The Innovator of the Year
The Innovator of the Year Award is granted by AIBA – The Alliance of International Business Associations to companies who demonstrate the highest levels of innovation spirit. Up to three companies could be given the title each year. Innovator is defined as a person who introduces something new by making changes in established things; the innovator is a person who demonstrates something new for the first time, such as a new method, new thing or system through diligence in research and intelligence in creativity. For AIBA, the innovation is a product of group thinking; it comes through combination of knowhow and ideas of many individuals; i.e. innovation is a result of team work. AIBA suggests that greatest innovators are therefore more likely to be companies, enterprises or institutions rather than individuals; who not only comes with the idea but also executes in an efficient manner. Winning the Innovator of the Year award can help you to establish your brand as a leader in your industry, provide you with competitive advantage in market and help your brand gain recognition and reach potential new customers, clients and consumers and open up new opportunities for collaborations, partnerships, and sales : Winning the Innovator of the Year award, co-presented byt the A' Design Awards is incredibly relevant and important for brands and businesses as it is an international recognition of their innovation and leadership in their industry. Innovator of the Year Award can help brands and businesses to gain exposure and visibility, both within their industry and in new industries to reach new audiences, journalists, customers and consumers, leading to new opportunities for collaborations, partnerships, media coverage and sales. Innovator of the Year Award can help establish the brand or business's reputation as an innovative leader, which can be crucial when competing for new projects or seeking funding for new ventures, or when convincing journalists to provide media coverage regarding their products. Moreover, the A' Design Award is one of the World's largest design competitions and A' Design Award laureates gain immense prestige, recognition and credibility by being recognized by the grand jury panel of the A' Design Awards. A' Design Award winners receive the coveted A' Design Prize which is designed to boost brand reputation and media coverage. Winning the Innovator of the Year Award can be a powerful tool in your brand marketing, can be leveraged in advertising, public relations and social media to communicate the company's innovative nature and showcase the company's latest product or service that has been recognized and is an amazing opportunity for promotion.
The Innovator of the Year Award transforms organizational innovation excellence into tangible business advantages through prestigious international recognition, extensive media exposure, and powerful marketing tools - all at no cost to eligible and selected winners, which are picked from the top A' Design Award winning brands, creating a risk-free opportunity for enhanced market positioning and business growth. The Innovator of the Year Award's focus on team-based innovation and organizational capability (rather than individual achievement) makes it particularly valuable for enterprises looking to showcase their institutional innovation capacity. Innovator of the Year nomination not only boosts your brand’s reputation but also multiplies its opportunities for fruitful partnerships, media exposure, and customer engagement, all under the respected umbrella of the A’ Design Award.

The aim of the “Innovator of the Year” award is to highlight and advertise companies who spend valuable resources for technology research and development; i.e. the accolade aims to honor companies who push the boundaries of technology by granting them a prestigious award.

The Innovator of the Year award is open to companies, organizations, institutions and enterprises. Real-persons, individual designers are not accepted. The Innovator of the Year award requires the following prerequisites: 1. The Company, organization, institution or enterprise should actively maintain a R&D (Research & Development) Center or In-house Design Team. 2. The nominated party should support the development of design and innovation culture by actively taking part in events related to innovation. 3. The Innovator of the year should be a respected institution with the potential of introducing paradigm shifting innovations and technologies. 4. The Innovator of the Year award owners should be philanthropic in their nature. - Brands who have ""Enterprise" or "Consortium" account type are nominated for the Innovator of the Year Awards, "Agency" and "Start-up" accounts are generally considered as well. It is free to join this program, if you win the A' Design Awards, you will be automatically admitted and nominated for the Innovator of the Year Awards, free of charge. If you win the Innovator of the Year Awards, there are no costs, no further fees, nothing to pay; you will get all benefits, completely free of charge.
To apply for the Innovator of the Year award, applicants should: 1. Become a member of the Alliance of International Business Associations (Membership is free of charge, apply here), 2. Members who wish to apply, should afterwards post an introduction of their institution to AIBA Classifieds and Adverts forum regarding their work; especially design teams and R&D centers information could be mentioned. Application is free of charge for AIBA members.
The Winners’ Package
The winners of the Innovator of the Year awards get: 1. A very unique A3 size winners' certificate document signed by the AIBA coordinator, 2. Mention of the "Innovator of the Year" status at a special website. 3. Lifetime license of the "Innovator of the Year" Logo with year indication. 4. Complimentary Advanced Press Release Distribution by PRHOW.
The Winner
The winner will be selected among the nominees by the board members of the AIBA. Each company could obtain this title once every 10 years. The winners will also be announced from the social networking channes and Alliance of International Business Associations news sections.