PRIMARY FUNCTION: Mini dictionary
INSPIRATION: The inspiration for the publication was the demand for the dynamically growing digital marketing market.
The dictionary will help young, new adepts of digital marketing, navigate the complexities of digital space and simplify communication between them and between them and their clients.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The first dictionary of digital marketing terms in the Polish language on the Polish market. Noble refined design. High aesthetic values - a product that arouses interest and desire thanks to the project. High functional values ensuring intuitive use of the dictionary, a transparent layout, high accuracy preserved in the composition of the content, PL and ENG terms are located next to each other. post-it notes, quick access to frequently used pages. A small form.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: A handy small book, A6 format, 140 pages, which is a valuable educational gadget of the Impact Academy educational project. Designed for people involved in marketing in companies and advertising agencies. Main content is a dictionary of terms used in digital marketing - bilingual, POL and ENG. Aditionally - up to 15 pages of a broader expalnation of chosen terms made by company experts highlighting the company's know-how. Interaction - post-it notes - quick access to frequently used pages.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in January 2018 and finished in March 2018. Lodz and Warsaw
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: cover pergraphica high white rough 300 g/m2, cover print silkscreen pantone 802U, offset black, blind stamping and hot foil stamping, die cutting. Pages Pergraphica high white rough 120 g/m2 offset black. 2 pages fluoro post-it
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: cover format 105 x 148 mm, pages format 95 x 148 mm, binding spiral. 144 pages plus 2 pages fluoro post-it
TAGS: dictionary, digital, marketing, impact, gadgets, notes, post-it
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Conversations with conference participants.
CHALLENGE: The biggest challenge for this project was to systematize the existing knowledge and provide it in the simplest way. From the technological side, the challenge was to put on the small surface of the cover several different methods of printing and refinement.
ADDED DATE: 2018-03-21 13:54:57
TEAM MEMBERS (3) : Izabela Jurczyk, Paweł Oświęcimski and Gosia Boszulak
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Photographer Robert Bobryk
Image #2: Photographer Robert Bobryk
Image #3: Photographer Robert Bobryk
Image #4: Photographer Robert Bobryk
Image #5: Photographer Robert Bobryk
Video: Creator Robert Bobryk
PDF: Creator Robert Bobryk