1. World Design Rankings
Is there a winner from your country? If she/he wins, your country also wins! Your country will also receive the same A' Design Competition Award addressed to your country name, furthermore your country name will be written to our hall of fame.
2. Get Growth
Design carries a very important role for the economic growth within a country. Additional design means that your economic production generated within your country will be less "commoditized", thus the same amount of core resources could be used to create added value. By supporting the design culture within your country, you will be increasing the per capita GDP, through the added value generated by the products that feature high design values (i.e. more efficient, more ergonomic, more aesthetic products).
3. Country Awards
Is there a winner from your country? If she/he wins, your country also wins! Your country will also receive the same A' Design Competition Award addressed to your country name, furthermore your country name will be written to our hall of fame.
4. Public Relations
Winning the A'Design Award, is prestigious, it is a very solid reason to contact the press and celebrate your excellence in design development. Extensive coverage in global media
ensures that your country is reknowned worldwide for good design.
5. Attract Top Talent
Winner countries usually get the opportunity to work with the best talent; highly skilled designers, architects and artists will know that your country gives importance to design.
6. Get Unique Benefits
For brands, designers and universities that join the A' Design Awards. To checkout these benefits, please visit the following pages:
• Benefits to Brands, Businesses and Companies
• Benefits to Designers, Architects and Artists
• Benefits to Academics, Universities and Institutions
7. Support Designers
A' Design Award & Competition has created several nomination packages that could be purchased to distribute to designers to support design culture within your country (Such as Country-Promo for government level incentives to support design culture), learn about these packages here.
8. International Positioning
A’ Design Award & Competition translates each award winning work up to 40+ languages. This means that your nationals will be able to reach new international audiences, clients or press members. When people search for designs, products or projects in a foreign language, these people let them be press members or prospective clients will be able to find your nationals who have won the design accolades.
You might also like to check the winners services and winners pack.
Also See
• The Design Prize, given to A' Design Award laureates.
• Benefits of Design Awards for Winners.
• Benefits of Design Awards for Sponsors, Organizers.
• Benefits of Design Awards for Designers, Architects & Artists.
• Benefits of Design Awards for Academics, Universities & Institutions.
• Benefits of Design Awards for Countries, Trade Organizations and NGOs.
• Benefits of Design Awards for Brands, Businesses and Companies.
• 10 Good Reasons to join the A' Design Award.
• 8 Grand Reasons to join the A' Design Award once again.
• Benefits of Participation to the Design Award.
• Learn why Design Awards Matter.
• Learn what makes the A' Design Awards positively better.
• It is easy to justify your participation.