Dahom DahomX Low Carbon Lighting LED Light Sopurce
DahomX Low Carbon Lighting LED Light Sopurce is Iron Design Award winner in 2012 - 2013 Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Category.
DahomX Low Carbon Lighting LED Light Sopurce

DahomX was created to answer the need to replace the zillions of metal halide lamps used in retail and commercial space lighting. The demands of these lighting applications requires the light source to deliver very high luminosity and at the same time produce very good color rendering in order to make the merchandise that they are lighting look good. DahomX utilizes Xicato XSM Artist Series LED modules, delivering the best color rendering in its class of 95 CRI, using only 35W producing 3000 lumens light output.

DahomX Low Carbon Lighting LED Light Sopurce
Dahom DahomX Low Carbon Lighting
Dahom LED Light Sopurce
Dahom design
Dahom design
Dahom(FuJian)Illumination Technology Co. Ltd

Dahom Illumination Group, though a young company, is growing leaps and bounds in the field of Illumination Technology. Headed by a progressive team of young innovators, technologists and marketers, Dahom Illumination has shown the world how it is truly dedicated to its corporate belief “DARE TO DREAM” - turning dreams into reality!