PRIMARY FUNCTION: Restaurant and Bar
INSPIRATION: Trikaya; means three forms of Buddha. The space is divided into three main functions: fine dining, lounge and banquet areas. Concept being Pan Asian, Adopting South East Architecture focusing more on getting close to nature and natural elements is the key criteria in designing. The landscape outside to flow inside and enclosed spaces to merge outside, Creating smooth transition of open and enclosed spaces.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Simplicity is the key for this elegant decor. It plays with an earthy look with contemporary styling while a dash of bold colors act as a dressing. Natural Elements - wood, stones, planters and the engaging play of light and shadow enliven the Divine experience while you flow from one section to another. It portrays the Oriental philosophy of The Absolute, Timeless Communication and The Real World combined together quite ingeniously offering a functional yet emotional and visual delight as well.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Aisle from lift lobby continues in the enclosed dining area with Balinese gates. Courtyard Dining is housed besides the open space of Aisle. Fine dining is divided into various sections. Elements like water; stones and plants assist in maintaining the continuity allowing nature to gush inside. Walk down to open lounge overlooking lush green hills takes you straight into the laps of Mother Nature. Open air dining gives a sense of garden venue with greenery and water bodies following the concept.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in August 2009 and finished in December 2009.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Interior Space and Exhibition Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Emphasis was given on the use of Local materials and the traditional construction techniques. Exposed stone work with lava stone, partitions in white sand stone and creative use of bonds of construction are used as features of the restaurant. Vertical elements of walls are cladded with raw cement particle board in passages. Flooring is leather finished black local stone (Kudappah). Ceiling is kept exposed and is painted black to give feeling of having dinner under twinkling stars in the night.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Total area of the project is 1300 sq. mt. out of which 350 sq. mt. of area is enclosed and the rest is open to sky.
TAGS: Best Restaurant, Restaurant, Bar, Lounge Bar, Indian Restaurant, Oriental Restaurant, Fine Dining, Earthy, Contemporary
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The client wanted this restaurant to open doors for its discerning patrons to the exquisite South Eastern Experience, inspired by nature and its
Marvelous manifestations. This rooftop of a shopping centre with open and enclosed area was supposed to house Pan Asian cuisine in fine dining, open-air lounge and open air dining on weekends. So the entire space was to be divided into three parts. Arising close and personal with Mother Nature was the key result area while going to the drawing board.
CHALLENGE: The positioning of the existing services imposed division of spaces, which were difficult to merge with the flow in totality. Smooth transition of spaces, letting the landscape to flow inside while an enclosed space to merge with outside nature without compromising on the functionality was the challenge. Lush green hills around the site were an added advantage. Contemporary styling as a base, we decided to add glimpses of South Eastern elements to arrive at the final solution.
ADDED DATE: 2014-02-16 21:25:11
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Photographer Sameer Chawda, Trikaya, 2009.
Image #2: Photographer Sameer Chawda, Trikaya, 2009.
Image #3: Photographer Sameer Chawda, Trikaya, 2009.
Image #4: Photographer Sameer Chawda, Trikaya, 2009.
Image #5: Photographer Sameer Chawda, Trikaya, 2009.