Great Design is advantageous and adventurous.

Great Design is like a baby born out of desire and love.

Great Design is a brilliant collection of beautiful ideas.

Great Design is great complexity presented via simplicity.

Great Design is futuristic because it should be everlasting.

Great design is the foundation of great business.

Great Design is the cheapest way of selling great goods.

Great Design is impressive and expressive .

Great design is result of diligence and intelligence.

Great Design is iteration of good design.

Great Design has more details yet less details are seen.

Great Design lives beyond time and function.

Great Design is the offspring of logic and emotion.

Great Design is the basis of great promotion.

Great Design sprouts when good research grows.

Great Design has creativity and strategy.

Great Design makes you think more of great things only.

Great Design requires great understanding.

Great Design is worth great publicity.

Good Design was tasty, Great Design addictive. .

Good Design is easy to advertise.

Good Design created an advantage, great design communicated it.

Good Design is the enemy of Great Design.

Good Design is dreamed, Great Design makes dreams come true.

Good Design stands out, Great Design fits in.

Good Design follows, Great Design is followed.

Good Design is creative, Great Design is genius.

Good Design is inspired, Great Design is inspiring.

Good Design requires will, desire and persistence,

Good Design is friendly, Great Design is lovely.

Good Design is marketed, Great Design is sold.

Good Design requires motivation, Great Design requires obsession.

Good Design was safe, Great Design took the risk.

Good Design sells good, Great Design sells great.

Good Design is the enemy of Great Design.

Good Design solved a problem, Great Design prevented it.

Good Design touches you, Great Design touches your soul.

Good Design stays, Great Design spreads.

Good Design is used, Great Design is loved.

Competitors keep you active and dynamic.

Competitors push you to achieve more.

Competitors understand your business the best.

Competitors stimulates demand in your industry.

Design is thinking of improvement, forever.

Good publicity starts with good design.

Great design comes from interaction, conflict, argument, competition and debate.

The secret to creativity is designing often.

The starting point of all great design is the need to do the best.

Bad design is not just ugly, it is dangerous.

Good design is never fast and cheap, but it is also never expensive and slow.

Great design is great business.

Great design inspiration comes suddenly if you work long enough.

Each cent spent for design returns as a dollar in profits.

Gut reaction to good design is love.

Creativity and inspiration are valuable because they are rare.

Great design is not just a solution, it is the elimination of the problem.

Good design has a great story.

Great ideas are like diamonds, you must dig hard for them.

To be a great designer, start by designing yourself .

Design is a function of time, imagination & wisdom.

Best way to succeed in design business is to design good.

If you love designing people will love your designs.

The secret to be a great designer is to love designing .

Art loves imperfection but design does not, because imperfect design can cost lives .

Imagination can take you everywhere but design will take you to somewhere great .

The secret to get a design job is to have a great portfolio.

Design process is an endless loop of hope.

Best way to change future is to design it.

Those who enjoy design will ultimately create a great product.

The easiest way to get clients to your design business is to make great designs.

To make great design you must despise good design.

Good designers design what they would design before they start designing it.

Good design can arise by imitating great design but great design can’t.

Supreme excellence in design is to create an artifact that is both used and loved.

Design is a logical dream that will come true .

Bad design is simply great imagination without wisdom .

All great designs are grand work of arts but not vice versa .