INSPIRATION: "Nue" is a legendary Japanese bird that appears at night.The face was a monkey, the body was a tiger, the tail was a snake, and the voice was very creepy and lonely.However, the entity was just a sparrow.
Today it is also used as a metaphor for strange people and things.
The trees I shoot are also unseen.It is a tree that is nothing if you study it academically.However, it is uncertain when it has been there, and has a dubious presence.
Humans, including me, are also unsophisticated like Nue. Weird, suspicious and lonely, yet just human.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This work is a digital photograph, but what is reflected is a virtual image.
It can be regarded as a new age expression by digital processing, but it is a work that pursues spirituality and is a work that draws on the flow of existential expression after the 1960s.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Unlike beautiful flowers grown in the garden, weeds grown wild have an ugly shape.
Because he could only live that way.
It don't know that what is ashamed and courteous.
But it's very simple to live.
In this work, weeds are photographed, but they capture human heart.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in December 2015 in Tokyo and around and is still ongoing.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Photography and Photo Manipulation Design
It has grown over a long period of time, and has often been slaughtered and withered by heavy rain and strong winds.
Although these weeds do not academically represent any particular taxa, they often share common ecological characteristics in that they are habitat in a space that is strongly disturbed by human activity. In turn, it is used as a metaphor as a strong, unsophisticated, or worse, reluctant entity.
What makes this work unique is that it can be regarded as a strong criticism of modern society through the existence of weeds, but it can also be regarded as a thesis for modern people.
Inkjet print on cotton paper
TAGS: newnature, Suburbs, artificial, photo, graphic, photographic, fine art, urban art
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: “Nue” is suggest for way of lives that "Not how do you live, what does live expect from you".
" Was hier not tut, ist eine Wendung in der ganzen Fragestellung nach dem Sinn des Lebens: Wir mussen lernen und die verzweifelnden Menschen lehren, das es eigentlich nie und nimmer darauf ankommt, was wir vom Leben noch zu erwarten haben, vielmehr lediglich darauf: was das Leben von uns erwartet! Zunftig philosophisch gesprochen konnte man sagen, das es hier also um eine Art kopernikanische Wende geht, so zwar, das wir nicht mehr einfach nach dem Sinn des Lebens fragen, sondern das wir uns selbst als die Befragten erleben, als diejenigen, an die das Leben taglich und stundlich Fragen stellt ? Fragen, die wir zu beantworten haben, indem wir nicht durch ein Grubeln oder Reden, sondern nur durch ein Handeln, ein rightiges Verhalten, die rechte Antwort geben. Leben heist letzlich eben nichts anderes als: Verantwortung tragen fur die rechte Beantwortung der Lebensfragen, fur die Erfullung der Aufgaben, die jedem einzelnen das Leben stellt, fur die Erfullung der Forderung der Stunde.."(trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen: Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentrationslager V.E.Frankl)
CHALLENGE: This work is very often misunderstood.
It seems that human beings have a tendency to logicalize all preconceptions as they are more knowledgeable. Therefore, this work is easily judged as a photography by preconception, but this work is a photo graphic.
It is a made photo and a pictorial photo.
Some critics may not appreciate this work very much. But they are misunderstanding because they see it only as a picture.
Dark, dirty, too digital, a common term, but completely prejudiced.
All the colors on the screen are very controlled and you have to work hard to see them, but once you get used to it, the darkness doesn't bother you.
Dirty is also a preconception. What is dirty? It will be understandable considering the current situation of a society polluted by corona.
As for digital processing, most of the images we see are digitally processed, and even if the image is clear, it is impossible for the photoreceptor of the camera to keep receiving the signal.
Whether inside the camera or on Photoshop, PC, monitor
Images are managed and processed on all devices.
ADDED DATE: 2020-01-08 16:12:44
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : fukuma umi
IMAGE CREDITS: Image 1: Photographer Fukuma umi, 2020
Image 2: Photographer Fukuma umi, 2020
Image 3: Photographer Fukuma umi, 2020
Image 4: Photographer Fukuma umi, 2020
Image 5: Photographer Fukuma umi, 2020
Image 1: Umi Fukuma, 2020
Image 2: Umi Fukuma, 2020
Image 3: Umi Fukuma, 2020
Image 4: Umi Fukuma, 2020
Image 5: Umi Fukuma, 2020