![]() The brand name ENNE Interior, is consistent in maintaining the quality of design through a design thinking process, enhancing the service experience with a structural framework to pursue real value and quality experiences for users. We are listeners and c FURTHER DETAILS: ENNE Interior, the brand's principle is to enhance user experiences, maintain high-quality design in the local market and seek opportunities for Asia Pacific-overseas collaboration. We commit to four core value elements in providing interior design services and products - “Enjoyable”, “Noticeable”, “Neutralization” and “Enhancement”. Enjoyable is to pursue an enjoyable stage of the design processes, services and end-products in every interior project. Noticeable means we create noticeable improvements through our design to enhance their living quality and the business brand reputation. Neutralization is to cooperate with different kinds of participating parties in accomplishing the interior design projects in good communication. Enhancement means we provide experienced and creative design solutions to satisfy the user’s expectations and living style. The simple font logo design reflects the brand's core values and gives a steady outlook to public exposure. We used it in social media platforms, local professional design associations and both local and international design awards. CONTACT DETAILS: Dream Ticket Workshop Limited, Unit 1411, Eastern Harbour Centre, 28 Hoi Chak Street, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China) OTHER AWARDS: NNE Interior mainly focuses on local mid to high-level re-renovated private residence and commercial mixed-use market segments and seeking opportunities in Asia Pacific countries. To raise awareness and enhance the brand reputation at the beginning, ENNE Interior was recognized as a member of the incubation company of Design Incubation Programme (DIP) under the Hong Kong Design Centre in 2019 and named as graduated company in 2021. Also, ENNE Interior aims to boost the brand resume and professional recognition in the market. We participated in several members of professional design associations - Full Member of Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA), Full Member of Hong Kong Interior Design Association (HKIDA) and Senior Design Member of Hong Kong Professional Interior Designer Association (HKPIDA). Furthermore, participating in design competitions is the most direct expression of the market and reflects the brand’s design works and growth. Then, several design and furniture projects were awarded in both international and local design competitions - “ Muse Design Awards”, “A’ Design Award”, “International Design Awards (IDA)”, ‘‘Arch Design Award’’, “London International Creative Competition (LICC)’’, “European Product Design Award”, “CIDF - 華騰獎’’, “HKDA-Global Design Awards” and “HK PRO ID Awards”, totally obtained 16 design awards since 2019. MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: HKDA - Professional Member of Hong Kong Designers Association HKIDA - Full Member of Hong Kong Interior Design Association HKPIDA - Professional Member of Hong Kong Professional Interior Designer Association IDSHK - Associate Member of Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong DIP - Graduated Design Incubation Company of Design Incubation Programme, Hong Kong Design Centre CLIENTELE: Interior design services WEB SITE: https://www.dreamtickethk.com/ KEYWORDS: Enneinteriorhk, dreamtickethk, Enneinterior REGISTRATION DATE: 2023-11-10 10:59:08 DESIGNER PROFILE: Chun Man Ronnie Chan for Enne Inteior |
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Good design deserves great recognition. |
A' Design Award & Competition. |