This is the public profile of Avanza Packaging & BA, Additional information and high-resolution images are available for accredited press members, to access additional information about Avanza Packaging & BA please login as a press member. |
About Avanza Packaging & BA : Avanza Packaging is a Juvasa service company offering ORGANIZATION:tailor made services of structural and graphical packaging development. Avanza is a new breed of packaging agency, leveraging tight relations with production partners, large experience on the container market with strong design intent on both graphical and structural aspects. We help our customers grow, boosting their brand image and products attractiveness. Our creative and technical process is production driven, hence, when customer approves 3D renders proposal, all packaging components (container, closure, labels and decorations) are ready for immediate production. Design Studio Avanza Packaging AWARDS: 2015, Liderpack, Hispackg Barcelona, 3 gold design awards. 2015, WoldStar Awards of Packaging, 2 gold design awards, Budapest, Hungary. PRESS APPEARANCES: https://www.interempresas.net/Envase/Articulos/150 652-Avanza-Packaging-doblemente-premiada-WorldStar -Awards-packaging-celebrados-Bombai.html https://www.interempresas.net/Envase/Articulos/150 647-Avanza-Packaging-desarrolla-la-nueva-imagen-de -la-Bodega-Vulcano-de-Lanzarote.html https://www.alimarket.es/noticia/201058/avanza-pac kaging-fabrica-el-nuevo-envase-de-vidrio-de-hida-a limentacion https://www.interempresas.net/Envase/Articulos/150 662-India-estilo-y-elegancia-para-una-ginebra-espe cial.html ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS: Glass Container Technology, Lisboa Portugal LANGUAGE SKILLS: English French Portuguese Spanish CLIENTELE: 2015, Puerto de Indias, Designed a new glass bottle. 2014, Cumbres de Abona, Designed a new wine bottle. 2014, Hida, Designed a new botlle WEB SITE: http://www.avanzapackaging.com/es/home PORTFOLIO URL: http://www.juvasa.com/pdf/avanza-en-2016.pdf REGISTRATION DATE: 2015-06-02 06:40:12 COUNTRY/REGION: Spain ACCOUNT TYPE: Agency |
Awards received by Avanza Packaging & BA
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Good design deserves great recognition. |
A' Design Award & Competition. |