This is the public profile of Udo Hubert Dagenbach, click here to view our interview with Udo Hubert Dagenbach |
View Larger Image and Additional Photos of Udo Hubert Dagenbach STATEMENT OF ART:About Udo Hubert Dagenbach : Udo Dagenbach in glasser and dagenbach creates border crossing design between landart and regular landscape architecture and shows new possibilities to design urban landscapes in many different parts of the world. The settings of gardens and parks form backdrops before which visitors, whether public or private, are able to act out a role in their very own play. The manner in which we approach the design of gardens, parks and landscapes depends entirely on the character of the space and how it will ultimately be used. We consider both the shape and structure of the existing surroundings and, naturally, the needs and wants of the visitors or clients, and then act as an intermediary and instigator between the space and the user. We see ourselves as a tool which can be used to lend shape and expression to the conscious and subconscious wishes of clients or visitors. The design must be strong and clear so as to bestow lasting energy, expression and purpose upon the open space we have crafted. Our aim is to create gardens and parks with which we can identify on an emotional level, yet which still retain a lasting, timeless clarity. Our garden-creations are therefore not restricted by genre. We are able to bring our ideas to fruition whatever the desired style. A contemporary style is neither a prerequisite nor a hindrance to achieving high-quality design. ORGANIZATION: glasser and dagenbach landscape architects berlin NON-DESIGN OCCUPATION: Landscape architect Agriculture, nature, animals, environment EDUCATION: 1980-1986 Landscape architecture Technical University, BERLIN,GERMANY 1983-1985 Guest student sculpture class of Makoto Fujiwara University of arts Berlin , BERLIN,GERMANY 1978-1980 Stone sculpting with sand stone in STUTTGART, GERMANY 1976-1978 State approved landscape gardener , STUTTGART, GERMANY EXPERIENCE: landscape gardner - apprentist ship 1978-1980 - STUTTGART, GERMANY landscape gardener - own company 1980-1982 - STUTTGART, GERMANY sculptor - assistant of Makoto Fujiwara, Japanese Stone sculptor, 1985-1987, BERLIN, GERMANY landscape architects - glasser and dagenbach 1988- today, BERLIN, GERMANY Dagenbach Landscapes-landscape architecture studio 2012-today; TIBLISI, GEORGIA PRIVATE EXHIBITIONS: 2007 - Mies van der Rohe Haus Berlin - garden installation GMiesbeet, BERLIN, GERMANY 2012 - Mies van der Rohe Haus Berlin - Installation "A star for Mies", BERLIN, GERMANY 2013 - Mies van der Rohe Haus Berlin - Hauptsache Grau "Steingrau und Silberregen , BERLIN, GERMANY MIXED EXHIBITIONS: 2010 - Hangzhou China - International Garden furniture exhibition , HANGZHOU, CHINA EVENTS: 2016 "Russian Green: 10 years of landscape architecture from Caucasus to St. Petersburg" presentation at 20.Freisinger Gartentage, FREISING,GERMANY 2011 "Aus der Küche eines deutschen Landschaftsarchitekten"Udo Dagenbach Rotary Club Berlin, BERLIN, GERMANY 2011 "Aus der Küche eines deutschen Landschaftsarchitekten" "Aktuelle Landschaftsarchitekur aus Deutschland"Udo Dagenbach Russische Gartentage Bruns Nursery, BAD ZWISCHENAHN, GERMANY 2010 "Moderne Landschaftsarchitektur in Deutschland und Europa" Udo Dagenbach Russische Gartentage Bruns Nursery, BAD ZWISCHENAHN, GERMANY 2008 Udo dagenbach Masterclass in JURMALA, LATVIA 2007Udo Dagenbach Masterclass in SAM;ARA, RUSSIA AWARDS: 2007 1st prize, German landscape architecture Award , Moabit Prison History Park, BERLIN, GERMANY 2008 1st prize, Daylight Spaces Award, Daubia University, International Architecture and Design competition Moabit Prison History Park, KREMS, AUSTRIA 2013 1st prize, Plantomania garden show St. Petersburg, Fabergée Egg Garden, ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA 2014 2nd prize, Russian landscape architecture Award for non realized project over 2 ha, MOSCOW, RUSSIA 2014 best show garden , Moscow Flower show Gorki Park, Arch for lovers, MOSCOW, RUSSIA 2015 1 st prize, IGRA International Green roof Association award - Category Trendsetting architecture together with Tim Flynn architects United World College Dilijan Armenia, ISTANBUL, TURKEY 2016 seleted for realization, International Garden show Berlin, Gartensituationen, Aquaponic garden, BERLIN, GERMANY PRESS APPEARANCES: 2017, "Die Kunst in der Natur" DIE KUNST IN DER NATUR Wita Noack und Jan Maruhn (Herausgeber) Schriftenreihe Mies van der Rohe Haus 2 344 pages with 225fotos and sketches, with texts from Thorsten Critzmann, Udo Dagenbach, Annette Dorgerloh, Christof Düro, Reinald Eckert, Reinhard Ermen, Manja Fahlisch, Michael Fehr, Elke Giffeler, Bettina Held, Thomas R. Hoffmann, Anne Lange, Jan Maruhn, Birgit Möckel, Wita Noack, Andras Otto, Helmut Stromsky, Mariko Takagi, Gerd-Helge Vogel, Annika Weise, Maren Wienigk form + zweck Verlag, ISBN 978-3-935053-95-2 2016, "Grüne Dächer und Wände für Bildungsstätte in Armenien Das United World College in Dilijan im Gebirge des Kleinen Kaukasus" International School of Dilijan, by Udo Dagenbach, in "Stadt+Grün" 02/2016, pages 22-28, PATZER Verlag GmbH& Co. KG BERLIN, Germany 2015 " Moabiter Stadtgarten, S. 68-73", "Garden of a Villa in Berlin-Dahlem, S. 248-253", preface, MODERN EUROPEAN Landscapes Design, Design Media Publishing Limited based in LONDON, UK 2014, "Garden of a Villa in Berlin-Dahlem, S. 302-307" in NEW RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPE, Artpower International Publishing Co., Ltd. SHENZEN, CHINA 2014, "IGRA Green Roof News, Ausgabe 3-2014, S. 11-13, International Green Roof Association Global Networking for Green Roofs, NÜRTINGEN, GERMANY 2014 "Auslandsengagement - Einsteigen ist immer möglich Globalisierung hat den Bereich Landschaftsarchitektur erreicht",von Udo Dagenbach in bdla Handbuch 2014 2015, S. 71-72, Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten, Patzer Verlag BERLIN, GERMANY 2013, "'Berlin ist zu groß für Berlin", S. 93-94,von Hanns Zischler, Verlag Galiani Berlin and Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH & Co . KG, KOELN;GERMANY 2013 "Ein Stadtgarten für Moabit -Moabiter Stadtgarten" in Garten+Landschaft , pages 37-39 Callwey GmbH & Co. KG , MUENCHEN, GERMANY 2013 "Parcostorico della prigione di Moabit a Berlino", Elisa Stellacci, www.architetturaecosostenibile.it Il parco storico della prigione di Moabit Geschichtspark Zellengefängnis in Berlin 2013 "Il parco storico della prigione di Moabit", Anna Kauber, Udo Dagenbach, in "ROSANOVA" Numero 34, pages 41-57, GENOVA, ITALY 2013, "Moabit Prison Historical Park", in "Urban Spaces - Plazas, Squares and Streetscapes", pages 26-29; Braun Publishing AG, SALENSTEIN,SWITZERLAND 2013 Tagansky Park Moscow",Sergej Sobyanin chairs meeting of council for Public Space Moscow city government;www.mos.ru MOSCOW,RUSSIA 2013 "Hauptsache Grau;Lebendiges Grau im Mies van der Rohe Haus";Garteninstallation, von Martina Jammers ,www.tip-berlin.de 2013 "A star for Mies, Garden installation, MIES VAN DER ROHE HAUS;Udo Dagenbach, Interviewer Bettina Held,www.miesvanderrohehaus.de, Verlag Form + Zweck, BERLIN,GERMANY 2012 "A minimalistic Garden In a forest In Vilnius, pages 15 - 21, Moderner Villengarten in Vilnius Litauen, A star for Mies- art project for the 125 anniversary of architect Mies van der Rohe, pages 70 - 75, A garden as a second living room for a Villa in Berlin Dahlem,pages 82 - 85, Garten von Ehren - an exclusive garden marketplace in Hamburg,pages 98 - 99, English garden for a Villa in Vilnius,pages148 - 151, 'LATEST INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE COURTYARDS' 2012, Beijing Auspicious Culture Transmission Co., Ltd. , BEJING,CHINA 2012 "Garden for a Private Villa in Zehlendorf, Berlin", pages 236 - 239 'Scenery&Family Life - Housing Landscape' 08,CHINA 2012 catalogueEXPO, EXPO 2012 - Outdoor Lifestile Hanghzou, HANGZHOU,CHINA 2012 Imchenplatz Berlin Spandau - modernizing a square and shipping pier at the river Havel in Berlin,'The Scandinavian - Architecture Magazine' 03, Online Architecture Magazine, STOKHOLM, SWEDEN 2012, "A minimalistic Garden In a forest In VILNIUS"in 'The Scandinavian - Architecture Magazine' 02, STOKHOLM,SWEDEN 2011 "Top Garden - Minimalistic Garden, Moderner Villengarten in Vilnius Litauen",in 'PAYSAGE' n° 8/2011,TOPSCAPE PAYSAGE, ITALY 2011 "Tarp Pusu, Moderner Villengarten in Vilnius Litauen,"NAMAS IR AS" 08/2011, pages74-76, VILNIUS, LITHUANIA 2011 "Vom Güterbahnhof zum Stadtgarten Wagnis und Chance einer umfassenden Bürgerbeteiligung in Berlin Moabit, Der Moabiter Stadtgarten", by Udo Dagenbach, "Stadt+Grün - DAS GARTENAMT" 08, 60. pages 24-30, PATZER Verlag GmbH& Co. KG ,BERLIN;GERMANY 2011 "Garten des Monats August 2011,Hotel Ifen, Hirschegg / Kleinwalsertal, nominated by BDLA www.BDLA.de, BERLIN,GERMANY 2011 "A Star for Mies", Ursula Berger in 'M MIES HAUS MAGAZIN - Mies-tot oder lebendig' Heft 8/ 7.Jahrgang 2011, pages 50-53,Verlag form+zweck, BERLIN;GERMANY 2011 "Rund um den Hauptbahnhof Geschichtspark Zellengefängnis in Berlin" Spaziergang durch den Geschichtspark und Interview mit Udo Dagenbach in der TV show 'HEIMATJOURNAL ' des rbb Fernsehen ; BERLIN,GERMANY 2011 "Neuer Durchblick 'A Star for Mies' - Garteninstallation", Simone Reber in "Der Tagesspiegel Berlin, BERLIN,GERMANY 2011 "Landschaftsarchitektur als Bestandteil urbaner Entwicklung", by Udo Dagenbach, in "Architektur Vestnik" AB 3, MOSCOW, RUSSIA 2011 "Labor für neue Ideen : Obstwiesen und Ateliers am Güterbahnhof Moabiter Stadtgarten", by Thomas Loy,in "Der Tagesspiegel Berlin" , BERLIN,GERMANY 2011 "Gardencenter Garten von Ehren, Moabit Prison Historical Park, Vilnius Villa Moderner Villengarten in Vilnius Litauen" ,in "STAR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE", Loft Publications, SPAIN 2011 "RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPE, Modern Minimalistic garden in a forest in Vilnius,Liaoning Science and Technology Publishing House of China, BEIJING,CHINA 2010 "Die Grundrisse spezifischer Zellenordnung -Geschichtspark Ehemaliges Zellengefängnis Moabit", in "LANDSCHAFT - ERINNERN",pages122-125, Junius Verlag GmbH, GERMANY 2010 "Comeback mit Charme und Chic - Hotel Ifen, in "hotelstyle" 10/2010, pages 60-65, Laser Verlag G.m.b.H., AUSTRIA 2009 "Goffman pâ gadtur - Klaninstallation og labyrintkunst i det tidligere cellefaengsel i Moabit (Berlin)", Renate Recke, in "kunstmagasinet JANUS" ,KOPENHAGEN,DENMARK 2009 "Imchenplatz Berlin-Kladow" in "Landschaftsarchitektur Architektur Design" - Russische Fachzeitschrift Nr. 27 ,MOSCOW, RUSSIA 2009 "Enerjik Bir Peyzaj Konsepti - An Energetic and Prudent Landscape History Park Moabit Prison pages90-93 , Geometrik Yesiller - Geometric Greeneries Design of the Gardencenter Garten von Ehren. pages 122-125", in "TASARIM" , SINGAPUR; ISTANBUL, TURKEY 2009 "Geschichtspark Moabit", by Dorothee Dubrau; in "Architekturführer Berlin Mitte" Band 2, page 913 DOM publihers, BERLIN,GERMANY 2009 "Moabit Prison Historical Park ", in "1000 x LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE",by Verlagshaus Braun, SALENBERG, SWITZERLAND 2009 "Glaßer and Dagenbach - Historic Park - Geschichtspark Ehemaliges Zellengefängnis Moabit",in "SKETCH landscape",by Loft Publication, SPAIN 2008 "Moabit Prison Historical Park", in "C3 Celebrating the City - Urban Facilities", C3p, SEOUL,SOUTH KOREA 2008 "Megazabatított emlékezet 1. Berlin, Börtönpark, RECOLLECTIONS FREED- PRISON PARK BERLIN, Moabit Prison Historical Park, in "magyar épitömüvészet" Hungarian Architekture 2008/4; BUDAPEST; HUNGARY 2008 "Mahnmal für ein Mustergefängnis",by Florian Neuhann,Pages 42-44, in "chrimon plus" Das evangelische Magazin 04.2008, BERLIN, GERMANY 2008 " GLAßER & DAGENBACH / BERLIN, GERMANY Berlin Moabit Prison Historical Park", in "CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE" daab GmbH Köln, COLOGNE,GERMANY 2008 "Geschichtspark "Ehemaliges Zellengefängnis Moabit",in "Gärten, Plätze, Promenaden - Neueste Gartenkunst in Berlin", by Hans Stimmann, Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung GmbH, BERLIN,GERMANY 2007 "History park in the former Moabit Prison, Berlin, category landscaping, in "Made in Germany", pages 180/181, Verlagshaus Braun, SALENBERG,SWITZERLAND 2007 "Glaßer und Dagenbach - Geschichtspark, Berlin Moabit",by Nikolaus Bernau, in "Übergänge Insight Out - Zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur",Birkhäuser Verlag AG, GERMANY 2007 "Aus dem Vollen schöpfen..., Portrait of Udo Dagenbach, in "TASPO GARTEN DESIGN" Designer-Portrait Verlag Haymarket Media GmbH & Co KG, GERMANY 2007 "Nur die Harten kommen in den Garten, Geschichtspark Ehemaliges Zellengefängnis Moabit", in "Stadtkind - Das Berlin Magazin" 009/Juli , by Susanne Zoufahl, Verlag STADTKIND Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, BERLIN, Germany 2007 "Im Duett - Nachbarn: Von Ehren und Dehner in Hamburg", in "Grüner Markt" 06/2007, pages 34-37,by Doris Ganninger-Hauck, Verlag Eugen Ulmer STUTTGART, Germany 2007 "Travel Charme Hotel Strandidyll, Usedom, Gartenkunst - hier grünt der Mehrwert für den Hotelier,"Hotel Strandidyll, Usedom", in "hotel objekte" ,BAUVE Verlag GmbH, GERMANY 2007 "Geschichtspark Ehemaliges Zellengefängnis Moabit", in "ARCHITEKTURBERLIN07" Über die Vereinbarkeit von Bauen und Architektur, Verlagshaus Braun, SALENBERG,SWITZERLAND 2007 "Geschichtsprak Ehemaliges Zellengefängnis Moabit" , by Anne Kockelkorn, in "Bauwelt13.07", Bauverlag BV GmbH, BERLIN,Germany 2007 "Captive stories- Berlin Moabit Prison Historical Park", in Zeitschrift "A10 new European architecture",A10 Media BV,NETHERLANDS 2007 "Gitterwerk Geschichtspark in Berlin/D", in Zeitschrift "PROFESSIONAL LIGHTING DESIGN",via-verlag, GERMANY 2007 "Deutscher Landschaftarchitekturpreis 2007 awarded Geschichtspark Ehemaliges Zellengefängnis Moabit", in "Topos Nr. 58" Georg D.W. Callwey GmbH & Co. KG, MUENCHEN, GERMANY 2007 "Landschaftarchitekturpreis 2007- Geschichtspark Ehemaliges Zellengefängnis Moabit", in Zeitschrift "Stadt + Grün" Ausgabe Nr. 4/ 2007 PATZER VERLAG GmbH & Co. KG, BERLIN, GERMANY 2006 "Geschichtspark Berlin Moabit", by Kröger Yakoub, Susanne Isabel, in "Garten+ Landschaft" Ausgabe Nr. 12/ 2006,Georg D.W. Callwey GmbH & Co. KG, MUENCHEN, GERMANY Glaßer & Dagenbach 1996 "Stadtplatz Louis-Levin- / Schkeuditzerstraße Theaterplatz in Hellersdorf ", in "Werkstatt Grossiedlung - Beiträge der LandschaftsarchitekArchitekten" , Herausgeber: BDLA Berlin-Brandenburg, BERLIN, GERMANY BOOKS: 2015, "Modern European landscape design", 280 pages, Design Media Publishing Ltd, LONDON , UNITED KINGDOM ACCOLADES: 2013, "Honorable Membership of the Georgian Architects Chamber, Tiblisi" , TIBLISI, GEORGIA LANGUAGE SKILLS: German (Native) English (Advanced) French (Intermediate) COMPUTER LITERACY: autocad landexpert COURSES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS:: 2016 "Preisgekrönte Landschaftsarchitektur ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Imagebildung von Bauprojekten - unabhängig von Form, Größe und Zweck. Beispiele aus Berlin, Armenien und Moskau.", Seminar, Moscow, Lorberg nursery, MOSCOW, RUSSIA 2015 "Educational Facility in Accordance with Mother Nature'at the International School of Dilijan" Vortrag anläßlich des 4th International Green Roof Congress in Istanbul/Turkey am 20./21. April 2015 Udo Dagenbach with TIM FLYNN ARCHITECTS - London , ISTANBUL, TURKEY 2014 "Perimetersicherung im Spannungsfeld zwischen Funktion und Ästhetik" Udo Dagenbach, Perimeter Protection Kongress Internationale Fachmesse für Perimeter-Schutz, Zauntechnik und Gebäudesicherheit Messe Nürnberg 14.-16.01.2014 2013 "Glaßer and Dagenbach - projects and processes" Udo Dagenbach Masterclass Archifest in TIBLISI, GEORGIA 2012 "Glaßer and Dagenbach - projects and processes" Udo Dagenbach Masterclass Ilia State University, TIBLISI, GEORGIA 2012 "Agriculture and Tourism in times of changing land use in parts of Germany and Austria"Udo Dagenbach 3. Rassegna internationale del Paesaggio e del Giardino (3. International Meeting of Landscapig and Gardening) GARDONE , ITALY 2012 "From the kitchen of a landscape architect" Udo Dagenbach 20.MESSE "ZIELEN TO ZYCIE" (GRÜN IST LEBEN) in WARSAW, POLAND SYMPOSIUMS AND ACADEMIC CONFERENCES:: 2012 "Agriculture and Tourism in times of changing land use in parts of Germany and Austria"Udo Dagenbach 3. Rassegna internationale del Paesaggio e del Giardino (3. International Meeting of Landscapig and Gardening) GARDONE, ITALY MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: 2007, bdla Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten, Germany 2007, IFLA International Federation of Landscape Architects, Belgium 1990, Architects Chamber Berlin, Germany COLLECTIONS: 2003- Installation Theseus and the threat of Ariadne , former castle of Ueselitz on the island of Ruegen in the German Baltic sea, RUEGEN,GERMANY 2008 - minimalistic stone/plant sculptures for private project in VILNIUS,LITHUANIA 2015 - minimalistic stone/plant sculpture at the United World College in Dilijan, DILIJAN,ARMENIA JURY MEMBERSHIPS: 2010 Daylight spaces award, Danubia University Krems, Austria International Architecture and Design competition HOBBIES: Sculpture, art in general, geopolitics, natural stones, megalithic cultures CLIENTELE: 1995-2015 Travel Charme Hotels, Hotel gardens at the baltic sea 2000-2017 , Aspria Holding London , gardens for wellness clubs in Brussels, Hamburg, Berlin, Hannover, Milan 1988-2017, City of Berlin, Parks, Gardens for schools, playgrounds, urban spaces 2008 Gazprom and Bruns consulting , Plant concepts and design of the russian presidents villa gardens in Krasnaya Polyana , Sochi , Russia 2010 , City of Batumi Georgia, Plant concept and planters design for Old Batumi squares 2012 ATL Consulting and City of Baku, Masterplan for a 200 ha Park in Baku together with O&O architects 2014, city of Moscow , park design for the Old Orangery in Gorki Park Moscow 2014 , city of Moscow, masterplan concept for Tagansky Park in Moscow 2012-2015,Tim Flynn architects and idea foundation , campus for the United World College in Dilijan, Armenia 2017 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Germany, Garden for the embassy in NDJAMENA , TCHAD WEB SITE: www.glada-berlin.de PORTFOLIO URL: http://bit.ly/2lXpbpJ RSS URL: Glada-berlin.de REGISTRATION DATE: 2017-02-17 10:04:18 COUNTRY/REGION: Germany ACCOUNT TYPE: Agency |
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