Zelist Monitor, Romania 2019, Top Ten Romanian Blogger Influencer for Couple Relationships, Biz Magazine/Zelist Monitor, Bucharest, Romania 2018, Silver A'Design Award, Apparel Fashion and Garment Category, A’Design Award, Italy, Milano 2018, Runner Up, A’Design Award 2018, Startup Beneficiary, with two different projects, both based on creatives art, under the Start-Up Nation Romania Programme 2019, Winner with Reprobable’s Project, under Cosme Programme European Investment Funds in association with Factory by Raiffeisen Bank Competition, Bucharest, Romania 2020, Winner of the JOOR x NJAL 100 Project, Los Angeles, US 2020, Honorable Mention Happiness Project, London International Creative Competition, Fashion Design Professional, London, United Kingdom 2020, Honorable Mention Hope and Believes Project, London International Creative Competition, Fashion Design Professional, London, United Kingdon 2020, Iron Award, Apparel Fashion, and Garment Category, A'Design Award Competition 500 Emerging Designers Winners NJAL Retailer Shop PRESS APPEARANCES: https://www.marieclaire.ro/5-designeri-internation ali-de-care-trebuie-sa-afli/ https://www.we-heart.com/2019/02/11/a-design-award s-competition-2018-2019-last-call-for-entries/ https://www.whudat.de/a-design-awards-competition- 2018-2019-winners/ https://i-d.vice.com/de/article/kzwgea/fotostrecke -patricia-field-art-fashion-berlin https://www.cosmopolitan.ro/cosmo-fun/feeric-fashi on-week-ziua-a-patra-geometrie https://33magazine.com/2018/07/30/backstage-reprob able-feeric-fashion-week/ https://competition.adesignaward.com/design-interv iew.php?ID=59215 https://www.notjustalabel.com/reprobable https://elitaromaniei.ro/adina-banea-intre-bloggin g-si-fashion-antreprenor-manager-si-boem-mama-repr obable-closet13-a-sotului-si-fiului/ https://www.alistmagazine.ro/welcometomystudio-des pre-filosofia-reprobable-cu-designerul-adina-banea / https://www.idnworld.com/creators/ADesignAward-WDR 18 https://m.romanialibera.ro/stil-de-viata/moda/pies e-vestimentare-din-materiale-naturale-pentru-sezon ul-estival-454274 https://schonmagazine.com/another-magical-feeric-f eeric-fashion-week/ http://www.eva.ro/shopping/moda/reprobable-un-feno men-de-design-articol-142105.html https://competition.adesignaward.com/press-release .php?ID=59215 http://www.stirile24.com/tot-ce-nu-stiai-despre-re probable-un-concept-100-romanesc-care-ne-ofera-lec tii-de-viata/ https://www.alistmagazine.ro/welcometomystudio-des pre-filosofia-reprobable-cu-designerul-adina-banea / ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS: fotostrecke-patricia-field-art-fashion-berlin https://www.ordre.com/en/news/romania-manufacturin g-fashion-620 https://www.marieclaire.ro/5-designeri-internation ali-de-care-trebuie-sa-afli/ https://www.we-heart.com/2019/02/11/a-design-award s-competition-2018-2019-last-call-for-entries/ https://www.whudat.de/a-design-awards-competition- 2018-2019-winners/ https://i-d.vice.com/de/article/kzwgea/fotostrecke -patricia-field-art-fashion-berlin https://www.cosmopolitan.ro/cosmo-fun/feeric-fashi on-week-ziua-a-patra-geometrie https://33magazine.com/2018/07/30/backstage-reprob able-feeric-fashion-week/ https://competition.adesignaward.com/design-interv iew.php?ID=59215 https://www.notjustalabel.com/reprobable https://elitaromaniei.ro/adina-banea-intre-bloggin g-si-fashion-antreprenor-manager-si-boem-mama-repr obable-closet13-a-sotului-si-fiului/ https://www.alistmagazine.ro/welcometomystudio-des pre-filosofia-reprobable-cu-designerul-adina-banea / https://www.idnworld.com/creators/ADesignAward-WDR 18 https://m.romanialibera.ro/stil-de-viata/moda/pies e-vestimentare-din-materiale-naturale-pentru-sezon ul-estival-454274 https://schonmagazine.com/another-magical-feeric-f eeric-fashion-week/ http://www.eva.ro/shopping/moda/reprobable-un-feno men-de-design-articol-142105.html https://competition.adesignaward.com/press-release .php?ID=59215 http://www.stirile24.com/tot-ce-nu-stiai-despre-re probable-un-concept-100-romanesc-care-ne-ofera-lec tii-de-viata/ https://www.alistmagazine.ro/welcometomystudio-des pre-filosofia-reprobable-cu-designerul-adina-banea / BOOKS: 2015-2017, Editor, Tango, Monthly Article, Bucharest, Romania 2015-2016, Junior Editor, Catchy Magazine, Weekly Article/ Bucharest Romania 2015-2018, Publisher, Pitch Me Now Magazines, Bucharest, Romania ACCOLADES: -Law School -Civil Law, Licence School (1996-2000) Bucharest/Romania -Psychology School,Licence degree (2014-2018) Bucharest/Romania - 2017, Master of Arts in Psychology, Online Psychology, Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, US LANGUAGE SKILLS: Romanian ( Native ) English ( Intermediate ) French (Intermediate) COMPUTER LITERACY: Adobe Illustrator/intermediate Photoshop Power Point Keynote Microsoft Photoshop COURSES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS:: 2014, Portofolio Preparation Course, Central Saint Martin London/UK 2016, Fashion Design Summer School, College of Art, London/UK SYMPOSIUMS AND ACADEMIC CONFERENCES:: 2019, Importance of Reading”, Tango Magazine Event, Bucharest, Romania MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: 2018, IAD 2018, IDS 2018,International Council Of Creative Industries 2018,IBSB 2018,ISPM 2018, AIBA 2018,WDC 2018, DAC COLLECTIONS: 2020, Permanent Exhibition Asia XI AN Design Complex Museum, China 2018, Museum of Art Bucharest, România 2018, Conscious Art Design Exhibition, Praga, Cehia 2017, Art of Fashion Berlin, Germany HOBBIES: Writing, reading, interior design, spending time with my family, traveling, . CLIENTELE: People that love to be different. WEB SITE: https://www.reprobable.fr/ PORTFOLIO URL: https://www.notjustalabel.com/designer/reprobable RSS URL: https://competition.adesignaward.com/changeprofile .php REGISTRATION DATE: 2017-07-26 10:53:10 COUNTRY/REGION: Romania ACCOUNT TYPE: Professional |
Awards received by Adina Banea
Runner-Up status designs by Adina Banea
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Good design deserves great recognition. |
A' Design Award & Competition. |