INSPIRATION: As for the son of elderly parents, the main inspiration was to develop a tool that would minimize the increasingly demanding work in the garden for them. Not only the elder people living in a countryside find this device handy, but it can also help to keep clean the green balconies, that are becoming more popular even in big cities.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The collector called Ossed, on the contrary to common perception, collects the fruits or autumn leaves before they fall on the ground. Instead of human effort it utilizes the power of nature: gravitation, wind, rain, freeze.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: While developing Ossed the goal was to keep its usability as simple as possible without the need of using any tool. The installation is intuitive and the adjustments are achieved by hooks, drawstrings, bungee cords, hook & loop and rope tighteners.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in February 2019 and finished in May 2021 in Trstice, Slovakia.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Focusing on sustainability the usage of plastic materials was minimized for those cases, where organic materials could not be used as an alternative. The base was made of stainless-steel plate using laser cut and common machinery methods to achieve precision, however the wooden parts were hand-crafted from local hardwood.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Considering the tree crown diameter, three sizes were developed: S with diameter of 2,5 m; M with 4,5 m and L with 6,5 m diameter.
TAGS: Collector, autumn leaves, fall, garden, fruit, palinka, spirits, ossed
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The development was led by strong motivation to help my parents with garden work, along this process 16 various concepts and prototypes were tested. Keeping in mind the environment of use, the colour selection takes into account the behaviour of the birds, preventing them to be entangled in the net. Since the Ossed enables to harvest the ripe fruit 24/7, there was a big demand on this kind of solution from individuals producing fruit spirits. It has long tradition in Central Europe coming from the Middle Ages.
CHALLENGE: The most challenging part of the development was to find the right materials that allow the adjustment of the collector to unique shape and size of every single tree. It was crucial to make a sustainable, durable and lightweight product.
ADDED DATE: 2021-05-14 21:18:19
IMAGE CREDITS: Julius Szabo, 2021.