INSPIRATION: The design team heard melodies everywhere, but the melody they loved more than any other, was the bark of a dog. It accompanied the team, entertained them, gave them so much joy. The sound of a dear friend. So powerful and with so much love, that they wanted to give him his own note, his own signature, his identity!
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: With a pleasant pop mood, clean lines, shapes, designs, and infographics, the design team made the imprint of a relationship full of love. Emotions led them to immobilize the expression of a moment and create its imprint, its identity. The design moves in terms of pop art, because simplicity was also the design signature.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: After the brands packaging redesign the new packages had a better optical impact to the clients.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in September 2021 in Athens and finished in December 2021 in Athens, and was for sale in pet stores and super markets in February 2022.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The materials use for the packaging are plastic doypacks.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Plastic doypack Width 140mm x depth 60mm x Height 210mm
TAGS: Rebranding, packaging design, packaging, pets
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: For this project there was no research.
CHALLENGE: The hardest part of our creative procedure was to find a way to print with the least colors possible for any given product code and achive a variety of products with distinct differences between them.
ADDED DATE: 2022-05-06 13:33:12
TEAM MEMBERS (2) : Creative Director - Antonia Skaraki and Art Director - Valia Alousi
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Photographer Andreas Deskas / Valia Alousi / Valia Alousi (Art Director)
Image #2: Photographer Andreas Deskas / Valia Alousi / Valia Alousi (Art Director)
Image #3: Photographer Andreas Deskas / Valia Alousi / Valia Alousi (Art Director)
Image #4: Photographer Andreas Deskas / Valia Alousi / Valia Alousi (Art Director)
Image #5: Photographer Andreas Deskas / Valia Alousi / Valia Alousi (Art Director)