PRIMARY FUNCTION: Recyclable Waste Sorting System
INSPIRATION: Lithuanians recycle only 5% of the waste. It is hard for people to understand the process of sorting and recycling, any kind of waste is considered disgusting. In my opinion it is a process that people should be proud of so I wanted to suggest a product for home. I wanted it to be universal, easy to use and reflect the transparency of sharing ecological ideas.
I found out that the most popular recyclable waste container is a plastic bag - 90% of people use it. Therefore I decided to create an adaptable frame that would give more aesthetics to these bags - give it shape and construction.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Spider Bin - is a universal and economical sorting solution for recyclable materials - a group of pop-up sorting bins. one item has two basic parts: a frame and a bag. it can be used at home, work space or outdoors. Spider bin is easily moved from one place to another. It is easily transported and stored, because it occupies little space when not in use. Customer can choose size and number of Spider bins according to their needs.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Buyers order Spider Bin online where they can choose it in different colors and sizes. Then they pick out the bag type. It is packed and sent to the customer. When package arrives customer has to fix central joint. Then it transforms to "ready to use" position and the bag has to be fixed to the frame. After filling the bag, user can either take the bag off the frame and move it to the public container or put the whole spider bin to the car and drive it somewhere else. After emptying spider bin can get flat again.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in January 2015 in Vilnius and finished in June 2015 in Vilnius, and was exhibited in Vilnius Academy of Arts Gallery in June 2015 for the YOUNG DESIGNER PRIZE EXHIBITION together with other students graduation works of 2015 that were competing in it.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Spider Bin frame is produced from HPL panels cut by CNC machine. It does not require additional hand-work and can be immediately sent to the customer. The bin (4 legs, 5 screws, bag) comes in an envelope. It is easily assembled and transformed as a pop-up bin. Customers can choose from reusable bag (fabric), usual non-reusable bag (plastic) and bag with four sections. The main frame joint moves around the axis and locks on 90 degrees angle, after the screws are fixed it transforms in one move.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: flat spider bin is 480mm x 16mm x 655mm. in "ready to use" position - 350mm x 350 mm x 655mm.
TAGS: sorting, recycling, garbage, waste, pop-up, sustainability, home, plastic, paper, glass
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: For my practical research on the current situation of sorting and recycling culture, i have made a customer survey, analog analysis and a collection of interviews with professionals and specific users. The most important thing i found out for my project was that the most popular container for recyclables is a plastic bag (90% of people use it). Therefore i decided to find a way of making really adaptable frame for a plastic bag that would fit everyday life and would be easy to use.
CHALLENGE: Most difficult part of the project was creating the joint that connects four legs of Spider Bin, because i had to find my way of getting pop-up effect in the most economically logical way. The topic itself was challenging in a way that it was not easily understood by the people who do not sort their recyclables. There was a lot of questions about the "dirty garbage / bad smells, etc." that again was a proof of people rejection on this topic.
ADDED DATE: 2015-06-27 19:18:01
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : project manager: Šarūnas Šlektavičius and client / consultant: Dainius Kriaučiūnas
IMAGE CREDITS: Urte Smitaite, 2015.