SUMMARY: YoungZone Culture (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. – (NeoBear) – was established in 2009. The company is focused on high technology, animation, and early Childhood Education. FURTHER DETAILS: YoungZone Culture (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (“NeoBear”) was established in 2009. We are committed to creating dreams for children by using advanced technologies. Our target is to provide products which integrate these advanced technologies, such as Augmented Reality (“AR”), with traditional toys or educational tools, and to embed the animation contents, licensed in or of our own, in our products and services in order to make children’s dreams come true. As an emerging company, we have received numerous awards recognizing and applauding our products, such as the 2014 Red Star Design Award (China), the 2015 iF Award (Germany), the 2015 A’ Design Award (Italy), and more. Our value is also highly recognized by the tech giants as well as the capital market. Our strategic investors include "Qualcomm", "GGV Capital", "ZTE Venture Capital", and other investment institution giants in China. AR-KIDS, our first product, is the first product in the world that applies AR technology to the field of early childhood education. PopUp Zoo is the most popular APP and product that uses AR technology. Magnifier NEO is to be the first portable AR device specially designed for children in the world. NeoBear aims to accelerate the development of high-tech products by introducing a wider range of AR-based toys to the market. In addition, NeoBear will be launching our cartoon series in May 2016 to enhance the perfect brand image and thereby exceed competitive advantage. We hope to be the leading supplier of high-tech children’s entertainment and education products based on our sustainable growth. CONTACT DETAILS: Youngzone Culture (shanghai) Co., Ltd, Jinshajang Road 1006, Floor 7-8, Shanghai, Shanghai, China OTHER AWARDS: IF Design Award A Design Award CES Honoree Award Red Star Award MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: Qualcomm ZTE GGV Capital Sinolink Securities 六禾投资 海通证券 CLIENTELE: PopUp AR Paintings PopUp Vehicles PopUp Zoo AR Globe Magnifier Neo WEB SITE: http://www.neobear.com KEYWORDS: Children, AR, Augmented Reality, Kids, Education, Langauge, Learning, Technology, Future, Innovative, Neobear, Animals, Globe, Magneo, REGISTRATION DATE: 2016-09-02 04:06:33 DESIGNER PROFILE: Neobear for Neobear |
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