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![]() ![]() About Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Sivarao Subramonian : Sivarao Subramonian is a professor and the Fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE), attached to Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) for the past 22 years. Besides his core engineering, he is also an active consultant of technology transfer, and talent development namely innovation competency model design and development for organizations. To date, he has published more than 150 indexed journal articles, proceedings and books. He also owns 15 patents, more than 45 research grants (Industry, ministry, University) worth of more than RM 5 Million. Among his research interests are innovative design, intelligent manufacturing, process modelling, materials engineering, through which he is passionate about industrial design. He has been awarded as Best Innovator of Malaysia Innovative year 2010 by the 6th Honorable Prime Minister of Malaysia). He has also won more than 30 innovation medals globally, while having been appointed as panel / jury member for more than 32 numerous & prestigious professional and official events including in Italy. He is also the editorial board member / reviewer for more than 20 international journals and conferences. Design is not limited to designers, but for all with design in mind ORGANIZATION: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka NON-DESIGN OCCUPATION: University professor, other subjects Education, research, training EDUCATION: B.Eng. (Mechanical & Manufacturing) M.Eng. Sc. (Mechanical & Manufacturing) PhD. (Mechanical & Manufacturing) EXPERIENCE: 1991 - 2003, Polytechnic Lecturer 2003 - Now, University Lecturer 1997 - Now, Adjunct Consultant PRIVATE EXHIBITIONS: 1.Judge, National Level Innovation Program - MyINOVASI 2014 2.Judge, International Invention Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX), Kuala Lumpur 3.Judge, Malaysia Technology Exspo (MTE), Kuala Lumpur 4.Judge, Ekspo Penyelidikan dan Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa (PECIPTA) 5.Chief Judge, Science Fair For Young Children (SFYC), State of Negeri Sembilan 6.Judge, Science Fair For Young Children (SFYC), State of Melaka 7.Judge, Grass Root Innovation Programme, Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM), Kuala Lumpur 8.Judge, Private Sector Innovation Awarding Program (Educational Institution & Industries), Melaka 9.Speaker, MyInovasi 2012 Ministry of Higher Education (KPT) Flagship programme, Invited to speak as an Innovator, Johor Bahru 10.Judge, Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) Innovative Product Screening, UTeM 11.Judge, Innovation and Technology Competition (INOTEK), UTeM 12.Judge, Pertandingan Inovasi Program Perkaya Inovasi Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka 13.Judge, Design and Innovation Technology (DENOTECH) Exhibition, UTeM 14.Judge, MAL Technical & Innovation Symposium, Infineon, Melaka 15.Panel, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), UTeM 16.Panel, Short Term Research Grant (PJP), UTeM 17.Panel, Young Inventor Challenge (YIC), Kuala Lumpur 18.Panel, Business Idea & Business Plan Competition 2013/2014, UTeM 19.Panel, Malaysian Technical Universities Conference On Engineering and Technology MUCET (2013) 20.Co-Founder, Persatuan Gerak Inovasi Malaysia (InoMa) AWARDS: 1.Gold Medal - Vehicle Smart Security (VESS), International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2014), Kuala Lumpur. 2.Gold Medal - Sustainable Welding Technology, International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2014), Kuala Lumpur. 3.Gold Medal - “MESTI” Malacca-Eco-Stylish-Tiles, International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2014), Kuala Lumpur. 4.Special Award & Gold Medal – Tyre Pressure Sustaining System (T-PreSS), UTeM Innovation Exhibition (UTeMEX2014) 5.Gold Medal – Skate Board Wheel, UTeM Innovation Exhibition (UTeMEX2014) 6.Gold Medal & Special Award – Wireless maintenance Alert System (Wi-MAS), UTeM Innovation Exhibition (UTeMEX), 2013. 7.Gold Medal – Design of production tooling based on recycled material and natural fiber composite by sand casting technique, UTeM Innovation Exhibition (UTeMEX), 2012. 8.Silver Medal – Supa Fast Grill Locking System, UTeM Innovation Exhibition (UTeMEX), 2012. 9.Silver Medal – Development of bearing removal for crank shaft at the conceptual design stage, UTeM Innovation Exhibition (UTeMEX), 2012. 10.Gold Medal - Blood Donor Scale With Real Time Optimizer System, International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX), Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, 2011. 11.Gold Medal - Novel approach for Single Display Traffic Light System With The Ability To Cater For Color Vision deficiency Drivers, International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX), Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, 2011. 12.Gold Medal - High End Security Lock With Green Technology, The Belgian and International Trade Fair Technological Innovation, Brussels, year 2010. 13.National Champion Award & Cash - Super Energy Saving Locking System, (Community Category) – The Malaysia Innovative Competition 2010 – awarded by Prime Minister of Malaysia. 14.Regional Champion Award & Cash - Super Energy Saving Locking System, (Community Category) – The Malaysia Innovative Competition 2010. 15.Silver Medal - Electro Mechanical Locking System, Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF 2010), Korea. 16.Gold Medal - Automated Intelligent Storage Security and Alert System, Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF 2010), Korea 17.Gold Medal - Traffic Light Electrical and Mechanical Fault Alert System Using Wireless Technology (WI-Traffic Light), The Belgian and International Trade Fair Technological Innovation, Brussels, 2010 18.Gold Medal - Traffic Light Electrical and Mechanical Fault Alert System Using Wireless Technology, International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2010), Kuala Lumpur. 19.Silver Medal - Energy Saving Door Security System (ESDoS), The Invention and Innovation Competition, Malaysia Technology Expo, MTE2010. 20.Cash Award - Automatic Tire Pressure Controller (ATPC), Commercialization and business matching of researched and innovative Product, National conference of SMEs Bumiputra 2009, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. 21.Silver Medal - Exhaust Gas Operated Vacuum Cleaner (Ego-Vc), International Product Design & Invention Competition, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007. 22.Silver Medal - Smart Switching System (S3), International Product Design & Invention Competition, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007. 23.Bronze Medal - Exhaust Gas Operated Vacuum Cleaner and Water Pump, International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX 2007), Kuala Lumpur. 24.Bronze Medal - Exhaust Gas Operated Vacuum Cleaner (EGO-VC), The Invention and Innovation Competition, Malaysia Technology Expo, MTE2010. 25.Bronze Medal - Automatic Tyre Pressure Controller (ATPC), The Invention and Innovation Competition, Malaysia Technology Expo, MTE2010. ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS: 1.Sivaraos, K.R.Milkey, A.R.Samsudin, A.K.Dubey, P.Kidd, “Comparison between Taguchi Method and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in Modelling CO2 Laser Machining”, Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Vol. 8 (1), pp. 35-42, (2014). ISSN 1995-6665 (Scopus & ISI Indexed) 2.Sivaraos, Si Qing Lim, A.R. Samsudin, Y. Yusof, Nona Merry M. Mitan, Amran, “AHP Based Decision-Making in Concept Selection of Keyless Grill Locking System”, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS. Vol. 14 (5), pp. 1-8, (2014). ISSN 2227-2771 (Scopus Indexed) 3.S. Subramonian, Md. Radzai Said, O. Rostam, M. Hafiz, “Top Spray Fluidized Bed Granulated Paddy Urea Fertilizer”, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 606, pp. 137-140, (2014). ISSN 16609336 (Scopus Indexed) 4.Mohd Amran, Siti Salmah, Mohd Zaki, Raja Izamshah, Mohd Hadzley, Sivarao Subramonian, Mohd Shahir, Mohd Amri, “The Effect of Pressure on Warpage of Dumbbell Plastic Part in Injection Moulding Machine”, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 529, pp. 61-66, (2014). ISSN 16609336 (Scopus Indexed) 5.Sivakumar DharMalingam, Sivaraos, Mohd Zulkefli Bin Selamat, Md Radzai Bin Said, Shankar Kalyanasundaram, “Effects of Process Parameters during Forming of Glass Reinforced-pp based Sandwich Structure”, Advances in Environmental Biology. Vol. 8 (8), pp. 3143-3150 (2014). ISSN 1995-0756 (Scopus & ISI Indexed) 6.Muhammad ‘Ammar Bin Che Mahzan, Sivakumar Dhar Malingam, Sivaraos, Mohd Zulkefli Bin Selamat, Md Radzai Bin Said, “A Study on the Mechanical and Forming Performance of Oil Palm Fiber Reinforced Polypropylene Composite”, American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. Vol. 8 (4), pp. 141-147 (2014). ISSN 1995-0748 (Scopus Indexed) 7.R. Izamshah, M. Zulhairy, M. Shahir, M. Hadzley,M. Amran, M. Amri and Sivarao, “Cutter Path Strategies for Shoulder Milling of Thin Deflecting Walls”, Advanced Materials Research. Vol. 903, pp. 175-180, (2014). ISSN 10226680 (Scopus Indexed) 8.O. Rostam, Sivaraos, RadzaiMd Said, “Temperature effects on urea granules process to produce paddy fertilizer using top spray fluidized bed granulator”, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science Technology & Engineering. Vol. 3 (2), pp. 232-236, (2014). ISSN 2319-7463 (DOAJ Indexed) 9.Mohd Hadzley, A.B., Nurul Fatin, M.R., Raja Izamshah, R.A., Hussein, N.I.S., Siti Sarah, A., SivaraoS., “Surface Integrity of a High Speed Milling FC300 Gray Cast Iron”, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 465-466, pp.642 – 646, (2014). ISSN 1660-9336 (Scopus Indexed) 10.Sivaraos, Samsudin, A.R., Tin, S.L., Kassim, A.M., Taufik, Amran, M.A., “Programmable Automatic Service Time Reminder (PAST-R) To Overcome Traditional Maintenance Approach”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. Vol. 7(11), pp.206 – 212, (2013). ISSN 1991-8178 (Scopus & ISI Indexed) 11.Sivaraos, Aziz, A.A., Izamshah, R., Taufik, Hambali, A., “Finite Element Analysis of Super Energy Saving Locking System Towards Enhancing Door Lock Performance and Security”, International Review of Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 7(6), pp.1147 – 1151, (2013). ISSN 1970-8734 (Scopus Indexed) 12.Sivarao, S., Milkey, K.R., Samsudin, A.R., Dubey, A.K., Kidd, P., “RSM Modelling and Optimization of CO2 Laser Machining of Industrial PVC Foam”, International Review of Modelling and Simulations. Vol. 6(4), pp.1339 – 1343, (2013). ISSN 1974-9821 (Scopus Indexed). 13.Sivaraos, Milkey, K.R., Samsudin, A.R., Dubey, A.K., Kidd, P., “Taguchi Modeling and Optimization of Laser Processing In Machining of Substantial Industrial PVC Foam”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. Vol. 8(12), pp.1415 – 1426, (2013). ISSN 0973-4562 (Scopus Indexed) 14.Sivaraos, Kumar, N., Ali, A., Taufik, Dharmalingam, S., Kassim, M.S., Sulaiman, M.A., “Heat Exchanger Analysis to Reduce Hexane Loss in Palm Kernel Oil Extraction Plant”, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering. Vol. 13(4), pp.29 – 33, (2013). ISSN 2077-124X (Scopus Indexed) 15.Tan, C.F., Liew, S.M., Alkahari, M.R., Ranjit, S.S.S., Said, M.R., Chen, W., Rauterberg, G.W.M., Sivakumar, D., and Sivarao, “Fire Fighting Mobile Robot: State of the Art and Recent Development”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. Vol. 7(10), pp.220 – 230, (2013). ISSN 1991-8178 (Scopus-Q3 & ISI Indexed). 16.Tan, C.F., Tean, Z.Y., Tan, B.L., Lim, T.L., Said, M.R., Sudin, M.N., Khalil, S.N., Karjanto, J., Yusof, N.M., Chen, W., Rauterberg, G.W.M., Sivarao, “Conceptual Design of Cantilever Support for Long Haul Bus Passenger Seat”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. Vol. 7(9), pp.383 – 387, (2013). ISSN 1991-8178 (Scopus & ISI Indexed). 17.Kassim, A.M., Yasuno, T., Sivaraos, Jaafar H.I., “Brake Motion Control for Quadruped Hopping Robot by Using Reference Height Control System”, International Review of Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 7(6), pp.1164 – 1170, (2013). ISSN 1970-8734 (Scopus Indexed). 18.Anand, T.J.S., Ganesh, K.K., Sivaraos, “Mechanical Properties of Intermetallic Nickel Aluminides (Ni3Al)”, Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications. Vol. 11(1), pp.47 – 56, (2013). ISSN 0973-7006 (Scopus Indexed). 19.Anand, T.J.S., Sivarao, Ganesh, K.K., “Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Intermetallic Ni3Al for Automotive Body”, Current Research in Malaysia. Vol. 2(2), pp.61-72, (2013) ISSN 2231-8305. 20.Raja Izamshah, Yuhazri M. Y., M. Hadzley, M. Amran, Sivarao Subramonian, “Effects of End Mill Helix Angle on Accuracy for Machining Thin-Rib Aerospace Component”, Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol. 315 (2013) pp. 773-777 (Scopus & ISI Indexed) 21.Sivarao, S. Thiru, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, Azizah Saaban, Mariana Yusoff, Zanariah Jano, Yuhazri Yaakub, Hasoalan, Mohd Hadzley, IzamShah, Nur Izan, Mohd Amran, Taufik, Wahyono Sapto, C.F. Tan, D. Sivakumar, “Modelling of CO2 Laser Materials Processing by Networked Neuro-Dimension Fuzzy Intelligent System”, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(3): 35-45, (2013). ISSN 1991-8178 (Scopus & ISI Indexed) 22.Sivarao, Subramonian, S. Thiru, Chitrambalam, T. Joseph Sahaya Anand, Mariana, Yusof, “Establishing a Hybrid Laser Lathing Technology”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 21. pp. 53-59. (2013). ISSN 1818-4952 (Scopus Indexed) 23.T. Joseph Sahaya Anand, S. Shariza, Z. M. Rosli, Azizah Shaaban, S. Sivarao, Mohamad Radzai Said, S. Thiru “Optical and Mott-Schottky Studies of Ternary MoSSe Thin Films Synthesized by Electrochemical Route”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 21. pp. 60-67. (2013). ISSN 1818-4952 (Scopus Indexed) 24.Abu Bakar Mohd Hadzley, Raja Abdullah Raja Izamshah, Md. Ali Mohd Amran, Jusoff Kamaruzzaman, Subramoniam Sivarao, Ariff Hambali, Hussein Nur Izan Syahriah, Wan Mahmood Wan Hassrulnizzam, Abdullah Abu, Yusoff Marianna, Shamshiri Meysam, “Machining Performance of Ti-6Al-4V Titanium Alloy Assisted by High Pressure Waterjet”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 21. pp. 98-104. (2013). ISSN 1818-4952 (Scopus Indexed) 25.Hambali Arif, Mohamad Shahrul Effendy Kosnan, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, Wahyono Sapto, T. Joseph Sahaya Anand, Taufik, Sivarao, Mohd Hadzley Abu Bakar, “Finite Element Analysis of Conceptual Lumbar Spine for Different Lifting Position”, World Applied Sciences Journal, 21. pp. 68-75. (2013). ISSN 1818-4952 (Scopus Indexed) 26.Wan Hasrulnizzam Wan Mahmood, Mohd Nizam Ab Rahman, Baba Md Deros, Kamaruzaman Jusoff, Adi Saptari, Zuhriah Ebrahim, Al Amin Mohamed Sultan, Mohd Hadzley Abu Bakar, Sivarao Subramonian, Zanariah Jano, “Manufacturing Performance in Green Supply Chain Management”, World Applied Sciences Journal 21(Special Issue of Engineering and Technology): 76-84, (2013). ISSN 1818-4952 (Scopus Indexed) 27.Sivarao Subramonian, Nanthakumar Rajoo, Widodo W. Sapto, Haeryip Sihombing, “Hexane Economization In Palm Kernel Oil Plant: A Study After Process Design Improvement”, Global Engineers & Technologists Review, 2 (12). pp. 7-14. (2012). ISSN 2231-9700 (DOAJ Indexed) 28.Sivarao, Samsudin. A.R, Tin S.L, Hasoalan, Taufik, Yuhazry, Abdul Alif, Robert K.M, Sivakumar, C.F. Tan., “Promising Techniques Of Automotive Engine Lubrication Oil Monitoring System – A Critical Review Towards Enhancement”, The International Journal of Engineering And Science (IJES), Volume 1, Issue 2 (2012), pp. 228-233. (ISSN: 2319 – 1813, ISBN: 2319 – 1805). (DOAJ Indexed) 29.Taufik, R.S, Hirmanto, S., Sivarao, Hambali, A., and Tajul, A.A, “Design of Jigs and Fixtures for Hydraulic Press Machine”,Malikussaleh Industrial Engineering Journal Vol. 1, No.1 (2012), pp. 19-24. ISSN 2301-934X (DOAJ Indexed) 30.Sivarao, Abdul Alif, Taufik, Yuhazri, Haery Ian, Robert K. M., Tin S. L., “Critical Review of Electro-Mechanical Door Locking System and Proposal Towards Development of Innovative Super Energy Saving Door Locking System”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), Volume 2, Issue 5, (2012), pp. 201-207. ISSN: 2277-3754 (DOAJ Indexed) 31.Sivarao, Robert K. M., Sivakumar D., Taufik, Yuhazri, C.F.Tan, Haery Ian, Alif, Tin S. L., “An Exploratory Study - Critical Laser Processing of Composite Materials”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 1, Issue 10, (2012), pp 1-8. ISSN: 2278-0181 (DOAJ Indexed) 32.Taufik, R.S., Tan, S.T., Hambali, A., Tajul, A.A.,Sivarao, “Design Optimization of Multi Vacuum Manifold for Semiconductor Industry”, Malikussaleh Industrial Engineering Journal Vol. 1, No.1 (2012), pp. 5-10. ISSN 2301-934X. (DOAJ Indexed) 33.S.R. Subramonian, A.Z. Khalim, Hussein, N. I. S, R. Izamshah, M. Amran and M. Hadzley, “Transforming Linear Laser Cutting machine Into Laser Lathing – An Empirical Investigation & Evaluation of Roundness Quality”, Journal of Current Engineering Research (JCER), Vol. 2, Issue 2 (2012), pp. 98-104. ISSN 2250-2637 (DOAJ Indexed) 34.S.R. Subramonian, A.Z. Khalim, R. Izamshah, M. Amran, Hussein N. I. S, M. Hadzley, “Taper Quality Evaluation Of A Laser Lathed Steel Rod Using Modified Flatbed CO2 Laser Cutting Machine”, International Journal of Current Research and Review (IJCRR), Vol. 4, Issue 15 (2012), pp. 81-91. ISSN 0975-5241 (DOAJ Indexed) 35.Sivarao, Mohd Rizal Salleh, Kamely A, TajulA, Taufik, “Mechanical Properties Modification of Polyethylene (PE) For CaCO3 Particulated Composites”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 264-265 (2011), pp. 880-887. ISSN 1022-6680. (Scopus, Q4 & IF, 0.14) 36.Sivarao, Mohd Rizal Salleh, Kamely A, Tajul. A, Taufik, “Characterizing Chicken Eggshell Reinforced Polypropylene (PP)”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.264-265 (2011), pp. 871-879. ISSN 1022-6680. (Scopus, Q4 & IF, 0.14) 37.Taufik, S. Sulaiman, T.A. Abdullah, Sivarao, “Design and Simulation on Compressor Metal Matrix Composite By Investment Casting”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.264-265 (2011), pp. 403-408. ISSN 1022-6680. (Scopus, Q4 & IF, 0.14) 38.Taufik, S. Sulaiman, T.A. Abdullah, Sivarao,“Design and Simulation on Cast Metal Matrix Composite By Investment Casting”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.264-265 (2011), pp. 323-328. ISSN 1022-6680. (Scopus, Q4 & IF, 0.14) 39.K. Ganesh Kumar, Sivarao, T. Joseph Sahaya Anand, “A Novel Intermetallic Nickel Aluminide (Ni3Al) as an Alternative Automotive Body Material”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology IJET-IJENS, Vol. 11 No. 01, (2011) pp. 274 – 282 (DOAJ Indexed). 40.Mohd Afzanizam Mohd Rosli, Mohd Zaid Akop, Muhd Ridzuan Mansor, Sivarao S, “Development Of A Stand-Alone Solar Powered Bus Stop”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, (2011) ISSN: 2180-1053 (DOAJ Indexed) 41.Sivarao, Peter Brevern, N.S.M. El-Tayeb,V.C.Vengkatesh, “Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System Modeling to Predict Surface Roughness in Laser Machining”,International Journal of Intelligent Information Technology Application, 2009, 2(1):12-18, ISSN 1999-2459 (DOAJ Indexed) 42.Sivarao, Shukor, T.J.S. Anand, Ammar,“DOE Based Statistical Approaches in Modeling of Laser Processing – Review & Suggestion”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.10 No.4, August 2010, pp.1-8, ISSN 2077-1185. (DOAJ Indexed) 43.Sivarao Subramonian , Nur Izan, T. Joseph Sahaya Anand, Fairuz Dimin, “Investigation of Chemical Composition on Widely Used Al 6061-T6511 Engineered Material: An XRD Analysis Towards Improvement of Mechanical Properties”, International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, Vol.10 No.4, August 2010, pp.1-6, ISSN 2077-1223. (Indexed – Open Access) 44.Sivarao, T.J.S. Anand, Hanizam Faizul, Indra Devi,“Conceptual Designs towards Developing Mechanically Controlled Semi-Automated Grass Cutter”, International Jour. of Mech. & Mechatronics Engineering, Vol.10 No.4, August 2010, pp.29-33. ISSN 2077-124X. (Scopus) 45.Sivarao, Fairuz Dimin, T.J.S. Anand, A. Kamely, Kamil, “Investigation of Tangential Force, Horsepower and Material Removal Rate Associating HAAS CNC Milling, Al6061-T6511 Work Material &TiAlN Coated End Mill Tool”,International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, Vol.10 No.4, August 2010, pp.23-28, ISSN 2077-1223. (Indexed – Open Access) 46.Sivarao, Ammar, T.J.S. Anand, Shukor, “Stochastic Modeling and Optimization of Laser Machining by Response Surface Methodology”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.10 No. 04, August 2010, pp.13-21. ISSN 2077-1185. (Indexed – Open Access) 47.Sivarao Subramonian, T.J.S. Anand, Ariff Hambali, Minhat Mohamad, Azni Faizul,“Review of Automated Machines towards Devising A New Approach in Developing Semi-Automated Grass Cutter”, International Jour. of Mech. & Mechatronics Engineering, Vol.10 No. 4, August 2010, pp.1-5. ISSN 2077-124X. (Scopus) 48.Sivarao, et al., “Design and Development of ANFIS Intelligent Model To predict Laser Processing Kerf Width”, Journal of Advanced manufacturing Technology, vol.4, No.2 (special edition), 2010. (Indexed – Open Access) 49.S. Sivarao, Siva Kumar Subramaniam, Mazran Esro, T. Joseph Sahaya Anand, “Electrical & Mechanical Fault Alert Traffic Light System Using Wireless Technology”, International Jour. of Mech. & Mechatronics Engineering, Vol.10 No.4, August 2010, pp.19-22. ISSN 2077-124X. (Scopus) 50.Sivarao, Fairuz Dimin, T.J.S. Anand, Ridzuan Jamli, A. Kamely, “Surface Quality Investigation of Al 6061- T6511 Using TiAlN Coated Milling Tool”, International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, Vol.10 No.4, August 2010, pp.55-59. ISSN 2077-1223. (Indexed – Open Access) 51.Siva Kumar Subramaniam, Vigneswara Rao Gannapathy, Sivarao Subramonian, Abdul Hamid Hamidon, “Flood level indicator and risk warning system for remote location monitoring using Flood Observatory System”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on SYSTEMS and CONTROL, Issue 3, Volume 5, March 2010, pp. 153-163, ISSN: 1991-8763. (Scopus, Q4 & IF, 0.23) 52.Sivarao, T.J.S. Anand, Ammar, Shukor, “RSM Based Modeling for Surface Roughness Prediction in Laser Machining”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Vol.10 No. 4, August 2010, pp.32-39. ISSN 2077-1185. (Indexed – Open Access) 53.Siva Kumar Subramaniam, Vigneswara Rao Ganapathy, Sivarao Subramonian, Abdul Hamid Hamidon, “Automated traffic light system for road user’s safety in two lane road construction sites”, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS, Issue 2, Volume 9, February 2010, pp.71-80. ISSN 1109-2734. (Scopus, Q3 & IF, 0.23) 54.Sivarao, Peter Brevern, N.S.M. El-Tayeb, V.C.Vengkatesh,“Modeling of Laser Processing Cut Quality by Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS)”, Proc. IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, UK, Vol.223, No.10, 2369-2381, 2009. (Scopus, Q3 & IF, 0.31) 55.Sivarao, Castilo, Tajul, “Surface Roughness Prediction in Deep Drilling by Fuzzy Expert System”, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering (IJMME), Vol.9, No.9, 331-335, 2009. (Scopus) 56.Sivarao, Peter Brevern, N.S.M. El-Tayeb, V.C.Vengkatesh, “GUI Based ANFIS Modeling: Back Propagation Optimization Method for CO2 Laser Machining”, International Journal of Intelligent Information Technology Application, Vol.2, No. 4, 191-198, 2009. ISSN 1999-2459. (Indexed – Open Access) 57.Sivarao, T.J.S. Anand, M.Warikh, “Engineering of Tire Pressure Controlling Device: An Invention Towards Successful Product Development”, International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences (IJBAS), Vol. 9, No. 9, 261-264, 2009. ISSN 2077-1223. (Indexed – Open Access) 58.Sivarao, Peter Brevern, N.S.M. El-Tayeb, V.C.Vengkatesh, “Modeling, Testing and Experimental Validation of Laser Machining Micro Quality Response by Artificial Neural Network”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET) Vol.9, No.9, 161-166, 2009. ISSN 2077-1185. (Indexed – Open Access) 59.Sivarao, Peter Brevern, N.S.M. El-Tayeb, “A New Approach of Adaptive Network - based Fuzzy Inference System Modeling in Laser Processing - A Graphical User Interface Based”, Journal of Computer Science, USA, Vol.5, No.10, 704-710, 2009. (Scopus, Q3 & IF, 0.52) 60.Sivarao, Peter Brevern, N.S.M. El-Tayeb, “ANFIS Modeling of Laser Machining Responses by Specially Developed Graphical User Interface”, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering (IJMME), Vol.9, No.9, 181-189, 2009. ISSN 2077-124X. (Scopus) 61.Sivarao, Md. Dan Palil, A.Kamely, “Fuzzy Expert System Modeling of Laser Processing” Issue of Special Edition, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT), Vol.3, No.1, 35-43, 2009. ISSN 1985-3157. (Indexed – Open Access) 62.Sivarao, Castillo, Taufik, “Machining Quality Predictions: Comparative Analysis of Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic”, International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences (IJECS), Vol.9, No.9, 451-456, 2009. ISSN 2077-1231. (Indexed – Open Access) 63.Sivarao, Thoguluva Vijayaram, “Determination Of Tensile, Flexural Properties And Microstructural Characterization of Calcium Carbonate Filler Reinforced Polypropylene Matrix Composites”, Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, Vol.62, No.3, 245-248, 2009. (Scopus, Q3 & IF, 0.16) 64.Sivarao, M. Amarnath, M.S. Rizal, A. Kamely, “An Investigation Toward Development of Economical Brake Lining Wear Alert System”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), Vol.9, No.9, 251-256, 2009. ISSN 2077-1185. (Indexed – Open Access) 65.Sivarao, Peter Brevern, N.S.M. El-Tayeb, V.C. Vengkatesh, “GUI Based Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System Modeling To Predict Surface Roughness in Laser Machining”, International Journal of Electrical & Computer Sciences (IJECS), Vol.9, No.9, 281-288, 2009.ISSN 2077-1231. (Indexed – Open Access) 66.Thoguluva Vijayaram, Sivarao, “Surface Finish Investigation on Anchor-Shaped Lead Casting”, Indian Foundry Journal, Vol.54, No.6, 27-30, 2008. (Indexed – Open Access) 67.Sivarao P.S., C.W. Chin, “Comparison of Statistical and Mathematical Method for determination of Tool Wear in Drilling”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Strojnicky Casopis, vol. 55, 4, pp. 187-198, 2004, ISSN 0039-2472. (Scopus, Q2 & IF, 0.33) 68.C.W. Chin, T.S. Lee, Sivarao Subramonian, “Performance Analysis and Postulation Modeling of Tool Wear in Drilling”, Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE), American International University of Bangladesh, Bangladesh, vol. 3, 1, pp. 75-82, 2004, ISSN 1608-3679. (Indexed – Open Access) 69.C.W. Chin, T.S. Lee, Sivarao, “Comparative Performance Analysis & Modeling of Tool Wear in Drilling”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Poland, vol. 9, Special Issue: ITC 2004, pp. 33-38, 2004, ISSN 1425-1655. (Indexed – Open Access) 70.C.W. Chin, T.S. Lee, Sivarao, “Comparative Analysis & Modeling of Surface Roughness in Drilling”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Poland, vol. 9, Special Issue: ITC 2004, pp. 305-311, 2004, ISSN 1425-1655. (Indexed – Open Access) BOOKS: 1.Sivarao, Yilbas, “Thermal Modeling of Laser Machining Process”. In Comprehensive Materials Processing, Vol. 9, pp. 203–217; Elsevier Ltd., 2014, ISBN: 978-008-096-532-1 2.Sivarao, Peter Brevern, N.S.M. El-Tayeb, V.C.Vengkatesh, “Neural Network Multi-Layer Perceptron Modeling for Surface Quality Prediction in Laser Machining”. In Application in Machine Learning, 51-61, In-Tech Publication-Austria, 2009. ISBN No.: 978-953-307-035-3 3.Sivarao, “Tire Inflation Technology; Existing and Evolution To Be – Advancements in tyre inflating technology”, LA Publishing, Germany, 2010, ISBN. 978-3-8383-8502-0 4.Sivarao,“Modeling of Laser Materials Processing by Artificial Neural Network Modeling and Experimental Validation”, VDM Publishing, Mauritius, 2010, ISBN. 978-3-639-31529-5 5.Sivarao, “Design and Development of Unmanned Grass Cutter”, LA Publishing, Germany, 2010, ISBN. 978-3-8433-5267-3 6.Sivarao, “Quality and Performance Analysis of CO2 Laser machining - A Complete Guide For Laser Machining Experimentation and Cut-Edge Quality Evaluation”, LA Publishing, Germany, 2010, ISBN. 978-3-8433-8162-8 7.Sivarao, T.J.S. Anand, Warikh, “Characterization Of Calcium Carbonate Particulated Polyethylene”, LA Publishing, Germany, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8433-8630-2 8.Sivarao. S, M.S. Shukor, T.J.S. Anand, S. Syamimi, Haeryip Sihombing, “A Compilation Of Various Research In Manufacturing Engineering Part 1”,Penerbit UniversitiTeknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia, 2011, ISBN. 978-967-0257-01-3 LANGUAGE SKILLS: English, Malay, Tamil, Telegu COMPUTER LITERACY: CATIA, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, MS. Office, MiniTab, etc. MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: •Professional Engineer (Mechanical), Board of Engineers, Malaysia (No.13971) •Senior Member, Academy of Malaysian SMEs, S.M.A.M.S (No. 0850) •Member, The Institute of Engineers Malaysia, MIEM (No. 30616) •Member, Malaysian Invention and Design Society (No. 1756/07) •Member, International Association of Engineers, UK (62051) •Member, Board of Engineers, Malaysia (LJM34446R) JURY MEMBERSHIPS: 1.Judge, International Invention Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX2018) & (ITEX2019), Kuala Lumpur 2.Judge, International Invention Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX2017), Kuala Lumpur 3.Judge, Research and Innovation Festival 2016, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), 14-15 November 2016. 4.Judge, Innovative Research & Industrial Dialogue 2016, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, 20th Dec. 2016 5.Judge, Melaka International Intellectual Exposition Competition (MIIEx2016) 6.Judge, TalentCorp GEMS 2.0 Program, 29th January 2016, Organised by Dream Catcher 7.Judge, Grand Finale of Young Innovate 2016, Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre 8.Judging Panel, Young Inventor Challenge (YIC2016), Sunway University, Malaysia 9.Judge, International A’ Design Award & Competition, Italy, 2016 10.Judge, International Invention Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX2016), Kuala Lumpur 11.Judge, International A’ Design Award & Competition, Italy, 2015 12.Judge, National Innovation Competition on Teaching and Learning in Electrical Engineering (NiCTEE), 2015 13.Judge, National Level Innovation Program - MyINOVASI 2014 14.Research, Invention, Innovation and Design (RIID2014), An International Exhibition of Innovative Higher Learning Research Initiatives, UiTM, Melaka. 15.Judge, International Invention Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX), Kuala Lumpur 16.Judge, Malaysia Technology Exspo (MTE), Kuala Lumpur 17.Judge, Ekspo Penyelidikan dan Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa (PECIPTA) 18.Chief Judge, Science Fair For Young Children (SFYC), State of Negeri Sembilan 19.Judge, Science Fair For Young Children (SFYC), State of Melaka 20.Judge, Grass Root Innovation Programme, Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM), Kuala Lumpur 21.Judge, Private Sector Innovation Awarding Program (Educational Institution & Industries), Melaka 22.Judge, Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) Innovative Product Screening, UTeM 23.Judge, Innovation and Technology Competition (INOTEK), UTeM 24.Judge, Pertandingan Inovasi Program Perkaya Inovasi Politeknik Merlimau, Melaka 25.Judge, Design and Innovation Technology (DENOTECH) Exhibition, UTeM 26.Judge, MAL Technical & Innovation Symposium, Infineon, Melaka 27.Panel, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), UTeM 28.Panel, Short Term Research Grant (PJP), UTeM 29.Panel, Young Inventor Challenge (YIC), Kuala Lumpur 30.Panel, Business Idea & Business Plan Competition 2013/2014, UTeM 31.Panel, Malaysian Technical Universities Conference On Engineering and Technology MUCET (2013) 32.Co-Founder & Member, Malaysia Innovation Gearing Society (Persatuan Gerak Inovasi Malaysia - InoMa) HOBBIES: Innovation, Technical touch, Community Services WEB SITE: https://www.sivaraosubramonian.com/ PORTFOLIO URL: https://portal.utem.edu.my/iuris/frm_e-cv.asp?sear ch=2CEC$289B$2D2C$24C1$2AC0$23FF$28C2$BA0$B80$B60$ B40$B20$B00$AE0$AC0$AA0$A80$A60$A40$A20$A00$9E0$9C 0$9A0$980$960$940$920$900$8E0$8C0$8A0$880$860$840$ 820$800$7E0$7C0$7A0$780$760$740$720$700$6E0$6C0$6A 0$680$660$640$620$600$5E0$5C0$5A0$580$560$540$520$ 500$4E0$4C0$4A0$480$460$440$420$400$3E0$3C0$3A0$38 0$360$340$320$300$2E0$2C0$2A0$280$260$240$220$200$ 1E0$1C0$1A0$180$160$140$120$100$E0$C0$A0$80$60$40$ 20 REGISTRATION DATE: 2014-07-30 19:10:18 COUNTRY/REGION: Malaysia ACCOUNT TYPE: Academic |
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