Bernhard Burkard PLAMA marble run 2D Toy
PLAMA marble run 2D Toy is Silver Design Award winner in 2013 - 2014 Toys, Games and Hobby Products Design Award Category.
PLAMA marble run 2D Toy

The marble run 2d is a joyful toy for kids and adults. The entire set consists of 12 magnetic planes in different simple shapes and colors. It allows the user to create an intinite variety of paths on a magnetic surface. The marble traverses between the wall and the edges of the single pieces. While the toy is not in use, it cleverly forms a rectangular shape that can act as abstract wall art or beautiful and simple decor. plama may help to develop creativity and logical thinking. It can increase the understanding of two dimensional space and proportion.

PLAMA marble run 2D Toy
Bernhard Burkard PLAMA marble run 2D
Bernhard Burkard Toy
Bernhard Burkard design
Bernhard Burkard design
Bernhard Burkard

There is no way the compare design and art. The two fields have nothing in common. There might be design pieces which look arty and are based on good craftsmanship. Still this has nothing to with art. Even if art is based on industrial production, it should not compared with design as its propose is complete different. In our view design is about innovation, production technic, function, craft and proportion of an object. Art follows other propose. This makes an artist. We are designer.

Bernhard | Burkard

The Swiss design studio BERNHARD | BURKARD was established in 2010 by Fabian Bernhard and Thomas Burkard. PLAMA marble run is the first toy project of the design brand which focus on innovative and smart designs. On request the design can be adapted in different size and shapes even in corporate color to have a unique marble run installation.