Zhouyang Xue Cooker Portable Stove
Cooker Portable Stove is Silver Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Outdoor Gear and Camping Equipment Design Award Category.
Cooker Portable Stove

Outdoor Picnics have become one of the modern styles advocated by young people. One chooses to come out of the city searching for a release and return from nature. The product excellently added the gas can, ovenware, fire source, and oil storage into several places providing a kind of beauty in life. The foldable structure of portable kitchenware is the "passport" of outdoor kitchenware, which is lightweight, has no burden, fashionable suitcase shape, is easy to carry, shows personality, and meets the aesthetic needs of young people.

Cooker Portable Stove
Zhouyang Xue Cooker
Zhouyang Xue Portable Stove
Zhouyang Xue design
Zhouyang Xue design
Zhouyang Xue

郑州轻工业大学艺术与设计学院始建 1977年。经过多年的建设和发展,学院 逐渐形成了自己的特色和专业优势, 为河南乃至全国重要的设计艺术人才 养基地。艺术与设计学院非常重视教 育教学。在专业人才培养实践中,本 “夯实基础、精炼专业、注重创新” 教育理念,形成了人才培养模式。学 生的理论基础和实践能力显著提高, 频获得行业奖项,特别是在国际顶尖 计竞赛、教育部学科竞赛、全国设计 竞赛等。一大批毕业生在教育、设计 商业领域脱颖而出,取得了骄人的成 ,成为行业的优秀人才。