Jun Sang You Designer Profile
Jun Sang You is the award-winning designer of the Boulder Private House.
Jun Sang You

Architecture has progressed to the direction of overcoming the gravity. If so, is something light advanced and is something heavy regressed? As the advancement of technology and weight lightening coincide, so one can be led to think that what’s lighter is better, but I believe that the building materials we use easily every day such as bricks, concrete, stone, etc. rather become close to the nature of such materials when their sense of weight is delivered. What’s heavy and light is just an atmosphere and image, and such atmosphere or image itself does not become the criteria for value judgement. The architecture of AtelierJun does not view the weight or architecture as the subject of a struggle to be overcome, but views the image itself given by the weight as a subject of architecture. Although the image given by weight of architecture is abstract, how to give shape to the abstract image is actual and concrete. The process of finding a way to make what looks light lighter, and what looks heavy heavier becomes architecture.

Boulder  Private House