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About Mohammed Mansoor : Mohammed Mansoor with an impressive decade long journey as a Senior Designer, he has developed a substantial portfolio that spans practical design and scholarly research. His scholarly achievements were honored with the M.S.AAD Award for Outstanding Performance in Architecture from Cornell University, which he received after earning his Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design. His academic foundation was laid with a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Mysore, India, distinguished by a thesis on pedestrian mobility in urban centers that was nationally recognized among the top ten. STATEMENT OF ART:In his current role, he leads the Digital twin initiative for the Florence Airport project, collaborating with the renowned Rafael Viñoly Architects in New York. Shortly after his academic tenure, he began working with the internationally acclaimed Pritzker Prize laureates Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA Architects in Tokyo. There, he was integral to the design team for the Sydney Modern Project, an ambitious expansion of the Art Gallery of New South Wales into a premier contemporary art museum. He also contributed to the victorious bid for the design of the National Gallery of Budapest in Hungary, which is now in the process of being realized. His extensive experience is marked by significant roles at SANAA Architects in Tokyo, Robert A.M. Stern Architects and Rafael Viñoly Architects in New York, where he was instrumental in the development of iconic projects throughout Europe, North America, Australia, and Asia. he remains actively engaged in academia, having served at Studio Sejima / IoA Institut für Architektur in Vienna, Austria. As a teaching assistant to Prof. Kazuyo Sejima during 2015-2016, he later took on roles as an Adjunct faculty member at the Mysore School of Architecture and as an Assistant Professor at the Wadiyar Center for Architecture in Mysore. When I think of architecture, images come to my mind, images of worlds different from ours. I believe our world is a collection of overlapping worlds of different scales, we enter and exit these worlds daily, but few of them are so small or large in scale that it becomes inconceivable to us. Like the space between the complex matrix of a sponge or a trabecular structure of a bone; between the growth of branches in a tree or spaces in between the riverine system of a river; in the complex neural network of our brain or the networks of streets in our cities. Everything has a world of its own, we have our own world built through interactions of forces from the outside world. ORGANIZATION: Rafael Viñoly Architects NON-DESIGN OCCUPATION: Building architect Construction, fittings, housing EDUCATION: 2014, Bachelor of Architecture, B.Arch, University of Mysore, Mysore/India 2019, M.S. AAD, Cornell University, Ithaca/USA EXPERIENCE: 2023-current, Senior Designer, Rafael Vinoly Architect, New York/USA 2019-2023, Associate, Robert A.M Stern Architects, New York/USA 2016-Current, Principal Architect, Mohammed Mansoor + Architects, Mysore/India 2014-2016. Project Designer, SANAA Architects, Tokyo/Japan 2012-2013, Intern Architect, Serie Architects, Mumbai/India 2019, Research Associate, Cornell University, Ithaca/USA 2019, Graduate TA, Cornell University, Ithaca/USA 2017-2017, Adjunct Professor, Wadiya Center for Architecture, Mysore/India 2016/2017, Adjuct Professor, Mysore School of Architecture, Mysore/India 2015-2016, Teaching Associate, SANAA / Studio Sejima - IoA Institute für Architektur, Tokyo/Japan MIXED EXHIBITIONS: 2017, "City on a Bridge", National Museum of Korea. Seoul, South Korea 2017, "City on a Bridge - Architectural Thesis", WCFA, Mysore/India 2015, "City on a Bridge - Archiprix International 2015" , ETSAM, Madrid/Spain. 2014, "City on a Bridge - COA NIASA National Awards for Excellence in Architecture Thesis 2014", The Convention Hall, Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai/India. EVENTS: 2022, "Design Kerala - Utopian Dystopia 2022", Invited Speaker, Kerala/India 2020, "Sea Lab Forum 34", Invited Speaker, Ahmedabad/India AWARDS: 2019, Post - Professional MS.AAD Award for outstanding performance in Architecture, Cornell University, Ithaca/USA 2019, Mellon Urbanism Fellowship Urban Representation Lab, Cornell University, Cornell University, Ithaca/USA 2015, Honorable Mention, Rethinking the Future, Urban Design, New Delhi/India PRESS APPEARANCES: The Times • Article: Tom Kington, Rome- “World’s first vineyard to be built on top of an airport” February 20 2024. - https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/worlds-first-ev er-vineyard-to-be-built-on-top-of-an-airport-mdphk gd2s. | Accessed April 04 2024 CNN • Article: Arya Jyothi, CNN- “This Italian Airport Will Have A Vineyard On Its Roof” March 6 2024. - https:// www.cnn.com/travel/new-florence-airport-terminal-v ineyard-c2e-spc/index.html. | Accessed April 04 2024 Forbes • Article: Irene S. Levine - “New Florence airport terminal will have a vineyard on its roof” February 7 2024. - https://www.forbes.com/sites/irenelevine/2024/02/0 7/this-italian-airport-will-have-a-vineyard-on-its roof/? sh=e397e1c3897f | Accessed April 04 2024 Archdaily.com • Article: Maria-Cristina Florian - “Rafael Viñoly Architects Unveils Design for Vinyard-Topped Airport Terminal in Florence, Italy” January 25, 2024. - https://www.archdaily.com/1012626/rafael-vinolyarc hitects- unveils-design-for-vinyard-topped-airport-terminal -in-florence-italy. | Accessed 04 April 2024. designboom.com • Article: Kat Barandy - “Rafael Viñoly Architects will top florence airport terminal with vineyard green roof” January 26, 2024. - https://www.designboom.com/architecture/rafael-vin oly-architects-vineyard-airportterminal- amerigo-vespucci-florence-italy-01-26-2024/. | Accessed 04 April 2024. dezeen.com • Article: Lizzie Crook - “Rafael Viñoly Architects unveils plans for vineyard-covered airport terminal” anuary 25, 2024.. - https://www.dezeen.com/2024/01/25/rafael-vinoly-ar chitects-aeroporto-amerigo-vespucci/. | Accessed 04 April 2024. Building Design + Construction • Article: NOVID PARSI - “Rafael Viñoly Architects’ design for the new Florence, Italy, airport terminal will feature a rooftop vineyard” January 30, 2024.. - https://www.bdcnetwork.com/rafael-vinoly-architect sdesign- new-florence-italy-airport-terminal-will-feature-r ooftop-vineyard | Accessed 04 April 2024. The Architect;s Newspaper • Article: Daniel Roche - “Rafael Viñoly Architects unveils new airport terminal in Florence, Italy replete with a vineyard on its roof”January 25, 2024. - https://www.archpaper.com/2024/01/rafael-vinoly-ar chitectsnew- airport-terminal-vineyard-roof/ | Accessed 04 April 2024. Archinect • Article: Niall Patrick Walsh- “Rafael Viñoly Architects designs vineyard atop an airport terminal in Italy” January 25, 2024. - https://archinect.com/news/article/150414085/rafae l-vi-oly-architects-designsvineyard- atop-an-airport-terminal-in-italy | Accessed 04 April 2024. Domus • Article: La redazione di Domus - “New Florence airport terminal to have a rooftop vineyard” January 29, 2024. - https://www.domusweb.it/en/sustainable-cities/gall ery/2024/01/29/florences-new-airportterminal- will-have-a-vineyard-as-a-rooftop.html | Accessed 04 April 2024. New Atlas • Article: Adam Williams - “Italian airport terminal to produce wine with rooftop vineyard” January 31, 2024. - https://newatlas.com/architecture/aeroporto-amerig o-vespucci/ | Accessed 04 April 2024. Global Construction Review • Article: Joe Quirke- “19-acre vineyard tops Rafael Viñoly’s Florence airport expansion” February 01, 2024. - https://www.globalconstructionreview.com/19-acre-v ineyard-tops-rafael-vinolys-florence-airportexpans ion/ | Accessed 04 April 2024. The Guardian • Article: Rowan Moore- “Chateau Florence airport, anyone? A bouquet of fumes and jet fuel beckons” January 27, 2024. - https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan /27/chateau-florence-airportamerigo- vespucci-fumes-jet-fuel | Accessed 04 April 2024. Fast Company • Article: GRACE SNELLING - “This stunning new Italian airport will also be a vineyard” January 25, 2024. - https://www.fastcompany.com/91022330/this-stunning -new-italian-airport-will-also-be-a-vineyard | Accessed 04 April 2024. Euro News • Article: Saskia O’Donoghue - “Wine meets travel: Florence’s new airport will have a vineyard on its roof” February 15, 2024. - https://www.euronews.com/travel/2024/02/14/wine-me ets-travel-florences-newairport- will-have-a-vineyard-on-its-roof | Accessed 04 April 2024. Decanter • Article: Jacopo Mazzeo - “Viñoly’s vision: Florence airport’s rooftop vineyard” February 13, 2024. - https://www.decanter.com/wine-news/vinolys-vision- florence-airports-rooftop-vineyard-522632/ | Accessed 04 April 2024. Yanko Design • Article: SRISHTI MITRA - “THIS AIRPORT TERMINAL IN FLORENCE WILL PRODUCE WINE IN ITS ROOFTOP VINEYARD” February 08, 2024. - https://www.yankodesign.com/2024/02/08/this-airpor tterminal- in-florence-will-produce-wine-in-its-rooftop-viney ard/ | Accessed 04 April 2024. Euro Weekly • Article: Linda Hall - “Rooftop vineyard for Florence airport” February 10, 2024. - https:// euroweeklynews.com/2024/02/10/rooftop-vineyard-for -florence-airport/ | Accessed 04 April 2024. Travel Tomorrow • Article: Deborah O’Donoghue - “Florence’s new airport to have a vineyard on its roof” February 18, 2024. - https://traveltomorrow.com/florences-new-airport-t o-have-a-vineyard-on-its-roof/ | Accessed 04 April 2024. Tapas Magazine • Article: TONI ALONSO - “unusual locations for wine production” March 1, 2024. - https://www. tapasmagazine.es/en/the-vineyard-project-above-the -florence-airport-and-other-unusual-locations-forw ine- production/ | Accessed 04 April 2024. 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STERN AT MIAMI BEACH’S HISTORIC SHORE CLUBY” January 23 2023 - https://profilemiamire.com/miamirealestate/2023/1/ 23/witkoff-and-monroe-capitallaunch- shore-club-private-collection-designed-by-robert-a m-stern-at-miami-beachs-historic-shore-club | Accessed April 04 2024 Forbes • Article: Everett Potter - “Australia’s Astonishing New Sydney Modern Project” 27 December, 2022. - https://www.forbes.com/sites/everettpotter/2022/12 /27/australias-astonishing-new-sydney-modernprojec t/? sh=4e7eb810149a| Accessed 21 April, 2024 The New York Times • Article: Damien Cave - “Can the Sydney Modern Change How a ‘Sporting Nation’ Sees Itself?” 10 January, 2023. - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/10/arts/design/syd ney-modern-art-gallery-newsouth- wales.html| Accessed 21 April, 2022 • Article: Jori Finkel - “Sydney Museum Sends Visitors into an oil Tank (and an Artist’s Imagination)” September 20 2022. - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/20/arts/design/syd ney-modern-museumadrian- villar-rojas-tank.html| Accessed 21 April 2024 TimeOut • Article: Winnie Stubbs - “The new Sydney Modern gallery has won an international Museum Opening of the Year award” 30 November, 2023. - https://www.timeout.com/sydney/news/the-new-sydney -moderngallery- has-won-an-international-museum-opening-of-the-yea r-award-113023| Accessed 21 April, 2024 The Guardian • Article: Kelly Burke - “Sydney’s $344m gallery has been open for eight months – so why doesn’t it have a name?” 12 August, 2023. - https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/aug/ 13/sydney-art-galleryof- nsw-no-name-why-modern| Accessed 21 April, 2024 • Article: Julian Worrall - “Move over Sydney Opera House – there’s a new superstar in town” 28 November, 2022. - https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2022/nov/ 28/move-over-sydney-opera-house-theresa- new-superstar-in-town| Accessed 21 April, 2024 Conde Nast Traveler • Article: Betsy Blumenthal- “The Art Gallery of New South Wales’ newest addition doubles the museum’s square footage. ” 27 April, 2023. - https://www.cntraveler.com/activities/sydney/sydne y-modern-project| Accessed 21 April, 2024 The Sydney Morning Herald • Article: Julie Power - “Art Gallery of NSW’s Sydney Modern wing a new direction for its architects’” 29 November, 2022. - https://www.smh.com.au/culture/art-and-design/art- gallery-of-nsw-s-sydney-modernwing- a-new-direction-for-its-architects-20221124-p5c14i .html . Accessed 20 April, 2024 World Architecture • Article: Australia News- “Art Gallery of NSW’s Sydney Modern wing a new direction for its architects’” 29 November, 2022. - https://worldarchitecture.org/architecture-news/en gfp/photographs-are-revealed-forsanaa- designed-sydney-modern-project-ahead-of-its-offici al-opening.html. Accessed 20 April, 2024 Archdaily • Article: Hana Abdel- “Sydney Modern Project / SANAA’” 23 January, 2023. -https://www.archdaily. com/995295/sydney-modern-sanaa. Accessed 20 April, 2024 Stir world • Article: Jerry Elengical- “SANAA’s Sydney Modern Project takes form as a cascading house of culture” 06 December, 2022. - https://www.stirworld.com/see-features-sanaa-s-syd ney-modern-project-takes-form-asa- cascading-house-of-culture Accessed 20 April, 2024 Dezeen • Article: Christina Yao- “SANAA designs Sydney Modern to be “harmonious with its surroundings” 29 November, 2022. - https://www.dezeen.com/2022/11/29/sydney-modern-ar t-gallery-sanaa/| Accessed 20 April, 2024 Architectural Record • Article: Joann Gonchar- “SANAA’s New Sydney Landmark at the Art Gallery of New South Wales” 10 January, 2023. - https://www.architecturalrecord.com/articles/15957 -sanaas-new-sydney-landmark-atthe- art-gallery-of-new-south-wales| Accessed 20 April, 2024 designboom • Article: myrto katsikopoulou - “SANAA’s New Sydney Landmark at the Art Gallery of New South Wales” 10 January, 2023. - https://www.architecturalrecord.com/articles/15957 -sanaas-new-sydney-landmark-at-the-art-gallery-of- new-south-wales| Accessed 20 April, 2024 • Article: kat barandy - 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‘Sydney Modern Project by SANAA’ 30 March, 2023. - https:// architectureau.com/articles/sydney-modern-by-sanaa /| Accessed 20 April, 2024 The Art Newspaper • Article: Tim Stone - ‘A vast forest of concrete columns: the Art Gallery of New South Wales opens new gallery in a disused oil tank’ 28 November, 2022. -https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2022/11/28/avast- forest-of-concrete-columns-the-art-gallery-of-new- south-wales-opens-new-gallery-in-a-disused-oiltank | Accessed 20 April, 2024 The Architect’s Newspaper • Article: Matt Hickman - ‘SANAA-designed Sydney Modern Project at the Art Gallery of New South Wales set for December debut’ 29 April, 2022. - https://www.archpaper.com/2022/04/sanaa-designed-s ydneymodern- project-at-the-gallery-of-new-south-wales-set-for- december-debut/| Accessed 20 April, 2024 • Article: Kristine Klein - ‘SANAA’s Art Gallery of New South Wales expansion imitates the site’s sloping topography’ 01 December, 2022. - https://www.archpaper.com/2022/12/sanaa-art-galler y-new-southwales- expansion-sites-sloping-topography/| Accessed 20 April, 2024 • Article: Jonathan Hilburg - ‘SANAA’s first Australian project will expand the historic Art Gallery of New South Wales’ 13 October, 2020. - https://www.archpaper.com/2020/10/sanaa-first-aust ralian-projectsydney- modern-project/| Accessed 20 April, 2024 World Architects • Article: John Hill - ‘The Tank at Sydney Modern’ 30 November, 2022. -https://www.world-architects.com/ en/architecture-news/film/the-tank-at-sydney-moder n| Accessed 20 April, 2024 ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS: Bustler • Article:Katherine Guimapang - “Cornell University Architecture team wins Epic Games cash prize for “Virtual Places” research project” Jun 27, 2019. - https://bustler.net/news/7353/cornell-universityar chitecture- team-wins-epic-games-cash-prize-for-virtual-places -research-project | Accessed April 04 2024 Unreal Engine • Article: Von Ken Pimentel - “Cornell University partners with industry on a new approach to urban design and planning” February 7, 2020 - https://www.unrealengine.com/de/spotlights/cornell -university-partnerswith- industry-on-a-new-approach-to-urban-design-and-pla nning Accessed April 04 2024 Chornell Chronicles • Article: Edith Fikes - “Architecture team wins design funding from Epic Games” June 26, 2019 - https:// news.cornell.edu/stories/2019/06/architecture-team -wins-design-funding-epic-games| Accessed April 04 2024 BOOKS: 2017, Vicente Guallart ‘Self-Sufficient Habitat : 5th Advanced Architecture Contest 2013’ - Actar publishing, Competition proposal, PoroCity, Actar Publication, Spain, ISBN: English 978-1-940291-73-4 ACCOLADES: 2014 Niasa National Finalist 2014 - Top Ten Best Graduation Project in India; Thesis Project “City on a Bridge” won the zonal level thesis award and was selected to National Level Thesis Award 2014 LANGUAGE SKILLS: Language: English (Native) Hindi (Native) Kannada (Native) Malayalam (Native) COMPUTER LITERACY: 3D Modeling Rhino 3DS Max Sketch up AutoCAD BIM Revit ArchiCad Rendering V Ray Lumion Twin Motion Prototyping: Laser Cutting 3d Printing CNC Milling Digital Media: Adobe Suit Simulation DIVA LadyBug Game Engines Unreal Engine Virtual Reality GIS CityEngineCoding Grasshopper Rhino Script Python Processing MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: 2023, American institute of Architects, New York/USA WEB SITE: www.moma-a.com PORTFOLIO URL: www.moma-a.com REGISTRATION DATE: 2020-09-24 15:51:57 COUNTRY/REGION: United States of America ACCOUNT TYPE: Professional |
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