PRIMARY FUNCTION: Fire extinguisher Housing
INSPIRATION: Many people place flower in their kitchen counter top and I have questioned myself, why we want to hide the fire extinguisher and what I should do if I want the fire extinguishers to be where people can see it all the time.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The user can insert a regular home or kitchen fire extinguisher that can be purchased in any hardware stores into boutique fire extinguisher housing. So, the user does not have to hide it away when their guests come over. Also, it can be placed any place that the user can see every day. Therefore, the users will see the fire extinguisher in everyday life and remember where it is when it needs the most. Responding to the small fire in prompt will eventually protect your family and your properties.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This product was the same manner of existing fire extinguishers. In case of fire, just pull the flower ball, then it will release the upper cover of fire extinguisher as if you pull safety pin on a fire extinguisher.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in October 2012 in Champaign Illinois USA and finished in January 2014.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Poly carbonate cover with size of small fire extinguisher
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: a rounded cylindrical shape, 120mm x 450mm, home use fire extinguisher
TAGS: Kitchen, fire extinguisher, portable, home fire extinguisher, customize
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: According to US fire administration, 67 percents of home cooking fires started with the ignition of food or other cooking materials. Also, it states that ranges accounted for the largest share 58 percents of home cooking fire incidents. Survey has indicated that many people place fire extinguishers under cabinet or utility room where people can’t see it. Also, people expressed that they didn't their friends or guests to see their fire extinguishers. Therefore, there are big needs to develop aesthetically pleased fire extinguishers.
CHALLENGE: It has been hard to create aesthetically pleased fire extinguishers. There is a stereotype that the fire extinguishers are always unpleasant looking due to association with fire. It was a big challenge for me to convert to positive emotions from the negative emotions associated with fire extinguishers
ADDED DATE: 2014-02-18 23:10:55
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : Cliff Shin and Randy Ewoldt
IMAGE CREDITS: Cliff Shin, 2013.