PRIMARY FUNCTION: Photos for magazine cover
INSPIRATION: The visual image of the magazine is inspired by the desire to show the best works of Estonian designers only by means of photography. The cover must create an intrigue.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The front cover of the TimeFlies magazine for Nordica airline always features some of the most prominent Estonian designs, and the name of the magazine TimeFlies on the cover of each issue is handwritten by the author of the featured work.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Despite the fact that each magazine issue has a different handwritten title, a simple composition, minimum of details and an accent on the designer product make this brand easy to identify. A recognizable and consistent brand.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in spring 2016 and still continues today.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Photography and Photo Manipulation Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: All photos were taken in different conditions.
Shots with Balteco baths were taken in a deserted Soviet radio station built in 1947 and later vandalized, standing without windows and doors. The shooting took place in winter at an air temperature -10°С. A heavy bath, studio flashes, fog machine and forced-air heaters were taken to the location. About 20 shots were taken and the final shot used on the cover was compiled in Photoshop out of these 20 shots.
The photo Woolish was shot in summer with artificial snow. Some snow has been added in Photoshop.
In order to shoot Oot-Oot sofas in a typical Estonian swamp a 20 meter construction hoist and a powerful studio flash to imitate the sun were used.
An image with AEGAON watch was shot in studio on blue background.
It was important to show Estonian national colours (blue, black and white) and Estonian national stone - limestone. Another symbol, an airplane, was inserted with Photoshop.
For these shootings Dinolift XT crawler, Canon tilt-shift lens 90mm, Broncolor Power Packs PulsoA4 and Bowens studio flashes were used. And, of course, Photoshop.
TAGS: TimeFlies, magazine, design, cover, photo, flies
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The realization of this project is based on the personal experience and long-term negotiations and discussions with the client. No other researches, including focus group testing, have taken place.
CHALLENGE: The challenge was to stand out of the mass of the traditional client magazines. First of all, by the means of the distinguishable cover that is in fact the face of the publication. It was important to show the creativity of the new airline, the attractivity of the Estonian nature and the success of the young Estonian designers. And all that without words.
ADDED DATE: 2018-02-17 15:07:47
TEAM MEMBERS (4) : Photographer: Sergei Didyk, Style: Rita Didyk, Project manager: Urmas Oja and Project manager: Martin Kirikal
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Photographer Sergei Didyk, Balteco, 2017.
Image #2: Photographer Sergei Didyk, Woolish, 2017.
Image #3: Photographer Sergei Didyk, Oot-Oot, 2016.
Image #1: Photographer Sergei Didyk, AEGAON, 2016.