INSPIRATION: The search for a complexity synthesized in a few lines was the main inspiration for this piece. Its backrest and seat compose the same surface; the shell is sustained by four vertical supports, of different heights, and punctually connected. These, in turn, are connected at the basis by axes that cross each other in an X shape. To make this design viable, there was an intense study for the definition of materialities.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: With clean design and precise lines, this chair is a response to a complex structural challenge with an innovative combination of materials. It has a light and slender fiberglass shell, resting over only four metallic support joints, while locked at the base, with certified wood covering the feet. Its seat and backrest are part of the same volume, covered in natural leather, with ergonomic curvature and compact visuals.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Even though it is a slender structure, the materials choices guarantees strength - both fiberglass and aluminum. Supports up to 160 kg on the seat (on the edge) and 80 kg on the back, without deformation. The natural leather, which covers the shell, amplifies the durability of the product.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The Max Chair was presented at the launch of the mais55 Design brand in Sao Paulo in June 2020.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Several tests were carried out to support the thin fiberglass shell and achieve the ideal curvature and weight. For the structure, aluminum was chosen, as this metal was a lighter option among the materials tested - a steel chair would be much heavier. Developed by a Brazilian brand that bets on raw materials and national designers, the chair meets the purpose of development.
Sucupira wood is certified with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which guarantees high productivity in balance with nature and sustainable management of raw materials.
Solana leather comes from an industry with rigorous methods to trace and guarantee the origin from the analysis of satellite images - avoiding contributing to the Amazon deforestation.
The piece is certified by SENAI, which is validated by INMETRO (the institute that inspects products sold in Brazil).
TAGS: Chair, Fiberglass, Brazilian wood, Aluminum, Leather, Brazilian design, Sculptural design
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The chair needed to achieve the ideal curvature and weight. Therefore, many molds were elaborated until the ideal volumetry of the fiberglass shell was found. Meanwhile, a robust but light structure was needed to support the delicate shape - and aluminum was the most appropriate material.
CHALLENGE: The challenge was to synthesize such complexity in a few lines. Many studies were necessary to conceive a light, slender, minimalist chair with innovative materials and robust structure.
ADDED DATE: 2022-02-24 19:53:01
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Lead Designer: Arthur Casas
IMAGE CREDITS: #1 Photographer Peu Campos - São Paulo 2020
#2 Photographer Peu Campos - São Paulo 2020
#3 Photographer Peu Campos - São Paulo 2020
#4 Photographer Peu Campos - São Paulo 2020
#5 Photographer Peu Campos - São Paulo 2020