This is a respond to a previously asked question about the A' Design Award and Competition. The full list of frequently asked questions can be accessed here.
#213: My image is larger than 3600x3600 pixels, how can I submit it?
Please scale your image on white or black canvas of your choice to fit 3600x3600 pixels, you have two options: you can scale without distortion or crop the most relevant area. In addition, you could submit a pdf document, in which you include this high-resolution image. Basically, the main image is limited to 3600x3600 pixels, and is used in the poster, the yearbook, in advertising channels, and attached to press release while communication to press, same applies to optional images (1800x1800 pixels) as well. While the pdf is not sent to press and is only available to be viewed by jury, therefore you could include higher resolution photos, technical details and everything else in the pdf document. The jury will check all the images, and the pdf, and we will include your contact details for press; therefore if press requires the original image later, you will have the possibility to send them.
Keywords: high-resolution images, main image, image scaling, pdf documentation
If you did not find your answer, please feel free to check the faq pages for more questions and answers. You will also want to check our webpage for details; thanks to our transparency policy, we document and publish everything. |