Grand Honour Initiatives

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This page explores and explains the A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiatives.

Grand Honour Initiatives
Designers, architects, and engineers shape the world around us. Everything we see, touch, and use is crafted by their hands, yet their contributions often go unrecognized. While streets, statues, and national honors are frequently dedicated to non-designers, the creative minds behind superior products and transformative projects seldom receive the same recognition. But aren’t designers a key pillar when it comes to creation, protection and advancedment of culture?

In a world where media often prioritizes drama over innovation, designers and architects deserve more than just a fleeting mention—they deserve to be celebrated at a grand scale. We believe that by honoring their work with big words and big actions, we not only uplift these creators but also inspire a cycle of positive growth, recovery, and restoration. Recognizing excellence in design fosters an environment where superior products and projects thrive, ultimately benefiting society as a whole. At A' Design Award, we find pride in honoring and recognizing the best designers for their exceptional work, and bestowing them the prestigious and coveted A' Design Prize.

Beyond the initial scope of the A' Design Prize, we know that there are actions we can take. While we cannot promise immediate results, we can promise to take steps towards meaningful change. The Grand Honour Initiatives are part of this effort. With our conviction to make a difference and a deep desire to create a better world, we are committed to recognizing and inspiring designers, architects, and brands—extending our reach beyond the power of the prestigious A' Design Prize, via the Grand Honour Initiatives that are introduced to you in this page.

The esteemed A' Design Award & Competition holds a grand and noble ambition: to honor the legacy and creative impact of award-winning designers and to thank them for making the world a better place through their innovations. Over the years, we have systematically built, refined, and continuously expanded the A' Design Prize. In addition, we have quietly taken meaningful actions beyond the original scope of the award to further promote and honor our laureates. These efforts have always served a single purpose: to bring honor and respect to those whose exceptional designs help improve the world.

With the introduction of the Grand Honour Initiatives, we have formalized, documented, and expanded these once discreet efforts. Now an integral and structured part of our system, the highly respectful and thoughtful Grand Honour Initiatives are detailed in our operational framework and serve as a yearly reminder to both our team and the world of our ongoing commitment to provide these additional benefits to all our laureates.

Through these initiatives, our mission remains clear: to spark global change by honoring designers from all nations for their invaluable contributions. By recognizing their work, we aim to elevate the role of design in shaping a brighter, more innovative future for everyone. In this page, we are pleased to introduce you our initiatives, which we hope you fill find meaningful. We do not wait things to happen themselves, we take action, for your good design.

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Please be reminded that A' Design Awards have immense respect for designers and a grand desire to honor them at the highest possible level, and therefore we plan to undertake the following initiatives, to the extent we can, without making any promises whatsoever.

Naming Streets After Designers: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we contact and request local governments to name streets or public spaces after notable designers.

Public Transport Named After Designers: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would further suggest naming subway stations, bus lines, or train routes after prominent designers, ensuring that their legacy is interwoven into the fabric of daily life.

National Parks Named After Designers: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we contact and request local governments to petition for the creation or renaming of national parks or protected nature reserves in honor of influential designers, merging natural beauty with design legacy.

National Design Symposiums: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would propose to governments to organize annual government-sponsored symposiums where politicians, bureucrats and designers can join together, where designers can present their ideas, collaborate with policymakers, and discuss how design can be integrated into public projects and policy.

Municipal Design Symposiums: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would propose to local governments to meet local designers to initiate community-based projects that address local challenges. Governments could provide grants or resources to support these initiatives, which could range from redesigning public spaces to creating tools for community engagement.

Public Design Commissions: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we contact and request governments to commission designers to create public artwork, monuments, and installations that enhance urban spaces, giving designers a visible role in shaping national identity.

Statues: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we contact and request local governments to commission statues or monuments in honor of influential designers. We aim to advocate for every major city in the world to erect a statue or monument of a renowned designer, making it a global effort to honor creative talent.

Architectural Commemorations: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we contact and propose to local governments to name new landmark buildings or city spaces after prominent designers.

Designer Pavilions in Public Parks: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we advocate for the creation of permanent pavilions or structures in public parks designed by renowned architects and designers, which can serve as cultural and creative hubs.

Museum Exhibits: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we asks museums to create permanent or temporary exhibits showcasing the works and legacies of award-winning designers, architects and brands. We would further propose the creation of state-sanctioned grand exhibits where designers are recognized for their contributions to national culture.

Presidential Honours: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we contact governments and advocate for designers to receive national or presidential honors, recognizing their contributions to culture and innovation. We would further propose that designers who have contributed significantly to national culture be given honorary titles, including but not limited to honorary military titles, recognizing their role in "defending and building" cultural heritage. We would further request that the government create a Presidential Medal specifically for design excellence, reserved for those who have contributed to both national culture and global innovation, if such recognition is absent.

Designer Laureate Program: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, similar to a poet laureate, request that governments appoint a national designer laureate to act as a cultural ambassador, representing and promoting the value of design in public life.

National Non-Design Media Recognition: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we contact major non-design national news outlets, TV networks, and digital media platforms to highlight the accomplishments of renowned designers. We would encourage mainstream media to feature designers regularly, including profiles, interviews, and articles about their work and influence.

Documentary Films: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would contact major non-design national news outlets and TV networks to fund or promote the production of documentary films or series that tell the stories of award-winning designers and their work.

Mobile Design Exhibitions: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would ask governments to create traveling exhibitions that bring design showcases to various regions, increasing access and exposure to design in remote or underserved areas.

Design-Focused Media Programs: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would ask governments to create radio shows, podcasts, or TV programs dedicated to discussions on design, interviews with designers, and exploration of design trends.

Commemorative Stamps: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we take two actions; (1) we contact and ask postal services to issue official stamps featuring iconic designs and honoring the designers behind them, (2), within the scope of Museo del Design, we ask A' Design Award winner-designers if they would permit us to create commemorative non-official stamps featuring their portraits or works.

Trading Cards: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, working with Museo del Design and Trading Art Cards framework, we aim to create collectible trading cards featuring award-winning designers, architects, brands and their iconic works.

Cultural Ambassadors for Design: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we contact governments and ask them to appoint designers as cultural ambassadors, promoting their work internationally and showcasing design innovation from their home countries. Going a step forward we would further propose that governments appoint designers as official ambassadors to represent the country’s cultural and creative heritage abroad.

Design Lecture Series: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we aim to organize an international lecture series featuring award-winning designers, where they share their stories and insights with the world.

Honorary Designer Citizen Status: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we aim to contact and request governments to award "Honorary Citizenship" to prominent international designers, recognizing their influence and contributions to a nation's cultural identity.

Tax-Free Status for Designers: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we propose special tax exemptions or incentives for designers whose work has been internationally recognized, treating them akin to national treasures. Governments could perhaps offer tax breaks or incentives to designers who have won awards, such as reduced income tax rates or tax credits for design-related expenses. This acknowledges their contributions to society and helps to ease the financial burdens often associated with creative professions.

National Monument to Designers: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, for each country, we advocate for the construction of a grand national monument or plaza dedicated solely to the recognition of designers' contributions to national culture, similar to monuments for war heroes or independence movements. We would further petition for designers to be honored posthumously by being interred in national pantheons or mausoleums reserved for the most significant historical figures.

Design Excellence Stipends: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would ask governments to provide annual stipends to designers who have been recognized with national or international awards. These stipends could help cover living expenses, studio rent, or materials costs, giving designers more freedom to focus on their creative work.

Design Research Funding: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would ask governments to allocate government research funds specifically for award-winning designers who are exploring new materials, technologies, or methodologies. This could lead to breakthroughs that benefit entire industries and society as a whole.

Designers on Public Transportation: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we propose that prominent designers be honored through national public transportation systems, such as renaming train stations or bus lines in their honor, or having their designs showcased in transportation networks. Furthermore, we would ask prominent designers and their designs being featured as advertisements in public transport, education culture about good design and its importance.

Public Commission Opportunities: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we ask governments to give priority to award-winning designers when commissioning public projects, such as buildings, parks, or public art installations. This not only supports the designers financially but also ensures that public spaces benefit from the highest quality design.

Designer-Created Utopian Cities: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we propose the formation of an experimental city where designers are put in charge of urban policy, applying design thinking and innovation to all aspects of urban design and governance, from infrastructure to education. We would propose that an entirely new city be planned and built by designers, serving as a utopia of design, innovation, and sustainability—an experimental model city showcasing the future of urban life. If not, this could be done in smaller scale such as neighborhoods.

Government-Backed Design Incubators: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we propose the governments to establish design incubators where young designers can receive mentorship, funding, and business support to turn their ideas into viable products or services.

Designers in National Archives: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would propose to governments to undertake a national archival project where the work of notable designers is digitally preserved and made accessible to the public, preserving their legacy for future generations.

Designer-Themed Megastructures: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we propose and lobby for the construction of a massive, world-renowned megastructures designed by award-winning designers to become a national symbols.

Designated Design Districts: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we propose to cities to establish official design districts that promote design businesses, galleries, studios, and host regular events or open studios. This would be like an industrial district but focused more on design.

Design Promotion and Publication Grants: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we ask governments to offer grants for promoting designers, for supporting promotion of designers in books, magazines, or digital media that document and celebrate the work of designers, increasing public accessibility to design knowledge.

Public Design Awards Ceremony: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we suggest that governments host a national design awards ceremony that is televised,celebrating designers in various fields like architecture, fashion, product design, and more. We would further advocate for the creation of a prestigious design award presented annually by the president, prime minister, or other national leaders, raising the profile of designers on a national stage.

National Curriculum on Design: Within the scope of this A' Design AwardGrand Honour Initiative, we advocate for design education to be included as a core subject in schools, with a curriculum created in partnership with award-winning designers to foster creativity from a young age.

Design Masterclasses in Schools: Within the scope of this A' Design Award Grand Honour Initiative, we would also ask governments to introduce designer-led masterclasses or workshops in schools, educating the next generation about the importance of design in everyday life.

We are passionately committed to pursuing these Grand Honour Initiatives and are diligently working to make them a reality. While we cannot guarantee that any initiative will come to fruition—given the complexities and variables involved with governmental processes—we want you to know that our efforts are unwavering. We understand that these endeavors depend on numerous factors beyond our control, but our dedication to honoring designers, architects and brands that create good design remains steadfast.

Our mission is to elevate the recognition of designers, architects, and brands who contribute immensely to the betterment of society through their innovative work. By advocating for these initiatives, we aim to inspire a greater appreciation for design and to highlight its vital role in shaping our world. We believe that even small successes can lead to significant positive changes over time, as such these are Grand Honour Initiatives.

Rest assured, we will continue to strive toward our noble goals, engaging with governments, organizations, and communities worldwide to help create a global understanding and appreciation for good design, respect for great designers, architects and brands that help create a better world with their superior products and projects. We are excited about the possibilities ahead and are hopeful that our collective efforts will lead to meaningful advancements in honoring creative talent worldwide.

Together, with your support and collaboration, we can work towards a future where the contributions of designers, architects and brands are celebrated universally. We invite you to join us on this journey as we continue to champion the power of good design and its impact on creating a brighter, more innovative world for everyone.

A' Design Award's Grand Honour Initiatives reflect a profound commitment to recognizing and elevating designers, architects, and engineers to a status often reserved for other professions in society. Our ambitious plan highlights the integral role of design professionals in shaping our culture and environment, proposing a range of recognitions from naming streets and public spaces to national honors and presidential medals.

The broad spectrum of Grand Honour Initiatives not only aims to acknowledge the contributions of designers publicly but also to integrate their legacies into everyday life, ensuring that their influence is continually appreciated. The comprehensive approach, ranging from tangible recognitions like statues and themed megastructures to engagement in policy through design symposiums and advisory roles, addresses both immediate visibility and long-term influence.

However, the success of such a broad and diverse initiative depends heavily on collaboration with governmental and private entities, and the public’s acceptance and recognition of the value of design. Grand Honour Initiatives also require considerable resources, coordination, and time to implement them effectively, especially considering the complexities and bureaucratic challenges involved in each proposal.

Overall, we hope our Grand Honour Initiatives could significantly enhance the visibility and appreciation of the design community, fostering a deeper public understanding of the importance of design in everyday life and ensuring that designers receive the recognition they deserve for their contributions to society. We know this is an ambitious plan that could set a precedent for how creative professionals are celebrated worldwide and as such we hope you support us.

Disclaimer: The Grand Honour Initiatives outlined above represent aspirational goals of the A' Design Award & Competition. While we are deeply committed to pursuing these recognitions and honors for designers, architects, and engineers, we must clarify that these are not guaranteed benefits of the award. The realization of these initiatives depends on various external factors including, but not limited to, collaborations with governmental bodies, private organizations, and community acceptance. As such, we cannot promise that any specific initiative will be successfully implemented. Our aim is to work diligently towards these goals, advocating for the value and recognition of exceptional design work in shaping a better world.

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The A' Design Award's A' Design Prize was designed ground-up to create value for designers, artists, architects and brands that help create a better with their superior products and projects that benefit and advance society.

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